Happy Sunday Everyone...what's happening today???

Connie D.
on 3/8/15 1:34 am

Good Sunday Morning everyone.....

The sun is so bright and beautiful today!! The snow is melting and it looks like Spring will be here soon. I am so tired of winter!! 

So what is everyone doing today?? I am not sure what I will do. I will go work on the puzzle and take my walks. Other then that I am not sure. I know I will be relaxing and reading and watch a movie or two at some point.

I am concerned about Butch and his pain getting worse. He seems to do better in the hospital. I know Vickie does everything she can do. I am praying today is a better day for both of them.

I will check back in and see who joins me here today. 

Have a beautiful day!!!! 

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Lots of love and bushels of hugs to all....connie d

on 3/8/15 3:00 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Connie and my sistas!

Did everyone remember to "spring" forward today?

Butch is struggling with his back pain again today.  I'm so tired of watching him hurt!  I want to make it better!  I do all I can do to help him, but I realize that rubbing him down with Ben Gay is not going to do much against bone cancer.  Praying for chemo on Thursday!  Maybe that will arrest the progression of this damn disease.

I was rather sick yesterday.  I don't really know what was going on.  I had the "runs" all day, but other than that, I felt fine.  Maybe it's the Thrive?  Although I did that 3-day sample pack with no ill effects.  You would think I would be down another pound after yesterday, but no.  Still hanging there at 185.  LOL!

Chris and Mike and the boys came out yesterday afternoon.  Mike is taking apart the big old fort/playhouse that we bought for Benny a couple of years ago and we're going to move it to their backyard.  We'll have to do it in stages, but it will be great for the boys to have it at their house.  Chris cooked supper for us.  I had planned to do the cooking, but since I was somewhat under the weather, she made it.  Just a chicken and noodle casserole, but it was good.  Mike ate two platefuls!

(How anyone can eat so much and still be so skinny boggles the mind!  That boy is a beanpole and he eats like a horse!)

My shoulder/arm is a little better today, I guess, but it's still not right.  I can move it a bit more before it hurts, but I still can't really lift anything with it.  I couldn't hold Budder last night unless I was sitting down.  How the heck am I going to pack us up and move us if my arm doesn't work???

I woke up this morning trying to think of what I can begin to box up here to get ready for the move.  There's not a whole lot of stuff here that I really want to move to the new house.  Most of the furniture won't be going with us.  And it's too soon to pack up linens and kitchen things.  I think I will begin with "The Purge".  LOL!  I'll go room by room and throw away everything I can do without.

I joined an on-line garage sale site on FB and I hope I can sell most of my cast off furniture that way.  Nothing here is really going with us except for the kitchen table and buffet, and our bed, and this computer desk.  Oh, and Butch's lift chair.  Everything else has to go.  I furnished this lake house with odd bits and pieces.  All of my "good stuff" is in storage in Nacogdoches.  Lord, what a job that's going to be to move all of that!  I need to get started looking at moving companies.

Carrie is supposed to come spend a couple of days with us this week.  It's her spring break.  I want her to help me unload the RV and get it moved back over to the consignment place where we bought it.  I need to get that sold ASAP.  And I also need to get all of our gear off the pontoon boat and get it ready to sell as well.  I plan to list it on Craig's List and also the on-line garage sale site.  Again, I would like to sell it ASAP.  Oh, so much to do!  

Well, all I can do is all I can do.  The rest will take care of itself eventually.

Connie, you sound good today!  Take care of yourself, sweetie!

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 3/8/15 6:30 am

Hello Vickie...yes I remembered to spring ahead. Changing my clock in the kitchen scares me every time I have to change it. It is on a wall that is set back deeper and with a deep counter top. I have to move everything and climb up on the counter to get at it. I tremble the whole time I am doing it!! Climbing on the step stool scares me too. It is a clock I use a lot so I had to get it changed. Glad it is only twice a year!!!

Honey...I know how much you try to do for Butch. No one can do better then you do. The more he sits and lays around the worse it will get. He has to help himself too. I remember that from my dad. 

I am praying Butch gets chemo on Thursday!! I so much want him to get that chance. I want it for you too!! I love you my friend!!

I am sorry you were so sick yesterday. It was nice Chris made dinner for all you.  

Vickie I am going to send you a private message on here. 

I am on four or five different garage sale sites here in town. One is a warehouse sale. That is where I got my card table and chairs for $35. There was a small slit on one edge of the table. The lady came over here a few days later and gave me my money back. She said I was so kind and sweet to them about the slit. They decided they would just give the set to me. It shouldn't have been sold with the slit. She kept apologizing. SCORE!!!

Did you see a regular doctor or an ortho doctor for your shoulder? It should being feeling really good by tomorrow unless they hit the wrong area. 

I am happy Carrie is coming for a few days. That will help you out a lot!! She can help you and spend time with Butch too. Maybe he will go walk with her.

I will continue to pray for Butch, you and your family. You are always on my mind. I love you my sister!! 

Tons of love and barrels of hugs.....connie d

Jo W.
on 3/8/15 9:27 am - Owosso, MI

Vickie  there is a facebook group for selling rvs  you might want to try that also.       with all you have to do  to care for Butch  and that bad shoulder  it might pay for you to have professional packers come in and pack up and move and unload for you!    then you can take your time unpacking,   Just a thought

   I had to do that once. 


Been praying for both of you.

Judy G.
on 3/8/15 3:42 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...

I posted separate that my tenant passed away in his sleep. So sad. glad that I got Bandit over to see him when I did. It was one thing he had been wanting so bad was to see Bandit again.

