Wacky Wednesday

on 3/4/15 12:31 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

I am up and Thriving again today, but it is the last day of my three-day sample pack.  However, I weighed 186 this morning!  I weighed 189 on Monday, so that's pretty darn good.  I got through the entire day yesterday without eating any junk food!  Two days running without sweets.  I ate fruit instead.

So, I went ahead and ordered a month's supply of Thrive.  Eileen, it was $200 for the 30 day supply of pills and shakes, along with the dermal patch.  You can order the pack without the dermal patch, and it's a bit less, but Grammylew says the patch is worth the extra.  I'll admit that does sound like a lot of money, but I'm sure I was buying at least $200 worth of junk food at the grocery store each month, so I figure it's an even trade.  I want to lose this 20 lbs!  I weighed 168 last summer.  I need to get back to that again.

But, and I don't really know anything about it other than my own very limited experience right now, I will say I am fairly "loose" each morning, so I'm not sure what this would do with your IBS flares, Eileen.  It might not be for you.  Or it might be something else entirely causing me to have loose motions in the mornings.  I just don't know.

Well, that was a lot of TMI, wasn't it?  Sorry!

Okay, change of subject.  We put in an offer on that house!  Our Realtor sent it to their Realtor this morning.  I'm very eager to see what they come back with.  I have been perusing the internet looking at ideas for upgrading the kitchen and the laundry room.  And I can't wait to get started on landscaping ideas for the back yard.  I'm trying not to get over eager like a beaver about this thing.  Butch and I don't have the best track record with houses lately.  LOL!  But as soon as the deal is settled, I'll post the link for the pictures of the house.  I can't wait for y'all to see it!

I talked with my mom yesterday, and she says she is willing to try living with us.  (I tell y'all, my husband is such a good man!  He says he's more than happy to have my mom move in with us.  Even as sick as he is, he's still the most generous man.)  I told her I would let her have the two front bedrooms and second bath for her living quarters.  She will have a bedroom for sleeping and another one for a private sitting room.  She can keep her rooms as warm as she wants them.  And she'll also have two closets for her things.  All we will have to "share" is the kitchen.  She likes to cook her own food and eat on her own time schedule.  I told her that was fine.  There's no reason why she can't cook what she wants when she wants it, and I can do the same.  We three don't all have to eat every meal together.  

Also, she and Butch are both very excited about the walk-in tub!  OMGoodness.  Both of them can't wait to use it.  It's very cute.  My mom hasn't been able to have a bath in years.  She's been in that condo with only a shower for 5 years or more now.  And Butch hasn't been able to have a bath since last summer.  Both of them like to soak in the tub.  This is going to be great for them.

So, I finally got to talk to Carrie last night, and she is okay.  She and Leo did not break up.  They are definitely having "growing pains" with their relationship, but I think they are going to work it all out eventually.  He's younger than she is, you know, and this is only his second really serious relationship.  His first relationship, which ended disasterously with an unplanned pregnancy and a child, scared him a bit, I think.  But this is Carrie's third serious relationship, and she's a little more accepting of the natural progression of things.  You can't stay in that love-is-wonderful-and-my-feet-don't-touch-the-ground phase forever.  Things progress and you grow more comfortable with one another.  You accept the fact that you both have individual interests and obligations and you're not going to spend every waking moment together with stars in your eyes.  I think Carrie understands all of this, but Leo is a little unsure of this "phase".  But they love each other.  I am praying it all works out.

Butch is doing okay.  He's still having some pain, but he's trying hard to eat and get stronger.  They put him on the schedule for chemo next Thursday afternoon.  Please pray that he can do it!  And that it works!


Oh, dear.  An hour has passed since I started this!  I got very distracted!  LOL!  I'd better close and get this posted now.

Love you all!



Patricia R.
on 3/4/15 2:28 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Vickie and OFF,

Well, I spoke with my ex last night, and learned his step-brother died.  He was in the hospital with heart failure, and I guess they couldn't save him.  We weren't close.  My mother-in-law remarried when my kids were older.  We only saw her stepsons on holidays, and special occasions.  After the divorce, I never saw them.  My kids barely knew him.  He had just turned 59.

Well, this morning I helped Colleen drop her car off at a garage down the road.  Then, Frankie and I played all morning, so Colleen could pack for her trip to Pennsylvania.  She's leaving Friday, coz she wants to visit my Mom.  She had to choose between her Spring break from teaching, but taking the kids out of school, OR, the kids' Spring break, but her missing work without pay.  So, she chose her Spring break, and I'm sure the kids won't fall behind, because she is diligent about their studies.

Now, I have some chores to do, plus unpacking to finish.  Then, I have to take Colleen to pick up the kids from school, and hopefully get her car back.  

Must scoot.

Love and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/4/15 2:43 am

Good Afternoon Vic and those to come,

I really hope you get the house.   DH and I are reconsidering the move to the middle east because my granddaughter did not do well the last time I went.   She does not like me being out of phone and visit range.   So, as a result, we are looking at little houses too.  We moved from a huge rental house into this little apartment with the hopes of downsizing for the move; however, now we realize that even if we do move, we can still buy another house.   My house in the valley is paid for and I have all but signed it over to my daughter.   I really wanted to buy a condo but DH said why not get a small house with a smallish manageable yard so we are looking at the small houses right outside of town.  I want fresh eggs and think a little hen house might be good.   We found one that is just a dream house and is so cute but the yard is huge and I don't want to do all that mowing and it is in a underdeveloped part of the mountain and no neighbors means probably very little internet stuff as well.  Plus, I'm like you, this will probably end up being just my house and I don't want to be afraid of living so far out of civilization.   We have other houses that we are looking at too.   Anyway, I hate redecorating and all of that buy DH loves to upgrade kitchens and build decks and all of that.  I just hate this process.   

