Good is what's new today??

on 2/26/15 3:34 am

Good Afternoon Everyone!

I want to get in the practice of coming here everyday since I have just started this process & have much to learn, but one of the things I have noted I need to change is the amount of time I spend sitting on the computer. I actually started to count the hours & was shocked to find I am on probably an average of 8 hours/day!

Has anyone else made this discovery? I have read Mary Jane's recent post about her electronics messing up & being at a loss without them & I know I do a lot of business online like banking, etc., but I really feel like this is contributing to my sedentary lifestyle. I could be doing so many other ACTIVE things! So anyhow I am trying to cut back, but this group & learning has got to be a priority. I just wonder how others balance things...

I am just getting started so I have at least several months to go before surgery, but I have been trying to increase my water AND fluid intake (I don't drink enough!), reduce my carbs & increase my protein. I switched from Fi****ch to Fitness Pal after reading posts here (see, I am already and really like Fitness Pal so much better!

Has anyone else had Afib? I am constantly fighting fatigue from this & my prescribed beta blockers. I am hopeful weight loss will tip the scales back so I regain more energy despite the betablockers taking it away. I read about you all going here and there and an hour trip to Walmart wears me out for the rest of the day...ugh!

I have been reading everyone's posts with interest even if I have not responded.

Hope everyone has a great day. We got another couple inches of snow & wind today...SO sick of it!


Connie D.
on 2/26/15 4:45 am

Hi Kathy....snow...ewwwwww!! I have gotten to hate that word. Will it ever get warm again!! 

You are doing great...good for you starting the water and reducing carbs now...that will help!!I am proud of you....great attitude!! You will do awesome!!!

Yes...I could stay on the computer all day and night. I can't sit that long or I would. I have to get on it about an hour at a time...sometimes less. I work it out. I do things in between. I walk twice  a day. I make myself do it!! I won't let myself eat lunch or dinner until I have had my walk. It works for me!!

Fatigue is a major problem of mine. This week it has really been bad. I pu**** and make sure I am somewhat productive each day. What is AFIB???  I have a very hard time going anywhere. I have other health issues. RNY has helped a lot. I am just having more problems as I am aging. I have Fibromyalgia and that gets me very fatigued as well. We just have to keep ahead of it the best we can!!! 

Love and many hugs to you...we are here to help....connie d

on 2/27/15 11:07 am

Hi Connie!

So sick of snow! I am a Spring/Summer/Fall person so winter really bums me out. It has been overcast most of the winter. I need some sunshine!

I do try to regulate my computer use, but will hop on to do some business & decide to check FB or craigslist and time slips by. The I am so stiff & sore from sitting I have to push to motivate myself to get up. I find I do best on days I get up & focus on tasks around the house and leaving the computer to night time. But we have a 13 year old gdaughter we are raising so evenings are pretty busy.


It's a constant juggling act!

A-fib is a heart arrhythmia where the heartbeat is irregular. Mine was well over 100 beats a minute or up & down and all over the place. They have been trying various betablockers to treat this, but I never knew the side effects could often be debilitating. On one script I was so tired I would sleep 10 hours a night, drag out of bed still tired, force myself to do basic chores, and be out of breath and tired the whole day!

I am on another med now, but I still am far more tired than I should be for my age. I am hoping losing weight will help with some of this sluggish feeling! I know a few ppl with fibro & altho I don't have pain I believe the fatigue is similar...

Thanks for getting back to me. It's always nice to get support!



on 2/26/15 4:27 am, edited 2/26/15 4:28 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sweet sistas and all our newbies!

We got some good news today. We are being discharged this evening!  Hooray!  The doctor said as long as the new pain meds are controlling the pain and the nausea is also under control we can go home to rest and regain strength.  Hopefully we'll be starting chemo next week. 

Butch had a bronchioscopy this morning to see if they could find and stop the bleed in his lungs but no luck.  The bleed wasn't in any of the major airways which means it's coming from some of the smaller passages that they cannot get to. So there was nothing they could do to stop it.  As long as he is only coughing up small amounts of blood it is okay.  Just a bit disconcerting to see bright red in the Kleenex, you know? 

So we are more than ready to go home but we will spend the night at Sandy and Karen's tonight just to make sure the pain pills are working as needed.  Besides I have such a tremendous headache today I don't think I could drive home if I tried.  I need some serious down time this evening.  Between worrying about Butch and fighting the traffic I'm about worn to a frazzle.  I need to relax and hopefully sleep awhile. 

I've read all the posts and I'm keeping up. Just too hard to post on the phone. Love you all! 