Mom is not feeling good. I am afraid she might be next...I know stop thinking like that!!! But she is 93 almost 94 years old!! She sounded so weak and not well at all. I told her that if Joe wants her to go to ER to get checked out TODAY she needs to GO!!!!! Not wait til tomorrow!!!! She said ok. Seems this is the year for death...I hate it!!!!!!

Went to Bingo last night. Rick also went. I won $62.00 WOOOHOOO!!! The monthly drawing was also last night...the man that pulled the name out was his own...he was NOT SIGNED!!!!! He lost out on $5,700.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this turns over to next month and will be even bigger!!!! Boy I hope and pray either Rick or myself would win that pot!!!!!!! Pay off a few bills and I think I would buy me a new truck!!!!! Get rid of that dam car!!!!! I hated that car ever since I brought it home!!!!!!!!

And also last night when I turned on FB I found out I also won a prize from my favorite weather Ohio Valley Weather Center a Spring Thermometer, Spring Flowers and a Certificate from OVWC woooohoooo!!!!!!!!!! It was from liking their page and sharing it to my friends. This kid is 14 years old and is learning to be a meteorologist. And he IS GOOD!!!!!! He has been right on 99.9% of the time in the 1&1/2 years I have been following him!!! If I need questions answered he will answer me soon as he can and also lets me know what to expect in my area.

Got a beef roast in the oven with some carrots and potatoes and onion. Cooking it nice and slow. Should be done about 5pm.

Weather is nice...38* right now...I will take it!!! Sun is out also!!! AHHHHHHHHH LOL

Well nothing else to talk about....Connie glad you are feeling better....Vic...you tell Butch he better get that butt out of bed and MOVE or he will not be getting that chemo to get better!!! HE HAS TO DO IT!!!! I know he hurts...it sucks!!!!!!!! Prayers continue for him...and you!!! CONGRATS on your new house also!!!!

Just been so dam busy I can't think straight anymore...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!!!


Patricia R.
on 3/8/15 4:09 am - Perry, MI

Hi Judy,

You must have posted while I was typing my post.  

I'm sorry about your neighbor.  It's sad he is gone, but good he didn't suffer long.  From what I understand, my friend, Ruth, suffered a long time.  I'm glad you took Bandit to visit him on Friday.  Pets are very therapeutic for people, especially when we are not feeling well.

Congrats on the Bingo money.  I never win at Bingo.  

Enjoy your roast.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 3/8/15 7:02 am

Hi Judy...I am sorry your mom isn't feeling so well.You are right...she is almost 94.....things just do wear out after a time. I wonder why she is feeling so weak. Does she have one of those flu's going around? I hope Joe can get her into ER if needed. Please keep us updated.

Congrats to Rick on his winnings at Bingo. Too bad about the guy that wasn't signed up. That wasn't to bright. I bet he signs up next week! I hope YOU win it next week!!!!

Your little weather guy really does a great job predicting the weather. He needs to get a job at the National Weather Service as they don't have a clue what they are predicting half the time! See how lucky you are...now you won a great prize from OVWC!!!

Your dinner sounds yummy as always!! I am having a 1/2 chicken breast and veggies. Fruit for my snack later. 

I am glad you had some time to chat today. You have been chasing your own tail all week!!!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Patricia R.
on 3/8/15 3:57 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Connie, Vickie and OFF Family,

Connie, I look forward to Spring being right around the corner.  My arthritis is really bad this weekend.  It's been horrific this Winter.  

Vickie, I wish they could do more for Butch's pain this week.  I know it's hard for you to see him suffer.  Good luck selling the RV and the boat.  They should go pretty fast with Spring and Summer right around the corner.  Everyone will be planning their vacations this time of year.

I was late to church.  I overslept.  Not because of the time change, but because I hit the snooze too many times.  I played with my Munchkins cousins in Infant Nursery.  One little girl turns one next weekend.  The other cousin turns one in July.  

I have some paperwork to do, plus a DVD on budgeting to watch today.  I'm taking that finance class over again, at home.  

I did get to watch my friend, Ruth's memorial service online last night.  I heard the best description of her from one of her friends, a pastor of a church where she was the director of the school they started.  He called her a tsunami of love.  She overflowed with genuine love for every single person she met.  She also had the ability to make every person she spoke to feel as though they were the most important person to her that day. She touched students at the Bible college she worked for every summer, and her students were from around the world.  She also touched the students at the school where it went from a preschool when she started, and expanded to fifth grade right before she passed away.

I have tons to do, and won't get it done sitting here.

Love and Prayers,



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 3/8/15 7:10 am

Hello Trish....see the weather /winter has been hard on you too. We both need this Spring to arrive!!!

You late for Church....I can't believe it!! I am kidding, sorry the snooze won this time! It sounds like you had some babies to take care of in the nursery. I miss having little babies around.

I am so glad you finally got to see Ruth's memorial service. I was so hoping it would work out for you. I am sure plenty of people had many nice things to say about her. From what you had told me she was a wonderful and well respected lady. She will be missed by many, one of those being you. HUGS!!!!!

Have a good evening...love and hugs...connie d

on 3/8/15 4:16 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi there,

I'm waiting for my neice's and the kid in the Pancake house parking lot. With Vinnie in tow!!! 

Then we r going to play in the kid area of the nall.

Vinnie is napping for a quick minute.

It's getting warmer here 48 today. I brought the heat wave with me!

Ok I went to the atm today! I didn't know how to use the dam thing!!! I was embarrased!!! I needed cash. I never have cash! Like what is that?

At least I remembered my pin!!

We were going to a Jewish Temple carnival for the hiday Purim. But we got there and it was over. My neice had the wrong time.

That's what I needed the cash for.



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