Wednesday It Is!!
I think I'm going to have a crabby day!!! Vinnie had a college frat party last night!!! That girl would not sleep!! She was up on and off all night!!! Thanks Mr truck man who was running your diesel truck outside her bedroom window!!! I hate Chicago neighborhood!
Anyway talk on. I'll check back later.
Oh, Carla, I hear ya! I'm going to be crabby today, too. Between Butch and the puppies, I was up and down all night long--again. This reminds me of when my babies were babies and interrupted sleep was the norm. Only I was 27 then, not 57! LOL!
Butch had a pretty bad day yesterday. He absolutely would not eat anything all day long! I get that he doesn't feel good. I get that he's not hungry. But he HAS to eat! I keep telling him he has to force himself to eat something every day. His Very High Calorie Boost arrived yesterday. I've already told him he has to drink at least two of them today.
So, we have delayed closing on the new house from today until Friday. There were a couple of problems with the home inspection that the seller has to deal with before we can close. I'm ready to get this over with so I can start making concrete plans and arrangements for the move.
I really didn't get much done at all yesterday. I have to stop this. I have to shake this blue funk off and get busy. I spent most of yesterday in bed. I just kept lying back down and doing nothing. I don't know if it's depression or physical fatigue or some combination of both, but I have to find a way around it.
I hope everyone is doing okay today. Connie, honey, I hope your pain levels are down today. And Judy, I can't remember hearing from you the past couple of days, but I didn't like the post you made on FB last night! Are you all right? Talk to us!
Love you all!
Vic...I have once again atypical cells from my pap test. Dr wants to do another colposcopy. Hopefully that will come out ok. If not that means ANOTHER LEAP procedure. I AM SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my life I have had abnormal readings in my pap tests. Asked about a hysterectomy. That will NOT end it either. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Still praying for you and Butch!!!!!!!!!!
Then I don't understand where the abnormal cells are coming from? Seems like if you have a hysterectomy, then there's no need for a pap and no abnormal cells? I know I chose to have the doctor yank it all: uterus, ovaries, the works. I can't get ovarian cancer, uterine cancer or cervical cancer if I don't have those things in my body anymore, right? What gives?
Judy...I am so sorry. This has to be horrible for you.
If you have a full hysterectomy you will not need paps anymore. I don't have them and haven't in years. If there is nothing there, nothing can grow there.
Vickie is right about that. At least this is what my doctors have told me. I hope they look into things further. You don't need to put up with this every few months.
Sending prayers...LOVE and HUGS....connie d
Hi Judy,
I'm so sorry you have more abnormal cells. I can't think of a reason why they won't just do a hysterectomy. Is it possible to get a second opinion? I would.
Which reminds me that I need to schedule my gyn exam. I'm overdue.
Love you,
Albert Schweitzer

Good Afternoon Carla and OFF,
I hear you on the street noise keeping Vinnie awake. When I lived in my last apartment in PA, I had a lot of street noise.
Vickie, I hope you start feeling better. I can't imagine what you are going through, but know that I am praying you get the rest you need for what lies ahead.
I have to go into town to see if I can get my Apple TV fixed. My TV itself works. Apple TV is a gizmo attached to my TV that uses Wifi to pick up networks on the Internet. I can watch Netflix and Phillies games on MLB.TV. Plus, if I sign up online on my laptop, I can watch the online shows on the networks. Prior to getting it, I had to attach my laptop to my TV to watch games and shows on Netflix.
I better get going. I overslept and haven't accomplished a blessed thing today. Tonight I have Crosswalk, the kids program at church. I am teaching the lesson tonight. I have to prepare that.
Must scoot.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I am sorry you are having TV issues. I hope it isn't anything major!! I still can't get Netflex....some of my grandchildren will be here this weekend. They are great with electronics. I already have a router, everything needs hooking up.
So you over slept must need the extra sleep too!!
Have a good time with the kids program tonight.
Much love and many hugs...connie d
Hi Connie,
I went to the Apple store, and the young man connected my Apple TV gizmo to a Macbook. Then, he connected it to a TV and it works. No charge either. I am thrilled.
If you can get Internet, you can get Netflix. As for getting it on your TV, if you have a modern laptop and an HDTV, you can connect your laptop to your TV, because most laptops come with a port for the HDMI cable that HDTV's use. I used to do that before the kids gave me the Apple TV.
I have my lesson ready for tonight. I love working with these kids. We have some kids that come from a trailer park nearby. Their home situations are not good, but we have some wonderful women at my church that bring them faithfully. These kids are so precious, and needy emotionally. I asked one of the women to take me to their homes to meet their parents. Crosswalk ends in May, so I need to do it soon. I had planned to do it prior to my trip to PA. I want to reach out to them, and develop a relationship with them. Two of the kids have been in foster care.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I am so glad your TV was a quick fix. I thought it might have been costly. I am so happy for you!
I hope all goes well when you meet the parents of those children. I always pray for all the children everywhere.
I am miserable so am going to go back to bed after I take my meds. These last two days have been so awful!!!
I had a friend over to do a massage for me. I couldn't even let hands with any kind of pressure on me. I pray tomorrow is better.
Love and more hugs....connie d