Good is what's new today??

Connie D.
on 2/25/15 11:48 pm

Good morning everyone....

I finally had a complete night's sleep. I crashed at 8 PM and didn't wake up until 8 AM. I had to take a Vicodin for the pain. I fell into my bed and that was all I remember. I am not as fatigued this morning...YAY....I hope it stays this way today.

I saw Vickie's note on Care Pages and was so happy!!! I am so glad the doctors finally listened to Vickie and changed Butch's pain medication. It sounds like it made quite a difference in one day!!! I am just thrilled for both of them!! What a great big lift off their shoulders this makes!! Praise God for answered prayers.

I have absolutely nothing planned for today. Tony said, if I need him to run any errands for me that he will be available this afternoon. 

Carrie and Greg (daughter and son in law) are going to Florida for two weeks. They will be dog and house sitting for some good friends of theirs. Carrie is a Twin's fanatic so they will be going to a game and other Twin's things going on as well. They offered me to come and stay at their house. I really thought about it as I would be closer to my grandchildren. I decided I best not go because of how I have been feeling. Carrie called last night. They are leaving tomorrow. She said if I changed my mind the kids would come and get me. I have a key so I can get in. Oh well, as of now I couldn't do it. Maybe later this weekend if I feel better. 

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Prayers for all of our precious OFF Family and their families.

Tons of love and bushels of hugs to all.....connie d


on 2/25/15 11:55 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Good morning everyone!

I am sorry to have been absent for a few days.  Thank you for your kind words of support about my job loss. I will get through this somehow. I'm using this "downtime" to get my appointments out of the way and then, to start cleaning my house. It's in terrible shape. Anything to keep me busy and away from the fridge!

I spent most of Tuesday in the hospital having tests and consultations to prep for my surgery.  I had a nuclear stress test, pulmonary consultation, and a sleep test.  For the Sleep test (which will check for Sleep Apnea), I was fitted with a machine that I took home with me. Though it was not an especially restful night of sleep I am glad I got that behind me.  The nuclear stress test was required since my knees prevent me from running or walking fast enough to get my heart rate up. A stationary bike (which I do at home) would work but they only had a treadmill for the stress test so... they gave me a dose of Lord knows what to elevate my heart rate.  Have any of you had one of those? It's a little scary! Well thank God, the tests showed my heart is strong and healthy so I am cleared for surgery from a Cardiovascular perspective. I have an appointment this afternoon with my neurologist (who treated me for my TIA or mini-stroke in 2012). That will be no problem, and I will be down to just my final test for pre-surgery clearance:  my upper endoscopy or EGD, on Monday.  I chose to have a colonscopy at the same time to just get it over with;  I am over 50 and haven't had one, so it's just a routine screening. I figure I will already be under anesthesia so I will double up. The preparation sounds awful.  I wish I was weighing in with my nutritionist the day after! LOL  On Tuesday night, I went to my program's local support group and met my first RNY veteran in person. I didn't know anyone who had WLS before I started my journey. Everyone seems to be having the Gastric Sleeve at my hospital so this vet was the first RNY I had met live and in person. It is so helpful to meet vets, like you all and like her, who I can learn from and be inspired by!  

Yesterday was just BUSY. Errands, updating my resume, and having interviews. Yes I already started interviewing. I am lucky and blessed!

so now, to catch up with a few of you I've missed over the past few days...

Connie, you sound so much better!  I am go glad you got some sleep!! You needed it.  I think you're just amazing and so strong. I don't think you're whining at all! You are a trouper to keep on plugging but if you can't come here to vent, then where else can you go???  HUGS to you!  

Carla, enjoy your last days in the relative warmth of Florida. The deep freezer can wait!

Trish, thats great news about your Mom. Showing that kind of spark and interest is a great sign!  I also used to help me evaluate my options for my Mother's care.  Hugs to you and your sister!

MaryGee, that's maddening! when my iPad gets sluggi****'s always due to a lack of storage. You can call Apple for support or even go to an apple store (if you have one near you) for help. To reduce the wait time, go online to make an appointment and then you can basically walk right in.  Good luck!!!   

Eileen, look at you with your tax refund already. I have to submit everything - this downtime is the perfect time to work on that.  

Judy, did you get snow or not?  We are getting some light snow today but it's not mounting up to much, thank heavens.  

Jeannie, I feel your (knee) pain. I do need TKR but my doctor and I are doing to wait 2 years to see how I feel post-WLS.  Last night the pain was so bad, I couldn't sleep. Waaaahhhh!!

Vickie, I am do glad they changed up Butch's meds. I hope he's continuing to manage better - and I hope you are getting some rest. Try to remember to take care of Vickie!!!

Well ok ladies, I'm off to keep myself busy prepping my tax return and cleaning.  Fun day ahead!!!  LOL.

Have a good one - hugs to you all!


