Judy G.
on 2/28/15 9:00 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF Family...need some HOT right back!!

Patricia R.
on 2/28/15 9:19 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Judy and OFF,

I'm in Pittsburgh, and not able to leave for Michigan till tomorrow.  Winter Storm Sparta has me stuck here right now.  I'm safe in my hotel room, with my Utley.  

Judy, thanks for the prayers for Ruth's family, as well as for me.  My heart is broken, as Ruth was the most Godly, Christ-like woman I've ever known.  Never a cross word for anyone.  

I might go to Sean's this afternoon, to watch movies.  Depends on how he feels.  He was feeling poorly coz of sinus issues yesterday.  We'll see.  He's about ten minutes away from my hotel.  

I visited Ruth's Facebook page, and tons of tributes to her are on it.  People saying the same things I've said about her.  What a legacy she leaves for so many families.  She truly lived as a Titus 2 woman. 

Thank you for the prayers for Mom.  We are still not sure if she's going to live alone anymore, but she's much better.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 2/28/15 9:23 pm - Galion, OH

Trish glad you are staying there as this storm is bad!!! So far we have about 5 inches and its still coming down hard!!

You are welcome for the prayers and I am still saying many have passed this year its sad. I also have lost so many.

Glad your mom is doing better...hope things work out for her soon.


Connie D.
on 3/1/15 1:38 am

Hi Trish...glad you are staying another day. If the roads are bad it is better not to chance it. At least you are in a comfortable place and you have Utley with you. Rest and will have plenty to do when you get home.

I am sure many people knew Ruth. She sounds like the kind of person everybody loved. I know you will certainly be missing her. I am still praying for her family. 

I will continue to pray for you and your mom. You have to do what you feel is necessary. I know you don't want to keep running back and forth all the time. However, she needs to live in a safe place. Her illness makes it hard to always be on her own. I know you will chose what is best for her.

Love and many hugs to you....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/28/15 9:20 pm - Galion, OH

AHHHHHHHHHHH  HOT Coffee!!!! OK...better

Well We are getting hammered once again with this nasty ****ty snow!!! So far we have about 5 inches of it and it is STILL coming down hard!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!!!!! The mix is south of us and I hope and pray it stays there!! Later in the week they are calling for rain and higher temps and that means FLOODING possible for us and maybe apartments flooding also!!! OMG I DO NOT NEED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to Bingo last night and ofcourse I had to split my winnings again...came home with $38.00 not bad but could have been while at Bingo the "love-birds" were out walking to her car and when he was walking back to his apartment, Rick confronted him!!! OMG!!!!!! He told him we are only doing our job here  and he told him he read the letter he wrote also...and said he didn't think it was right that he refered to us as "jerks". He said he "never called us "jerks". Rick said really? its in the letter you wrote and oh by the way...corporate also got a copy of it!!! Little love-bird about craped himself!!! He said he had to go home...Rick asked him if he wanted to have a beer...LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he said no he stopped drinking for awhile...he couldn't get home fast enough!!!! Probably had to check in with sugar plum!!! LMAOOOOOOO Rick said you should have seen him go!!!  Yeah whatever...I am done with him....I do my job...he thinks he over rules. WRONG. I am done being friends with him. He is history in being my friend.

Got most of the apartment cleaned yesterday. Looks today its the bedroom!!! YUCK!!!!! I have so many darn clothes that need to be tossed. GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!! Why did I even bring them to Ohio?????????? Going to bag them up and Goodwill look out!!!!!!!! LOL

Took pork chops out for supper today. Thinking scalloped potatoes to go with them. My home made ones not boxed ones.   Sounds so good!!! Haven't made those in ages!!

Can't believe March is here already!!! WOW!!! In like a LION for sure!!!!!!!! Better go out like a LAMB!!!! LOL

Well better get busy here...need to check out FB once more then tackle the bedroom...BLAH!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!



Connie D.
on 3/1/15 1:29 am

Good morning Judy and everyone....

Judy...I just can't believe how much snow you are getting this year...WOW!! I thing someone forget to pull the switch and stop the snow from falling in Ohio!!

Well you didn't win a lot at Bingo but you did win. You are a lucky person. You win something almost every time you play. I could play for weeks and never win!!

