What's Up.

on 2/27/15 10:19 pm

Getting Coffeee....BRB

on 2/27/15 10:26 pm

I hope you are all staying warm!  Yesterday, I delivered girl scout cookies with my granddaughter.   Then, we went out to eat at the local Chinese restaurant.   It had started snowing earlier in the day and we thought no one would be out but the place was packed.   My DH and granddaughter ate crawfish (gross) and I ate some crab and shrimp.  When we left, the snow had started pilling up and roads were slick but we made it home in one piece.   As you all know, DH is a diabetic, so I ordered cookies but had my daughter keep them at her house because he has no will power...I go to take a shower and I hear the kids and granddad having a blast...the little stinkers snuck him some cookies.   Well, he ate about five of those really caramelly ones that I used to like.  I wanted one so badly and knew as soon as I ate it, I would get sick and I ate one and I got so sick...I'm happy sweets still do that to me, but to have a cookie every once in a while would be nice.   

It's still snowing here and it is so cold.   My daughter drove the farm truck up and got the kids early this morning because they have some thing with the other grandparents. I guess we will spend the day wrapped in blankets.   

I hope your day goes well.  Vic, I hope you are resting and Butch's pain is controlled.    

Judy G.
on 2/27/15 10:41 pm - Galion, OH

One thing I wish I NEVER EVER did was test the sweets!!!!!!!!!! I can sit here and eat what ever I want and never get sick on them!!! I can drink soda...I can eat cake, pie, cookies, anything!! But Chinese...now THAT just hates me for some reason!!!! I am slowly getting back to eating SOME of it!! LOL

Waiting for the next snow storm to hit us...8-10 inches!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Connie D.
on 2/28/15 12:52 am

Hi Judy...8-10 inches...where are you going to put that....in the clubhouse??? I can't even image what it must look like around there. Keep warm....bundle up...keep safe!! 

I can eat sweets too..I wish I never wouldn't have even tasted it!! I haven't been eating anything sweet this week because I am trying really hard to get back to eating better and smaller amounts again. I hope I can do it!!! I hate how I look. I do take my two walks every day. Those days when I was so fatigued it was so hard....but.... I pushed myself and did what I could. There were many months I could hardly get to the mailbox. I have to get my strength back!!

Keep in touch so we know you didn't get buried in a snow pile!

Love and many hugs....connie d


on 2/28/15 2:01 am


I'm the same with the Chinese food but I can eat shrimp and crab meat.   The place we go has boiled crab legs and soft shell crabs too.  I can eat those, but I cannot eat the rest of it.   I just get to sick....

Connie D.
on 2/28/15 12:09 am, edited 2/28/15 12:10 am

Good morning Jeannie and everyone......

Jeannie...I am glad you got the cookies delivered. Sorry your hubby got into them. Your meal of shrimp and crab sounds good. I love both!!! Crawfish....YUCK!!! 

Good thing you get sick from sweets....I don't....wish I did!

Happy you all made it home safely. Everyone has had such a bad winter this year. I can't wait for it to end!

Stay in and keep warm...that is a great idea!!

As for me...my daughter, Carrie and her husband are on their way to Florida. They were delayed over two hours in Minneapolis and are now delayed in Chicago. They said the problem is their plane started in Texas. That is where the weather is so bad. Now they have been sitting on the tarmac in Chicago for quite sometime. They don't have a gate for them to deplane. Hopefully something will open up soon. I just keep praying that they have a safe flight.

I slept pretty good last night. Things are looking up!! 

Not much of anything planned today. I will just go with the flow. First I need to get in the shower. I keep finding other things to do!

I hope Vickie and Butch are at home relaxing and enjoying their time. Prayers continue for them both.

I am concerned about how Judy is doing today. They are supposed to get between 8 and 10 more inches of snow. They have way more then they know what to do with already!! 

Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.

Lots of love and many hugs to all...connie d

on 2/27/15 11:58 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Jeannie and Judy and all my sweet sistas to come!

