Good Morning OFF,
I am having a low key day here today. I have chores and unpacking to do today.
Connie, I hope you are feeling better this morning. I believe what someone's doctor said about this being the worst winter for arthritis and fibromyalgia. I've never been so sore before.
Eileen, I saw the picture of your banged up knee yesterday. Owie!!! I hope it feels better today.
Vickie, I hope Butch is having a good day today. I continue to pray.
Love and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and my sistas!
Yippee! I think we have a deal on the house! It's been a long week of negotiations, let me tell you. Everybody had to give in a little on the price, and nobody really wanted to, but we finally arrived at a price and terms that were acceptable to everyone.
Here's the link so y'all can see it: http://www.trulia.com/property/3190480480-5708-Tuckatoe-Schertz-TX-78108#photo-1. Be sure and scroll through the photos, but don't worry. Elvis will be leaving the premises soon! LOL!
My shoulder is SORE this morning, but the doctor said to expect that for the first 24 hours or so. Then it should start getting better.
Butch is still having a lot of pain. Called MDA and they said I could up the dose of his breakthrough pain pills. We have an appointment for pain management on next Friday. They might make some changes to his pain regimen then.
My Thrive is supposed to arrive today. I'll be glad to get it. I could definitely feel the cravings trying to come back yesterday. I held out until about midnight, and then I ate an ice cream sandwich, dammit. I almost made it through the day without sugar.
I've got to shower and change and run down to the Realtor's office to give our earnest money check to "seal the deal". I think I'm excited, but it still doesn't feel quite real to me yet.
Love you all!
Hello our sweet Vickie!!!
I am so glad you are going to be getting that house. One less thing to think about. I know you wanted a place that was smaller and easier for you to take care of. I am glad you found the one!!! I will check it out soon. Thanks for the link!!
I hope they can regulate Butch's pain soon. That has to be so hard to deal with all the time. I am glad for now you can up the breakthrough pain medicine until you can see the doctor next week. Still sending prayers for both of you!!
I hope your shoulder feels better soon. That shot should help for now.
I am happy for you that the Thrive is working for you!!! Good luck sweetie!!!
I love you much...HUGS.....connie d
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Tri**** was my doctor... actually two of them.... that talked about Fibromyalgia and Arthiritis pain this year. So many people are suffering so badly. I am sorry you are so sore today. It is debilitating at times. I am glad you are slowing down and resting as you can today.
I am saying prayers for Colleen and the munchkins as they travel to see your mom. How long will they be gone? I am sure they will have a good time. When my grandchildren were young they always watched movies as they traveled. My daughters always made sure they had plenty of other things to occupy them too.
Eileen ....so sorry about your fall. Of all things to hurt it had to be your knees. I know the pain that the gives you all the time. I hope it heals up fast....sending prayers and hugs.
Vickie....I am still keeping Butch and you in my prayers. I hope today is a better day for Butch and you!! Your chicken dinner sounded wonderful. That salad looked awesome. I am going to make it soon.
Judy...I hope you are okay in your corner of the world. I can't believe how much snow you have gotten. Hopefully you are going to be getting the warm temps we are expecting. That will melt it quickly. I know you also have to worry about flooding. I keep sending prayers your way.
I have others I should reply to but I am in a fog and can't remember...I know names but can't think of what I was going to reply too. Sorry....you know I care!!!
As for me....I had that meeting yesterday and got a new Advanced Directive filled out. I am a donor first then..... I am willing my body to Mayo Clinic. What is left will be cremated and set to my daughter's. They are probably not going to like that much but it is what I want.
Pam came over to get her directive filled out also. We could have a friend join us if they wanted too.
After that Pam took me to get some groceries. I got just what I needed...fresh fruit, fresh veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese and some chicken and turkey. We were still in there way too long!! I am sorry I didn't get anyone replied to again last night. I was too tired.
I am going to try to go out for one of my walks now. First I need to finish reading the newspaper so I can pass it on to the lady down the hall.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!
Prayers for all of our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d
Hi Connie:
just to congratulate you on leaving your body to Science at Mayo. I too have in my Will and Living Will the bequest of my body , any part, for donation, and remainder for science, meaning student surgeons working on cadaver to acquire skills...Takes about a year fior leftovers to be cremated and put in urn, and my request is to have my sandlike ground bone remains thrown to 4 winds from some promontory to continue travelling. I have no family as am end of the line with no children or distant relatives, so no one to object. There will be no grave to fall into ruins because no family to look after it, always such a sad sight in old cemeteries.
I too have had winter of pain and chronic fatigue this past year, looking forward to Spring. Our clocks go Forward one hour this weekend, so Spring will arrive soon? I still feel like hibernating as so cold.
Amazed that Vickie still finds energy for house hunting and buying at a time I would be exhausted with just looking after Butch and myself...maybe renos to another house and planning moving herself, hubby and mom into a smaller place doesn't faze Vickie and gives her Energy. I couldn't do that. You go Vickie if that is what you need to do.
Eileen, so sorry about your knees...Have been told people can't kneel on replaced knees, so can understand the pain of falling on them. Hooe you didn't damage anything in the hard landing.
Hope everyone has a better day tomorrow, after all it will be the start of the week-end, always good although we will be getting one hour less sleep Saturday night....
Hello Jennifer....Thank you for posting to me about leaving my body to Mayo. I thought about this a lot. For me it is the right decision. They need to study bodies to help others and themselves. Research is important. I never wanted to be buried. I am happy you have decided the same thing. It isn't for everyone.
I am sorry you too suffer with this awful pain and fatigue. This winter has been way too long!!! I didn't enjoy a thing about it as I am mostly home bound.
Thank for reminding me to change the clocks this weekend...I totally forgot about it.
Have a wonderful day...love and hugs to you....connie d
Hello Mary....it sounds like Jim is not a very cooperative. You should buy one of each of his treats and then no more per month. Tell him you will not have anything to do with his killing himself!! Tell him your budget doesn't allow for junk food anymore. This will be it!! He needs some kind of intervention. That makes me sad for you. You are so kind and caring. You shouldn't have to stretch the budget on junk food.
I hope you can see your granddaughter this weekend. They always seem to brighten our days!! God Bless.
Love and hugs to you....connie d