I am glad Rick confronted the idiot. It was probably her idea to write the letter in the first place. Now he knows corporate is involved too. Not so smart mouthed now is he!!! 

I wish I could eat pork chops....I used to love to stuff them ...they were always so good. No more!!! Scalloped potatoes are so good too. I never use boxed products...I prefer the real ones. 

Have fun going through all the older clothes. I get rid of a ton every time I move. I always figure there are needy people that can use them instead of them just keeping around here.

As for me...another day of not much going on. I haven't read the paper yet. I was working on the puzzle for awhile. It is always quieter here on weekends. That is fine with me. 

I am missing my grandchildren. They are all going to school and working. They said they will be up to see me soon. They all seem to had different hours when they are available. At least we all text and call each other!! I wish I would have felt well enough to go to Carrie's. Oh well...I guess God didn't want me traveling. 


Prayers for all our loving OFF Family and their families . 

Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d


Judy G.
on 3/1/15 6:37 am - Galion, OH

Connie it gets even better yet...1-2 inches of RAIN on top of all this snow then the warm temps melting this snow also making for FLOODING!!!!!!!!!! Then the temps dropping again and then MORE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH????????? I have had enough!!!!!!!! Then Pat is outside when the idiots show up to plow the snow finally!!! And they told him WE need to have some of this snow REMOVED to make MORE ROOM for THEM to put snow!!!!!!! EXCUSE ME??????? If THEY would LISTEN TO US and put it where WE TOLD THEM THEY wouldn't HAVE a problem now!!!!!!!!! And WHY are they telling a TENANT???????? IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only half the lot is done once again...can't plow it right again...oh heck no!! A car was parked...but yet there are several EMPTY parking places they could clean out!!! But NOPE they can't do that!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!! And then the Idiot plows a car right in so she couldn't get out!!!!!!!!!!! WTH??????????????

I have my bed FULL of clothes...I am worn out...LOL

Sugar Plum showed up early this morning also...YES she drove in this snow storm like the dummy she is!!!!!!! Guess getting stuck in a snow bank for FOUR hours didn't do a thing!!!!!!!! BRAIN DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Atleast your grands talk to you...mine totally ignore me. Why? No clue...they are more interested in their cell phones I guess.

Pork Chops and my scalloped potatoes were soooooooo good!!! Made a pig of myself!! OMG!!!

OK time to answer the rest


Connie D.
on 3/1/15 9:17 am

Hello Judy....RAIN too....that is going to be awful. How will anyone get around tomorrow!! It will be so slick and dangerous. Especially for you because you have flooding to worry about. The plow guys now seem to be doing a worse job then before. They probably had a good talking to and are mad. What idiots!!

Don't get lost in your clothes. If you are tired just push them aside and crawl into bed!!

My grands are busy too,  they find a little time to make sure I am okay. They worry about me because of my health. My daughters still call especially when they are sick. Jamie called Saturday and said " Mom...I am so sick".  She has bronchitis bordering on pneumonia. Jamie went to the doctor. She sounded awful!! She promised if she wasn't better Monday she would go back to the doctor. She just sent me a text saying Gracie is now 100% over her pneumonia. That makes me smile. She text  again and said she is feeling better today, but her ribs hurt from coughing. She is on good meds so it is a matter of time until she feels well. That is good news!  

I hope you do okay power outages and things. I am still sending prayers. 

I am sure your pork chops and scalloped potatoes were wonderful!!! 

Sugar Plum is definitely an odd, odd person. I am sure she chanced coming out so she can keep an eye on Micheal...that is so junior one would want him after her anyway!

Get some sleep tonight...tomorrow will be a brutal day!!