Well, we are HOME!  We got home yesterday afternoon, but I was just too tired to sit at the computer.  Now THAT'S tired!

Anyway, we had quite an interesting experience getting out of MDA.  I don't know why, but they always come in around 9 a.m. and say they are letting you go that day.  Then you wait and you wait and you wait, and finally they let you go around 5 p.m., just in time for all the lovely rush hour traffic.  Grrrr.

Anyway, we needed several prescriptions from the MDA pharmacy before we could leave.  I was able to run two of them downstairs early, and they were ready.  But the others came rather late in the afternoon.  I went down at 4:30 to see if they were ready and they told me it would be another 2-3 hours!  Oh, hell, no.  So I got Butch and our things all gathered up and made the drive out to Memorial to his brother's house.  Got him settled there, and then I turned around and drove back downtown to get the rest of the scripts.  You talk about tired!  I was wiped out.

And on top of that, the damn Part D insurance is being absolutely asinine about paying for a couple of Butch's pain medications!  They say they need a doctor's pre-authorization before they will pay for the extended release medication.  Excuse me?  Didn't a DOCTOR write the damn script in the first place???  I had to pay $700 to get his pain meds so we could go home.  There was no way I was walking out of that place without them.  MDA is going to "work on it" with the insurance company and they will send me a refund check if and when the insurance ever mans up and pays for the damn medicine like they should!

And I still have to fight this same battle to get his Celebrex refill, but I have to do that with Walgreens.  THAT medicine is like $800!  This is nuts.  The insurance paid for it in January, but when I tried to refill it in February, they refused it.  WHY???  I do not know.  

Well, anyway, we are just taking it very easy today.  Carrie and Leo are driving down this afternoon and they are bringing Patty Kate home to us.  Butch has missed her so much.  He says we will never send her away again.  LOL!  Like she is his child or something.  I know that I am ready to see MY child--or children, as the case may be, including my grands! We might have a big family dinner tomorrow if I can pull it together. 

We were hoping to start chemo next week, but they have us on the schedule for our next visit on Mar 12th.  At first I was a bit upset, but then I realized this is probably a blessing.  Butch will have two weeks to eat and exercise and get strong enough to withstand the chemo.  I will have to make him get up and exercise.  He says he will do it, but then he only wants to sit or lie around all day.  I'll have to get pretty tough with him.  He tends to ignore most of what I tell him to do.  Imagine that!  LOL!

I have gone a little crazy with the crochet these days.  I just keep buying patterns!  I get them on-line from Annie's Attic and I just can't seem to resist buying them.  So many sweet little baby things!  I love to make baby things.  I guess it's a better vice than some I could name.  Maybe I will open up my shop again on Etsy.  I used to sell baby things on Etsy, but let it go when we moved here to take care of Christie and Benny. 

So we are home for the next couple of weeks and I plan to enjoy it.  I also have to go to the doctor next week.  I have really messed up my left shoulder/upper arm muscles lifting Butch up and down.  I can barely get dressed.  I can't move my left arm out to the side or back without extreme pain.  I don't know what the doctor can do about it, because it really feels like I've torn my upper bicep muscle.  But I need to go see him and have it x-rayed, I guess.  I also really need to get in to see my OB/GYN if I can.  I was due for my annual checkup in February and I've run out of my hormone pills with no more refills.  Plus I want to see if she'll write me a script for a stronger dose of Prozac.  I need to keep calm and steady right now.  This is not the time to wig out with menopausal craziness.  

I should also go see my dentist, but that will have to wait.  And I have the toenail from hell, but again, that's a low priority right now.

It's cold and nasty here today.  I guess February is having a last hurrah at our expense.  I'll be glad for spring to arrive.  My pansies and snapdragons are hanging in there.  If the weather will warm up, they should be gorgeous this spring.  I do so love flowers!  My great-grandmother always said there was something wrong with a person who didn't like children or flowers.  I think she was right! 

