Good Morning it is Monday...what's new with you???
Good morning ladies....
I am saddened for Judy this morning. God Bless her.
That news always takes the wind out of our sails as we remember loved ones/friends we have lost to that horrible disease. Those we know who are suffering with it now. Cancer doesn't take just the older people it ravishes the youth as well. No one is safe from that Monster. All we can do is pray.
I am not sure what I will be doing today. Probably more of the same. Walking, reading, puzzles with the ladies. My pain is better today, now if the weakness and fatigue would go away that would be wonderful.
My prayers are always with Butch and Vickie. I hope that Butch can do a little walking today. Even just a few steps would be great. Vickie I am here for you always! God Bless you both.
I will check in again later. Hope you all have a good day!
Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families.
Lots of love and bunches of hugs for all....connie d
Good morning Connie and my sweet sistas!
Well, I called MDA again this morning and talked to Supportive Care about Butch's pain. It just really hasn't improved much, and it actually got worse over the weekend again. They told me to change the extended release pain med from every 12 hours to every 8 hours. They already upped the immediate release dose on Friday. The IR dose gives him some relief, but it just doesn't last very long and we have to wait 4 hours between doses. My poor husband. He's been in pain for so long. I just want it to stop.
So, on that same topic, my shoulder is finally starting to feel a bit better. At least it has stopped aching. Unless I forget and move it wrong, it doesn't hurt at all now. And I think I have a little better range of motion with it now. Not anywhere near normal, but better.
I am pumped about my WL again. The Thrive is working. Last week on Monday I weighed 189. This morning I weigh 183.4! I have almost completely stopped eating sugar. The sweetest thing I have had is a piece of raisin bread toast. I am feeling much better about myself. I had just fallen into the Very Bad Habit of eating sugar all day long (mostly as a coping mechanism for all this stress), and I just physically felt bad and I was gaining weight weekly, etc. People tell me not to worry about it and eat what I want right now, but that's not a good thing at all for me. I've been down the obesity road too many times. Once you start gaining, it's really hard to stop.
We were hoping Carrie could come and spend a few days with us this week, but she can only come and spend one night. She'll be here tomorrow night and spend Wednesday with us. She and I are going to try and empty out the RV and get it moved over to the RV place over on the interstate to sell it. If we can get that done, it will be a huge relief for me. That's one thing I just cannot do by myself.
We are leaving Thursday morning early for Houston. We should only have to stay one night there this time. We see the lung doctor and chemo (crossing fingers and praying) Thursday afternoon, and the pain doctors Friday morning.
The time change is really playing havoc with me right now. How about y'all? I can't seem to get adjusted yet.
Connie, I hope you have a good day, sweetie! Don't push too hard. You don't want to hit that wall again. Judy, honey, my heart and prayers go out to you. Damn, damn, damn cancer! Trish, I include you in my prayers, too. There's just too much death in our group right now. Eileen, I sure hope your knee is feeling better. Carla, I hope you're having SO MUCH FUN with Vinnie right now! You smile for the rest of us, okay?
Love you all!
Hello Vickie .....
It is too bad Carrie can only stay one night. I had hoped she would stay more. I guess our children grow up and have lives of their own. It wasn't like that when we were young. We always came home to visit or help with something. Kind of sad isn't it. I don't see any of mine near enough.
I am so sorry Butch had a bad weekend of pain again. You would think there would be more they could do for that. He can't even enjoy his time at home. I feel so bad for both of you. It just isn't fair.I continue praying for him to be able to start Chemo Thursday.
I am glad your shoulder is feeling better. A little more improvement each day. That is good!!
You are doing great with your Thrive...good for you!!! If it makes you feel better then go for it!! I am happy for you!
I was disappointed this morning. I have cut out so much from my diet. I am eating the basics. Last week I lost 5 pounds, this week 0. I have been getting in plenty of exercise. I don't get it. I will keep at it, it should budge soon!
It is warming is 48 right now with a high today of 53. Of course my windows are open!!! I love fresh air!! Barely any snow out there now. I am thankful for that!!!
Love you....HUGS....connie d
Good Afternoon Connie and OFF,
I've been busy today. I started tearing apart my spare bedroom. If I can get that organized by tomorrow, I can then tear apart my bedroom. I also need to clean out my hall closet, where I store toiletries and household cleaning supplies. I figure that's the best way to start getting this place organized.
I hope the change in Butch's pain meds helps him to be more comfortable.
I ordered my sample of Thrive, and should get it by the end of the week. I decided to get the one week sample. I'm hoping it helps me the way it's helping Vickie.
Must scoot.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi OFF family...can't say good anything right now...just sad sad sad!!!! Seems everything is going wrong here!!!!! I can't even do my dam RECERTS right!!! GRRRRRRRRRR Either my incomes are wrong or my medicals are off...wth??????? One I even did completely over again and STILL it was way wrong!!!!!!!! I talked to Holly and she helped me get it right off the phone with her and then my boss called and I was so close to tears with Holly and when my boss called I lost it...I couldn't hold them back anymore!!!! Between Bernie dying, my friend on hospice now, my mom not doing well either and then one of the tenants alarm going off at 4am and the police here to get in...I am a basket case right now!!!!!!!Then the dam RECERTS being wrong...not one but TWO of them!!! Then I get a email from Holly that another one she can't do because his SSI doesn't have his name on it!!!!!! It has his SS# on it...NOPE can't use it...can I get ahold of him?? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I had it for today. Mopped up the salted floor that some idiot tenant tracked up over the weekend with their laundry cart!!!! Boy was I pissed!!!!!!!!! Boss will be here tomorrow to check up on Chase...she said do NOT let him know she is on her way...OK. I am done making excuses for him. He left early again today. AND he has the key to the apartment he is working in. BIG NO-NO!!!!!! He has been told many times not to take keys home incase of an emergency!!! Talk to the wall.......
Wanted to start my THRIVE today...but it didn't happen...GRRRRRRRRR
Posted on FB that last night I wanted a banana split. Went and got one. I ate the whole dam thing!!! Yes I did!!! Did I get sick???? You bet your sweet ass I DID!!!!!!! I do not want to see ice cream for a VERY LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rick thought I was dying!!! Actually so was I!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well its time for supper need to warm up the left over roast beef. YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi sorry about all the crap going on in your life right now. It is very stressful and can mess up your thinking that is for sure. Don't be so hard on yourself. I am sure your boss understands. You always do exactly what they ask of you.
As for Chase you have never mentioned a problem with him in a long time. It never pays to make excuses for an employee. It will always end up back in your lap. I hope your boss has a good talk with him!!! It sounds like he needs it!!
Please try to let it all go for tonight. You need a good nights sleep. Up since 4 AM, no wonder you are wiped out.
Love and more hugs....connie d