OK Hot coffee is just what I needed right
Sorry that I have been missing most of the week but I have been so darn busy!!! Seems one thing after another....WOW!!!! Dealing with snow, sleet, freezing rain, ice OMG!!!!!!!! Even blac****I slipped on some blac**** and pulled a muscle or something in my groin area I guess you would call it and omg that hurt!!! I didn't fall chiro doc fixed me up good...not hurting as bad. So that is good. Showing apartments left and right finally got one rented to one that didn't have a criminal background!!! OMG what is wrong with people thinking we won't find out about them having one?? They want gov. assistance and KNOW they will be checked out and they say they have NO bad background....yet when we run the background check all this comes up!!! Unbelievable!!!!!! Had one guy 5 things came up on him alone...his wife 3!!!!!!! WTH??????????? And it wasn't just bad was assault with deadly weapons etc. BIG time criminal!!! Then I get a tenant calling telling me the one we evicted is back and IN the apartment!!! HOW did he get back in?? The locks are changed and also the windows are blocked so he can't get back in!!! He said well he is in!!!! OK...I called the police to let them know I get Rick and the keys and we get over there...I told Rick WAIT til the police get here...Rick said there are NO tracks going to the door! Chase didn't clean the snow to this apartment yet...I looked nope no did he get in?? I went to the tenant that called me...I asked him what apartment you talking about? He said next door to me...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That guy lives there!!!!!!!!!! You have the WRONG GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just then TWO cops pull in FAST!!!!!!! I try to run out there...(remember I am HURT from slipping on blac**** same day) I told officer tenant told me wrong apartment...sorry to bother you!!! She LOL glad she thought it was funny!! I sure didn't!!!! I told her this tenant still LIVES here that he thought didn't....OMG!!!!!!!!!! The police left I thanked them for coming. They said no problem...I WAS PISSED!!!!!! I could have choked that tenant!!! OMG the one that was evicted didn't even live in same building as him!!!!!!!!! But I thought he saw him so I believed him......this guy IS a good spy for me...well he USED to be!!! So talk about hurting....omg I was really hurting then after trying to run over to that place to catch that guy...GRRRRRRR
Soooo then I have people waiting yet for me for more stupid things........get them taken care of...FINALLY I can go to my chiro doc and get ME taken care of!!!!!
The next day I am still waiting for our petty cash to get here...finally get a check and I am so busy I thought it was petty cash...had a million things going again sent an email to my boss thinking it was for her and it wasn't it was for me along with check to take to the court to pay them......DUH!!!!!!!
Like I said I was so busy I didn't know if I was coming or going at the time...and NO petty cash yet.......AGAIN!!!!!!
Plus being the first of the month I am also doing rents....AND RECERTS.....also dealing with honey bunny and sugar plum
it is funny he will NOT come in the clubhouse when I am in there in my office. She will...he waits outside even if is dangerous wind chills!!! I go out she goes away as fast as he can!!! Is he afraid I am going to knock his leg out from under him or what??????
She has a small car yet takes TWO parking spots because she is in such a hurry to see her sugar plum...
she has NO brains telling her what she is doing....even other tenants have told her. She just smiles her idiot smile. You know nails scraping down a chalk board sound? That is how her being around is to me.
I am sorry. Ever since she started working as an aid here for people that is how she struck me. And she doesn't KNOW how to do ANYTHING at all from what the people she does work for have told me. I keep telling them NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! CALL HER PLACE WHERE SHE WORKS!!!!!!! REPORT HER!!!!!!!!! GET SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!! So far she has one tenant left here to work for. All the others have called to report her. She sits on her big butt and plays on her phone and talks to sugar plum or he is there...she has no idea how to cook or do dishes either...laundry she ruins clothes...has no idea how to clean the house or even dust. Like I said NOT MY PROBLEM, CALL HER PLACE OF WORK!!