I got my sample of Thrive from Grammylew in the mail, but I haven't opened it yet.  Judy and Connie, have y'all tried yours yet?  

I guess I'm done chattering now.  I should try and respond to all of the individual posts, but I just can't think of it all right now.  I will do better now that I am home on the computer.  I do read all of the posts every day and think about each of you and pray for your needs.  I am so happy to welcome our newbies, too!  I will make a real effort to respond to each of you over the coming days.  This board is a wonderful safe haven and is filled with wild and wacky women who love each other dearly!  Welcome aboard!

Love you all!





Connie D.
on 2/28/15 12:40 am

Hi Vickie.....we must have been posting at the same time.

I am so happy to know you are both safely home once again. I agree, two weeks at home will be good for both of you. Keep after Butch about following his doctors orders. Tell him if he doesn't do it, you are going to get at PT to come in and do it with him. He needs to be really strong for what is yet to come. He knows what Chemo is like. He better be ready!! Still sending prayers.

I hope you can manage to get your medical appointments taken care of in this time off. You have to keep you going too! You tell Butch to use that walker. You shouldn't have to pick him up much if he uses it all the time. It helps so much with balance...don't I know that!!

I haven't tried the "Thrive" yet. I am on a antibiotic and don't want to mix it together. I wonder if Judy has tried her's yet? Let me know when you try it and what you think. My doctor has some questions about it. I need to send it to her today, even though she won't be in until Tuesday. Sometimes she still works from home and will get back to me.

Good grief...insurance is getting crazier all the time!! I guess that is why people have to go without their meds sometimes. I went in to get a couple RXs the other day. They said my total was $1532.00. Get real....they said they thought it wasn't right either. The pharmacist called them....the person at the insurance company had punched in a wrong number. I almost had a heart attack!!! I pray you get yours straightened out soon.

I agree with you...children and flowers...beware of that person. I grew up with flower gardens. I love flowers too!!!!

I am glad you are keeping busy with your crocheting. I didn't remember that you were on Etsy. That would be great if you could manage that again somewhere down the line!!

Please don't overdo with your family there. Don't spend hours cooking. Make tacos or some kind of buffet type meal. The girls can certainly help with that and the cleaning up too! YOU are resting...remember???

I love you much....always prayering for all of your family!!!

Love and many hugs to all....connie d

on 2/28/15 2:01 am - Cibolo, TX

NO worries, Connie!  We decided on having brunch tomorrow, which will be easy.  I'm even going to bake the cinnamon muffins this afternoon, so all there will be to cook in the morning are bacon and eggs.  I have fresh blueberries, too.  It will be an easy meal and it won't be so late for Carrie and Leo to drive back to Waco tomorrow afternoon.  

Carrie said she and Leo would go out to dinner tonight, so I won't have a big meal to cook this evening either.  I'm just thrilled to be seeing her again.  I surely do miss my Carrie!

I hope YOUR Carrie and hubby have a good time while they are away.  Florida, right?  That should be a really nice break from this awful winter weather for them.

Hope you are feeling well today.  I worry about you!


Mary Gee
on 2/28/15 12:35 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14
Good Morning Ladies... .......Vickie, I'm so glad you are home and there will be time for you and Butch to build up your strength before Butch starts chemo. Lightswitch and Judy, I absolutely l.o.v.e Chinese food ad haven't any since pre-op days. I'm thinking some cicken wings spare ribs, egg foo young al sound pretty good - but I'll hold off for a while - need to stay away from that slippery slope. ............. I made a delicious breakfast today, and cleaned out the refrigerator at the same time. Had some fresh cauliflower and some onions and tomatoes so I sauteed that all up for a side dish. But I used some to make an omelette adding some egg, feta and cheddar cheese. Yum! It made a big serving, and I wanted to keep eating and eating, but I started to get "the signal" and stopped -- did not want to suffer any consequences. I love leftovers, so I'm set for several days. ........ ......... SPRING arrives in 20 days!!! I hope Old Man Winter gets lost soon! ........ Good wishes to all.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








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