Connie D.
on 2/26/15 5:04 am

Hi Vickie...I am so excited that Butch and you are being sprung today!! Isn't it wonderful that Butch is doing so much better. I wish they would have listened to you long ago about that pain medication!! 

I am sorry you have such a horrible headache today. I know how much you would rather be in your own bed tonight. I think you are making the right decision to stay in town. Hopefully you both can get caught up on some sleep. Tomorrow you won't have to deal with rush hour traffic. I will be praying for your safe travels tomorrow!!

I wish the doctor could have found the spot that is bleeding. I guess it just needs to be monitored and doesn't get any worse. I also am praying that the Chemo can be started next week.

I love you Vickie...and I am your biggest cheerleader!! I will always be here for you...and Butch too.

Sending much love and bunches of hugs to you....connie d

Mary Gee
on 2/26/15 4:37 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14
Hi Ladies - Good to see you! Just saying a quick hello because now my Pad is not holding a charge. If I disappear for a while, it's because all systems have crashed! Christine and Kathy: You both are doing so well on your pre-op journeys. I think you'll both be very successful post-op. Aren't the tests fun???? Not!!..... Battery is down to two percent and shutdown message keeps flashing, so I've got to go 😩


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Connie D.
on 2/26/15 4:51 am

Hi Mary...I am so sorry you are still having so many problems with your electronics. I hope you have some what of a light at the end of the tunnel to get things up and running again!! 

If you disappear we will know why....although I hope you don't!! You would be missed!!! 

Love and hugs to you.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 2/26/15 9:37 am - Evansville, IN

My friend Richard has an iPad and he has been having problems with it holding a charge, too. He's also gone through a number of power cords lately (that's another story altogether). He's not really happy with his iPad right now. I have an Android tablet and love it. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 2/26/15 6:30 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...quick stop in tonight...been busy as heck all day and still tonight yet...sighs....................seems everyone wants a piece of my time and I need to stop and re-group!!!! So this is it for right now!!!! DAM!!!!!!!!!

I had my RECERTS done for March weeks waits til yesterday to do them.....GRRRR finds one that I didn't have her SSI and we need that to do her I said I was BUSY today....called the tenant and she said she DID give that to me...nooooooo you gave me SS still need the SSI she swears and said she would look for it...ok...told her to put it in my drop box because I was in other club house busy...oh was she mad!!! So she found it dropped it off and then took off!!!!!!! WTH?????? I told her I would have her new lease soon as the Chiro doc was done here...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR So I wait and wait for her to come back home........she gets home just before 4pm...signs her lease and *****es more at me like it is MY fault she didn't turn all her income!!!! Finally get her paperwork turned in just in time for the office to turn it into Rural Development!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! I had 5 RECERTS due end of this month and office waited til yesterday!!!!!!! WTH????!!!!!!!!!! Then I have to scramble to get leases signed and turned in!!!! I was mad as hell!!!!!! I get them done well in advance and then this happens!!!!!!! Then I have a new tenant that is due in first thing in the morning to sign her new lease to move in. She is coming in before she starts work...which is fine...this way I don't have to wait til she gets out of work at 5. Also wouldn't get her paperwork in to office in time either if we waited til 5. I am so darn busy I don't know if I am coming or going right now!!!

Anyhow had a good Pizza party with Chiro doc...only 6 tenants showed up. Told him with the weather being cold and nasty they wouldn't come out!!! But we had fun. Sorry Connie I couldn't pinch his butt for you...LMAOOOOOOOOOO

OK Rick is yelling for me to go with him...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 2/26/15 9:29 am

Hi Judy....sorry you had to run in circles today!! I do remember what that was like!! I was responsible for two large counties. I had a lot of driving to do going back and forth... about 35- 40 clients....way too much paperwork involved!! Then I had to put the paperwork into the computer and send it to headquarters...we also had to send in the hard copy ..... first I had to make a hard copy to keep at my office. Three copies of the same crap for each client. How ridiculous was that!!!!!! The only thing that was great was that I got paid mileage, they paid great for that. I also picked the hours I wanted to work. I always had Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. It sounds like someone at the main office there is not keeping up with things. They like to leave everything for the last minute.  Our program was Non-Profit and my clients were low income and at least 50 years old. I know all about those government rules and regulations. I dealt every day with HUD or HRA.  The clients never remembered all their paperwork. It can be a real pain in the butt!! Even giving them lists of what was needed they still got confused!! I don't envy you the headaches. You obviously are very organized...that sure helped!

What do you mean you didn't pinch his butt...I would have done it for you...LOL!!! 

Sorry everyone didn't show up. At least you had a great time!!

Tomorrow is Friday...the weekend is almost there...hang on sweetie!!

Love and more hugs.....connie d


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