Yesterday my next door neighbor came over to let us know her husband is under hospice now. He no longer wants to be poked or prodded. He is giving up. Between his heart and kidneys its a matter of time now. He wanted to see Bandit so we took a walk over last night to see him. Bandit jumped right up in his bed to see him! Made Bernie happy!! He said he even used Bandit's name for his code in the hospital! Thankyou all for the thoughts and prayers for him and his wife. I will let them know.
So trying to relax now and regroup...been one BUSY week that's for sure!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour tonight before you go to bed!!!! SPRING forward!!!! AHHHH like that word!!! SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good morning Judy and everyone....
Judy...Holy Cow...what a week you had!!! I would be crazier then I am now if I had to run that place. I hope you get paid really well because you sure do deserve it!!! I have these vivid pics in my head with you running around putting out fires!!!
I am still praying for Bernie and his wife. I feel so bad for them. I hope he goes quickly and doesn't have to suffer long. God Bless him.
I hope your snow season there is about got nailed!!! The sun was out yesterday and today. At least 1/2 the snow is gone. After today there won't be much left. Fine by me!! Temps are going up....high today about Monday and Tuesday temps around 50s. I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!
I wish they didn't have to change the clocks all the time. Leave it one way or the other!! It takes our bodies days to make the adjustments.
I am still praying that Butch can get better control of his pain. I feel bad for him and Vickie.
As for me....nothing new. I am still recovering from grocery shopping the other night. I take my walks and then not much of anything else. I have a load of laundry to do. I might do it later or wait until Wednesday and have my cleaning fairy do it. I will have to see what my pain level will be later.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bushels
of hugs to all....connie d
Hey Judy, Connie, and all the ones who follow:
DH and I drove down the mountain to pick up our grandkids. Today, my grandson went with granddad to work and the granddaughter and I are spending the day reading. She has five books to read by Monday but she has already read them and, in her words, they are typical first grade books so I can read them quickly. I, she says, read chapter books so these are easy. She is her nana's daughter.
Judy, I would go nuts if I had to deal with all the various personalities and issues that you deal students sometimes have issues but nothing like what you deal with.
Connie, Vic, and Eileen, I hope the pain you guys are feeling is going to ease neck and shoulder is killing me too but mine is from trying to open a huge jar of pickles. Hopefully it's just a sore muscle.
Aside from reading and doing a little house work, I am keeping a very low crazy shopping, no heavy cleaning, and certainly no marathon series watching...reading, light house work, light cooking, and maybe a nap.
Hope you guys all have a peaceful Saturday.
Sorry I missed seeing your post before I posted mine. I hope you enjoy a nice day of reading with your granddaughter. My granddaughter is in second grade, and she reads some easy chapter books now. Plus, my daughter does read alouds with harder books, which she'll read to the kids. Usborne books is the Tupperware of books, because you have parties where their sold. They have a series of chapter books about a young girl named Billie B. My granddaughter loves those books.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Jeannie...It is so wonderful that you are having a special day today. Your grandson with his granddad, and your granddaughter with her Nana!!! Oh how I have cherished those times!
Reading and relaxing...keeping things slow and easy!!! Your granddaughter is a little firecracker...yes she is her Nana's child. I just can't imagine a life without reading. To read is and always has been a favorite of mine!! Have a great time together!!
I went out for two walks already I am going to be napping a little while.
Love and hugs to you...connie d
Good Morning Judy, Connie and OFF to Follow,
Judy, your Romper Room sure keeps you busy. Also, I believe you got more snow than we did this winter. We missed the worst of this week's storms. I do have to get out there and try to shovel what I missed this week. Sidewalks are a bit bad today.
I'm so disappointed right now. My friend, Ruth's, memorial service was being live streamed by her church in Florida, and I spent 30 minutes trying to load it, with no luck. I'm hoping that once it's over, I might be able to view it in the archive.
I did tell you about my ex's stepbrother dying this week, didn't I? His service is tomorrow. Colleen is in Pennsylvania right now, heading to Bucks County, or home, where we both grew up. She spent last night in a hotel with an indoor pool. The kids absolutely love swimming. I'm so happy she was able to get that hotel on Priceline.