We are in the middle of a freakin' ice storm and I went to work for a couple of hours and the university closed so I am home.   The ice has already covered the parking lot and weighed the trees across the way down.   I dread the snapping.   My crazy cats are not liking the sound of the ice bouncing around outside so they run from the door to the window and then down the hallway to the bedroom.  Bless their hearts.   

I am getting ready for a huge cleanse but I think when I start back from the liquids and raw food, I am not going to include meat.  I know I say this all the time, but I think giving up factory farm meats will improve my health and if I cannot get wild game from the kids or farm fresh meat that is treated humanly and range fed, I will stick to vegetables, beans, nuts (no peanuts), fruit, and maybe some grains.   I will include eggs from my grandson's hen house and fish they catch.  No more factory fish.   Let's see how long Jeannie can keep this up.   I am starting the process tomorrow...I usually drop about ten pounds, so we'll see.   

Well that's me for the day.  Hope you all stay warm and safe.   Eat healthy and keep your water up and your carbs down...I am making vegetable with meat soup today so it will get me started....the meat is beef from my daughter's farm.   You now, it even tastes different from the store bought.   


Connie D.
on 3/4/15 6:50 am

Good afternoon Vickie and everyone....

My cleaning fairy just left. I didn't have errands for her today so she did a deep cleaning. She is so awesome!!! 

I can't afford $200 a month for Thrive so I won't be doing it. Oh well...I am happy for those that can do it...good luck!!!

Glad you made an offer on the house. It sounds so nice!!

I am going to ice my body and relax for the rest of the day.

If I can I will reply to others later. I am not up to it now.

Prayers for out special OFF Family and their families.

Much love and many hugs to all....connie d

on 3/4/15 10:16 am


I hope you start feeling better soon.  You and I share so many issues with our various pains.   When my pain cannot be fixed by meds, I get in a hot shower and then cover my back with ice packs.   Rest and keep your joints and your back in good alignment.    I hope tomorrow is better.

Eileen Briesch
on 3/4/15 7:22 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and my OFF family:

I'll have to think about that Thrive stuff, Vickie. I don't know if I can afford $200 right now. I still struggle to make ends meet. And now I'm supporting two, although Richard does contribute to the budget with his food stamps. (He buys a lot of the food; I buy nonfood items like paper items, cleaning supplies, etc.) But there's still rent, phone, insurance, cable, etc. Richard has to send in a few items to get SSI and once he gets that, things will be easier for him. 

I had a doctor's appointment this morning; just a checkup I have to have to get my pain meds filled (state law). My BP was 117/80; that was much better than it was in January at the chiro when it was 190/120. But I figured I was in pain and recovering from an infection in my finger. Still, I was glad to see the low BP. All else is well, though. Richard came with, just to get out of the house. When we left, it was raining; when we left to go home, the rain had turned to sleet and it was getting icy out. Now, it's snowing a bunch out. We're supposed to get 4-8 inches and the schools have already closed for tomorrow (they can't handle 3 inches here). So I can guess the Y won't have my arthritis class tomorrow ... if the schools close, the kids come to the Y (they can't go to school, but they can go to the Y ... go figure!).

So this afternoon, I asked Richard to get something down from on top of the cabinets. Richard likes to store things up there ... he's 6-5. Anyway, he goes over to reach for it and suddenly stops and his eyes close and he starts going backward. He fell down and started convulsing for awhile. Scared the **** out of me. I was trying to open his mouth because I was afraid he was seizing and was going to swallow his tongue ... I'm not a nurse, but I've heard of this enough. I yelled at him for awhile and slapped his face lightly and finally he came to. He hit his head pretty well. He said he thought his blood pressure fell a lot quickly. Anyway, I put an icepack on his head and I'm going to watch him and make sure he doesn't fall asleep for too long. He says he feels OK, other than a bump on the head. He took a tylenol because he had a headache. Boy, it was scary.

Weather report: we have 3.5 inches of snow already.

Vickie, I'm glad Butch is doing OK. Hope this house is all you want. 

I have to start looking for a new place. This landlord is letting this place go to hell. The neighbors upstairs are loud and obnoxious and the cops have been here a few times to chase out the riffraff. There's garbage all over the place. He won't fix my ceiling from the leakage upstairs. Time to move!

Well, that's all for now. Hope all is well with everyone ... can't remember what everyone else said. Have a good day.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 3/4/15 10:20 am


Seizures are very scary.   If he has another one, it might mean he needs to go the doctor, but you know that.   I agree that it sounds like it is time for you to get into a nicer place.   Our landlord is pretty good about fixing things.    He recently purchased us new appliances and I was pretty happy about that.    I live near a bunch of interns, graduate students, and a few old drunks.  Old drunks are not a problem. LOL.   Our ice storm finished a few  hours ago and now we have had non-stop snow.   They are expecting five inches before midnight; I think the snow has reached that plus...on top of ice.  I won't go to work tomorrow.   I hate it too because I have a ton of stuff to do before I go off for Florida.   

Well, rest up, and enjoy the company of your friend.   

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