137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


Connie D.
on 2/26/15 3:55 am, edited 2/26/15 3:59 am

Hi Christine.....thank you so much...I am feeling a bit better but am slowly getting the fatigue back. At least my morning was pretty good. Maybe it is a virus I caught...that is what my doctor said yesterday. She wants me to keep in touch. 

You are the energizer bunny!! WOW...have you got a lot done!!

Yes, I can't take the treadmill either. I have to have the nuclear test done. The first one I was scared to death. It was the craziest test/ feeling!! They made my heart go faster then it probably has ever gone. I was so afraid they wouldn't get the injection in fast enough to get my heart slowed down. I too have a very healthy and strong heart.

I had my EGD and colonoscopy done at the same time...I don't remember a thing..ZZZZZZZ!!!!! The prep for the colonoscopy is the worst part of the test. That is nasty!!!! Don't be far from the bathroom at any time after your drink to cleanse get's started!!! Warn everyone to stay away!!

I am glad you went to the meeting and met someone you felt you could talk too. I am sure she will give you good tips!!

Keep busy...stay out of the kitchen...except for meal times!! LOL!!! Here I am nagging you already!!

Love and lots of hugs to you.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 2/26/15 2:23 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Connie, so glad you are feeling better. I think your fatigue has passed on to me. I was so tired yesterday at work I started nodding off. This morning, I'm tired too. Just can't get moving. I get up and want to go back to sleep.

Richard went out to the store this morning and there was a big accident right in front of him (no, he wasn't involved). But he was about the only person who stopped to lend aid. People were going around and he was trying to help the injured people; he was giving first aid and having people call 911 and directing traffic. He was the only witness. When the police came, he was still directing traffic. I think he got some karma points.

Well, I'm going to get in the shower and have lunch. Maybe that'll perk me up. If not, I'll take a nap before lunch. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/26/15 4:11 am

Hi Eileen....I am sorry you got the fatigue now!! I spoke with my doctor...she thinks it is a virus. Mine was pretty good all morning, then it took a dive. Maybe tomorrow it will be better. Hope yours gets better soon.

I am glad Richard wasn't hurt in that accident. It sure could have been a lot worse. I hope the others that were hurt are doing okay.

Somehow I can picture Richard doing that. Helping people and directing traffic. Everyone was lucky he was there! Yes...I agree he earned a few points with Karma!!

I hope you can nap later....I don't know how you worked like that. I would have been worthless trying to work. You are one strong lady!!

Love and more hugs to you...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 2/26/15 9:20 am - Evansville, IN

And Connie, after I left for work, Richard told me there was a big fight going on upstairs, enough so he called the cops because he thought the guy was going to beat up the woman upstairs. Ended up with six police cruisers and a van hauling off six guys (don't know what they were all doing upstairs ... as far as I know, it's a single mom with two kids). So he's had a lot of excitement today.

I did get in a good 45 minute nap ... Richard had to wake me up so I could get ready for work. I feel a little better today but still a bit sleepy. Not as bad as last night. I had to start back on gabapentin because I ran out of Lyrica and it costs too much to stay on it ($793 for 90 days ... can't afford that ... and that's the copay). Gabapentin is much, much less. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/26/15 9:52 am, edited 2/26/15 9:53 am

Eileen....poor Richard...what a day!!! I hope those dudes never come back again. I hope the kids weren't at home. That would have scared them. Drug my guess. One of the thugs may have been the dad or the woman's boyfriend. Who knows these days!!

I am so glad you got in a nap...45 minutes was pretty good.  I hope you don't fall asleep at the computer/desk tonight. 

Lyrica made me sick...WOW... that is expensive!! I liked Gabapentin but I gained weight really fast when I was on it. I also had trouble breathing. So far Cymbalta is working okay. I take Vicodin when the pain is more then 10. I hate how drugged I am the next day after the Vicodin. 

Hope your night goes well and won't be so hectic.

Love and hugs to you....connie d

Patricia R.
on 2/26/15 2:34 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Connie and OFF,

I just got home from checking on Mom at Eileen's.  I offered to bring her here to see the baby, coz Kathy's grandson is staying here for a few days while my niece and her husband travel to a wedding in North Carolina.  Eileen will bring her over later.

I was going to move my things over to my friend, Ellen's today, but she's very sick with bronchitis, and just does not want me to catch it, which I don't want either.

I will be leaving here Saturday, to go to Pittsburgh.  I'm planning to stay the night, unless I can talk Sean into coming with me to drive the second shift.  I know Colleen would love to see him, and the Munchkins hardly know him.  

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 2/26/15 4:18 am

Hi Trish.....I am glad your mom will come over. It will do her good to be around the baby.

So sorry Ellen isn't feeling  well. Good thing you weren't there, you all would have gotten sick. I pray she feels better soon!

So you are leaving for Pittsburg Saturday. Does that mean you are taking the baby with you? I am praying that you have safe travels. It would be great if Sean could drive the second shift. I am sure everyone would be happy to see you both!

Love and many hugs to you...connie d


Connie D.
on 2/26/15 4:21 am
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