Love and more hugs.....connie d

on 2/28/15 10:23 pm, edited 2/28/15 10:23 pm

Good Morning Judy and All,

It is freezing cold here in the Ozarks.  Yesterday, I ran out of coffee and the road were way too slick for me to drive to the store for just coffee.  So, this morning it will be a cup of tea for me. LOL.   Our snow blizzard lasted until late yesterday evening, but today we are supposed to get an ice storm blow in for a few hours.   I hate the ice storms because I am in the Ozarks and when the trees get heavy with ice, the tops just snap off.  The last bad ice storm we had, my husband and I, as did every one, heard the trees snapping and falling and it was a very sad sound.   The next day, the the beautiful skyline of trees had splintered...nature has repaired herself and the trees are full and tall again.  I'd hate to have that happen again.   Someone said that ice storms and tornados were natures way of pruning all these thousands of miles of trees....I'd rather not have to hear it or see it; and like my grandmother use to say, nature is cruel. Yesterday I boiled chicken thighs until they fell apart and after I took the grease out of the broth that the thighs made, I used it to make a huge pot of chicken soup with carrots, potatoes, onions, and corn.  After my husband's getting into the cookies and eating like he was 14 and not a diabetic, he didn't get any of the potatoes in his soup.    We have finally gotten his sugar down to 150 so I'm hoping it continues to drop.  The kids left him one more box of cookies and they are peanut butter so I loaded that box up with all the other junk food that man has stashed and I gave them to the little kid who shovels our steps.    When we moved out of our house, we gave our shovels and such to our grandsons so that they can keep the snow cleared around their hen houses and such, but we gave one of the shovels to the kid who is our neighbor and every time it snows he makes money by shoveling snow off of folks drives and sidewalks and steps...he never wants to take money from us, but I tell him if he doesn't take it, the wild animals will get it cause I'm leaving it on the porch.   I also make him hot cocoa and give him cookies.   His mom told me that he hopes for snow just so he can get the cocoa.....So, when it turns cold, with or without snow, I make him the cocoa and cookies and will call him mom for her to send him over.   When my son was a teenager the older women in our home town loved him so much because he shoveled snow, mowed their lawns, and even cleaned out their attics and they were always making him treat and giving him I've turned into those old women. LOL....

If we get the ice storm that they have predicted, I won't go to work tomorrow, and I hate that because I have end of the month reports due and I cannot do them from home as easily as I can at work and I hate to start a new month behind.   Dang it.   

Just 16 more days until I head to Florida...yeah.   

Vic, I hope you and Butch are getting rested up...and hope you are enjoying your daughter's visit.   

Judy, you are living at the funny farm, that is for sure.   We have a little lady that lives two apartments down from us and she is a heavy drinker and often gets out walking while drunk and has fallen and every tenant here has helped her at one point or another.   Yesterday, she was out taking her little dog for a walk and I don't think she was drunk but she fell down and one of the other tenants was trying to help her up but she just kept sliding.   DH went out to help and I be damn if he didn't fall.   Thankfully, we have a neighbor who is kind and generous and very big and he picked the woman up like she was a kitten and carried her to her porch...his wive took her into the apartment to make sure she was okay and then he came back and helped get DH up.   Fortunately, DH didn't hurt himself too much and the nice young man said, you know, next time holler and I'll could break a hip...when the guy left, Kenny said, he must think I'm an old man and I said, Baby, you are an old man and I totally agree with cannot be rescuing damsels in distress but you can direct others to rescue her. LOL.  

So far, he is still asleep and I only have two cats awake bothering each other and not me.   I am making omelets for breakfast and I am going to cook some berries that are on the verge of going bad up in a little butter for sugar....just berries and butter.  Funny, I can eat cucumbers with all those seeds but when I eat strawberries raw, they tear my belly to pieces.  So, I sauté them in a little butter and I guess the heat softens the seeds up or something.  

Here's for hoping we see the sun and that all of you see it too.   

Judy G.
on 2/28/15 10:44 pm - Galion, OH

Jeanine I am rofl here sorry...seeing that lady down and your DH trying to get her up...him on the ground also and the next guy picking her up and then coming back for your DH...just hit me as funny!!! I am sorry...when they fall here we call the squad! They told us NOT to pick ANY of them up no matter how small they are!!! That is what THEY are for!!! We could hurt them by picking them up more picking ANYONE up!!! We have a couple in here that are always falling for who knows what reason...squad is here picks them up and problem...not mine that's for sure. And YES it IS a Funny Farm here!!! OMG!!!! There are days I never want to go outside!!!! GRRRRRRRRR LOL

One of the new tenants was out shoveling a path to his car and Rick asked him if he wanted to help him...he said NO and he also didn't want to be President either!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO This guy is funny...good egg!!! Like him a lot!!!Wish more were like him!!!

Have a good day...and hope the trees are going to be OK!!!!

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