Thursday It Is!

on 3/11/15 11:59 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi there,

Vinnie have a nanny gig today! We r Nanning my great neice and nephew. 14 months and three yes old! Vinnie will have fun!

Then Vinnie and I have to go to the grocery store. Vinnie is a true shopper! Apples Ammy!!!!!

That's going to be my day! What about u? Talk on I'll check back later!


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Connie D.
on 3/12/15 2:13 am

Good morning Carla... have a fun day with the children!!!

Make sure you get Apples Ammy!!!!

As for me....the weather has changes and so has my body. Cold and damp outside and I left my windows open. Hoping the sun will come out later.

I have a load of sheets to wash. My cleaning fairy did two loads yesterday. People were waiting to use the washers and the dryers were backed up because one wasn't heating. We gave up on the 3rd load!! I can handle that one.

Tony is coming over this afternoon to take me to the bank and a couple other errands. I would really rather go back to sleep!!

I hope things are going well for Vickie and Butch at the hospital today. Still sending prayers and love to them!!

Judy has been having such a hard week, I hope things have settled down for her too. Hugsssss!!!!

Nic took his test. He said it was all good but the Hasmat part was hard. He thinks he did okay anyway!! Still praying for him today!! He won't get results for about a month. 

I will check in later...I need to get one of my walks in now.

Prayers for all our Special OFF Family and their families.

Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d

Mary Gee
on 3/12/15 2:16 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Carla - nothing better than "Nanning"!! I love spending time with my granddaughter.

Good Morning Ladies!!

Well, Jim's appointment went ok, I guess.  I was expecting the doctor to send him for a procedure to drain the fluid from his abdomen -- when they weighed him he was 300 pounds, and that's about 50 pounds more than he weighed about six months ago.  She wouldn't confirm what stage his cirrhosis is, because he has to have a liver biopsy.  He blew it off last time, but now he realizes he has to follow the doctor's instructions - it's a life-threatening disease. Instead, she tripled his Fuerosomide and added another medication for his edema - she says that will work for his leg edema and the fluid in his abdomen.  We'll see what develops there.  Also, he is going to be on a strict low sodium diet.  So I spent last night on myfitnesspal looking up sodium content of foods.  He used to eat frozen breakfasts and frozen dinner -- sodium levels for one just about totals his daily allowance, plus he has been a soda drinker.  So, his new eating program will help me too -- because he has to eat fresh seafood and chicken and port, plus fresh veggies. I think I'll see improvements on my program.  He had blood work done yesterday, and will have the biopsy, and see her again in two months.

Vickie - I'm glad you got the RV moved - what a relief.  Plus the boat sold - that's great too.

Connie - I give you credit for giving up your car.  I don't drive in the dark anymore.  The Senior Housing sounds nice - you have your own space, but also have "community space" for socializing -- a win-win situation.  Any word from Nic yet??  Fingers and toes are still crosse!

Judy, Judy, Judy - how crazy is your life!!  Yikes!!  You put up with so much nonsense.  Kudos to you.

Eileen - It would be good for your brother to come visit and check out the area before making his final decision.  You mentioned moving to a new place -- what type of place are you going to look for, and how many rooms?  Big changes coming!

Trish - how's the re-organizing going?  Weather has been nice this past week and makes me feel more energetic -- I've been looking around my living room and I'm getting the itch to open the windows and start cleaning too!!



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 3/12/15 2:34 am

Hello Mary...we must have been posting about the same time.

I am glad they are putting Jim on some meds and also a low sodium diet. If it isn't in the house he can't eat it!!  Actually it costs more money to eat healthier!! I like my meats, seafood, fruits and veggies all fresh!!

You will have to let us know how Jim's biopsy goes. I think they should have drained the fluid off his stomach too. That is hard on a person's heart carrying that extra weight around!!! 

This new diet for Jim will be a plus for you too!!!! You are doing great but you will do even better now!!

It will be about a month before Nic gets any news on the test results. He said it went really well but the Hasmat part was hard. I am sure he did good!! Now we have to wait!!!

Yes, I do love living here. The apartment is a nice size and they keep the place up really well. I know most everyone now. There are two buildings connected by a walkway. It took a little while to get to know those in the other building. Everyone is super friendly!! I have always loved living alone since my last divorce. 

Lots of love and hugs to you....connie d


on 3/12/15 2:19 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Hi Carla and everyone! 