The rest of today will be spent doing my Bible study, and cleaning. I feel so overwhelmed by the lack of organization that I call my life right now. I really am a disaster right now.
Must get going.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish..
I am sorry for can't get Ruth's service loaded...hopefully you can watch it later.
Yes...Judy does run a Romper Room!!! We used to call it that and then she changed it to the Funny Farm!! Either one works!!
Be careful if you are shoveling the for ice!! We don't need another person falling we already have Judy and Eileen.
So sad to hear about the loss of your ex's stepbrother. So that is why Colleen went there and to see your mom. I am still praying that Colleen and the munchkin's have a safe trip driving around there and a safe trip home as well.
Enjoy doing your Bible Study. I am so sorry you're having a hard time with the organization of your life. It can be better but it takes a lot of discipline to keep things in their correct order. Don't try to do too much. If it overwhelms you then you know you have to step back. Do one task at a time. Don't concentrate on all that you need to do. Pick one thing...set a timer for 30 minutes to an hour. When the timer goes off you need to walk away. Then the next day try again. Add more time if or when you feel comfortable. You will get it done. Baby steps....remember. Also before you start the challenge sit down and take at least 3 BIG breaths. Let me know how the plan goes. I am right here if you need me!! I am sending more prayers your way. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Love and oodles of hugs...connie d
Hi Connie,
I'm glad I went out and shoveled what I could, because it warmed up a bit and now what's left on the ground can melt.
Actually, Colleen planned her trip this week when she first heard about my Mom's bad depression in January. Jimmy's memorial service is just a coincidence. My sis-in-law and Mom will watch the kids for her. Mom lets them get away with just about everything, except hurting one another. So, Kathy will have her hands full. The Munchkins behave better than Grandma Gigi. (That's what Mom calls herself, because she is the Great Grandma, so Gigi for short.)
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Judy and Connie and all my sistas!
I didn't ever get back to posting last night. I intended to, but I was hurting and went to bed really early. I do think that my left shoulder/arm feels a bit better this morning. But it was bad yesterday. I stopped to use an ATM and had to reach out of the car window using my left arm and I thought I would throw up! I've never had pain make me feel sick like that before. Oweee.
Anyway, I wanted to address some of the thoughts y'all had about us moving. Listen, it's not that I WANT to move at this time. Lord above! I feel very overwhelmed by the whole prospect. But--and this is the truth--we are living in a very bad place to have a terminal illness. It's beautiful out here at the lake, but we are so far removed from town. I don't know how long it would take to get an ambulance here, but it wouldn't be a good thing. We need to be in town. So, we'll move. Somehow God will get me through it. I know it is the right thing for us to do. It's just a bit overwhelming right now.
I weighed this morning and I'm down to 185! Hurray! I was at 189 six days ago. My month's supply of Thrive arrived yesterday, so I'm back on it again this morning. Here's to days on end of NO SUGAR!!! LOL! Maybe in a couple of months I'll be completely off that stuff for good. I managed it once before when I first had my WLS, but then I let it creep back into my diet. I swear, sugar is the devil himself. First it's just a bite here or there, and then it's every day, and then it's every meal. Ack! I have to stop it again.
Need to get Butch up and moving today if I can. He's done nothing but lie in bed or the recliner for several days now. I know he hurts. But he's just got to try. I'm still worried the doc won't approve him for the chemo next week. They said he had to be able to WALK into the clinic on his own. Well, he certainly couldn't walk from the parking garage to the clinic right now. He's just so stubborn about things. I wish he would get stubborn about DOING his walking, not AVOIDING his walking.
I have a bunch of laundry to do today, so I'd better get to it. Judy, I hope you get a peaceful weekend, hon. You need it! Connie, please take care of yourself today. You always overdo it when you go out with Pam. You need to take care of your sweet fragile body!
Love you all!