Sorry to have been MIA over the past week.  My days have been so busy with interviews, medical appointments, etc. I am usually reading about you all early every morning, the day after you've posted.  I tell myself I will come back at lunch and reply on the daily thread but time has been getting away from me.

well here I am!

I am flying to Atlanta today for a big interview.  No, I'm not moving there... But my work involves flying to different cities and clients as needed.  I am a consultant.  So in this case, they are flying me and several other candidates into Atlanta because it was a spot that was reasonably easy for everyone to fly to.  Many good flights and airlines to that city.  So, yes I'm a bit nervous about the interview but not bad.  I fly tonight and my interviews are all day tomorrow.  

All my pre-op testing and nutrition requirements have been fulfilled, and today my surgeons office is submitting my package of materials to Aetna for review and, please God, approval.  I am so nervous and I don't know why! I have done my work, the doctors have done theirs, and the surgeon's coordinator is good at what she does.  Even so, there is no predicting what the insurance company will do.  I'm just going to keep preparing, reading all the wisdom on OH, staying focused, and making healthy choices.  But wow, it feels like it will be a long wait for an answer!  If you could please add me to your prayers I would be so grateful.  

Ok girls I am going to catch up on yesterday's thread and then come back for some chat later on.  Sending you my virtual support and hugs.  



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 3/12/15 2:48 am

Hello Christine....I was hoping you hadn't left us!!

Sometimes things come up and it is hard to post all the time. You sound like you really have a busy life. Good for you!! 

I wish you the very best with the interviews!! I hope you have a good day!

I am praying you have safe travels to and from Atlanata.

You shouldn't have any problems with the approval from your insurance company. Sometimes the say no in hopes people will give up. Not me ...I kept at it until they said YES!!

If you have any questions along the way with insurance or after WLS we are always here to help you!!

Much love and many hugs to you....connie d

on 3/12/15 3:34 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Thank you Connie! You are one heck of a strong woman. Nothing stops you. I admire that! 

I don't plan to stop until I get approval, either. No way! It would be lovely to get approval and have the surgery now, before starting a new job, but this is out of my control.  I've done all I could do, I've gotten all my prep and my tests and done everything asked of me.  The rest so just up to God. And Aetna 

And no, I'm not going anywhere. You girls are stuck with me, I'm afraid!


137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 3/12/15 4:21 am

Christine.....good to know you are sticking around!!

I am praying  to God for you....he has all the answers!!

Love and more hugs...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 3/12/15 3:44 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Enjoy your time with Vinnie and your great niece and nephew. 

We are having very warm temps today and flash flooding warnings. Temperature is 57. I don't open windows though because the screens aren't properly attached to the windows and I have too many allergies. Pollen starts right away. My eyes are already itching. 

My knee is still sore. I wish I knew what would make it better. I didn't do much of anything yesterday other than strip the bed and then put the sheets back on. And yet it started hurting last night again ... sharp pains. And this morning too. It's so sore. I have a followup appointment next week with the ortho doc. I know the PA who saw me said there was nothing wrong, but it still hurts.

Other than that, not much going on. Talked with my mom yesterday; she had a visit from my cousin Linda and my cousin Bill's wife Jackie. Same family: Linda and Bill were the children of mom's brother Bill (big family; mom was one of 11 children; nine survived past age 1, twins died at a year old). She was happy to see them. 

Well, not much happening here. Back to work again. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 3/12/15 4:40 am

Hello Eileen....I had a feeling your knee would hurt more today. Is there anyway you could get in sooner at the Ortho Clinic? Maybe if you can, get on a wait list. Something is wrong or it shouldn't hurt worse after what you did yesterday. 

I am glad your mom had some cousins visiting. That broke up the day for her. I am sure she enjoyed every minute they were there.

I always have my windows open...I would suffocate if I didn't. My sinuses have hurt for weeks now. I just have to tough it out. I have plenty of meds for it! The fresh air just smells so good.

Temps have been in the 60's the last few days...tomorrow through Saturday will be in the upper 50's then back up to the 60's again!!! I am so enjoying this weather!!! I hope you can get your screens tightened up soon.

I hope you can make it through your shift at work tonight. It won't help the pain if you can't have your leg up.I remember you once said you couldn't do that there.Prayers coming your way!!

Have a good day...I will be thinking about you!!

Much love and many hugs.....connie d


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