Ahhh It's Hump Day Wednesday!!

on 2/24/15 9:55 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning!

I've been coughing up a storm! It's crazy! But I'm feeling better today.

My sister is coming back from Sanabel Island. We r going to Chill here for a couple of days, Then on Saturday we r driving down to Ft Lauderdale to see my girlfriend and go to the Miami Zoo. We have free tickets.

Monday we r leaving to drive to Wisconsin then on Friday I'll take her back to Michigan. Then Saturday I'm going to my Vinnie for two weeks.

I'm hoping Vickie and Butch ate having a better time.

talk on I need to get my medicine and my Keurig is calling me!!


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Patricia R.
on 2/24/15 10:20 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.  Mom and Eileen were here for dinner last night, and we played Scrabble.  The fact that Mom came out, and that she was willing to play her favorite game was a huge step in the right direction.  I cooked a huge feast, and she ate so much food.  I am so relieved.  She had not been eating much at all till last night.  It was all food she grew up on, and it was yummy.  The stuffed cabbage was a surprise, and she said they were good.  I was thrilled, since she taught me to make them.

I did some research on alternatives for her to live, and have more to do today.  But, I don't feel the pressure I did yesterday morning.  Kathy and I both saw last night's dinner and Scrabble game as a huge turning point.  You have to understand that Scrabble is Mom's absolute favorite game.  She will playfully whine if we don't play.  Yet, when Eileen was at her house before I came out, Mom had no interest in it.  So, last night she was willing to play, and was actually playfully whining when she was not getting the letters she needed.

Tonight, Kathy is taking me to dinner with some of her former coworkers at the Bible college.  Plus, her grandson, my great-nephew, is coming to spend a few nights here, while my niece and her husband travel to North Carolina to a family wedding with her in-laws.  I get to play with my four month old Jackson.  I will have to move to my friend, Ellen's apartment, tomorrow.  The baby needs the guest room.  I do not mind at all, plus Ellen could use the company.

Well, must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 2/25/15 2:29 am

Hi Trish...I am so happy to hear that your mom had such a good evening with you and your sister!! Scrabble is our family favorite to play. I keep it handy at all times!! I am not as good at it as I once was...my daughters are consistently beating me these days!! It is all in fun!! 

I hope you find a nice place for your mom to live. I think she would do great in a place like Eileen's mom is living now. There are always people around and plenty of things to do. I think it would do wonders for her to be around other people her age. She would have a purpose to get up and do things every day. Just my opinion.

I am sure you will love having your little Jackson around. That will be a great time!!

Much love and many hugs to you....connie d

Mary Gee
on 2/25/15 12:49 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14
Morning ladies! ....... Well, I have to vent a bit. Minor things really, but aggravating. It seems every electronic or appliance is breaking around me. My computer, my Roku box, my toaster oven, my coffeemaker, and now this iPad I'm using! Not only is it super slow, but when I'm typing a response, extra letters keep popping up, and I have to go back and make corrections. So if you see some typos, they're just those extra letters that I did not catch. ..........Good news: it is 276 degrees out; bad news: tomorrow it will drop back down to the teens. Darn! ........ Good wishes to all.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 2/25/15 2:24 am - Bradenton, FL

Mary no problem! My Ipad has done that since the day Ibought  mine!!!! My problem with my Ipad is it is out of memory and it is only over two years old!!!


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on 2/25/15 7:46 am


Is there a way you can move all of your pictures, videos, music, games, and books to the cloud?   I don't store anything on my iPad.  I keep everything in the cloud, and when I travel or when I am going to be where I won't have internet access, I download onto my device the music and such that I will need.   It saves on memory. 

Connie D.
on 2/25/15 2:33 am

Hi Mary....what a bummer that all your electronic equipment/appliances are breaking down all at once. I hope you can get them fixed/replaced soon!!

WOW...I agree...276 is even too hot for me...LOL!!! Had to tease you!!!

Have a good day...love and hugs to you...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 2/25/15 1:48 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Carla, I'm going to start calling you the Wanderer. Boy, you love to travel. Have fun. 

Trish, glad your mom is doing better. Have you checked out A Place for Mom? It's a clearinghouse for assisted living places, etc., for seniors. My brother used it to find my mom's home. 

Mary ... 276 degrees? Wow, it's going to be hot! LOL. ... I think you mean 27 or 26 degrees. I know you said extra characters were popping up. Just thought it was funny.

As for me, I go back to work today. I'm not ready. I'm sleepy. I'm hoping to get a nap in before work. My income tax refund came in, so I have been busy paying bills. Got my cable paid and my license plates renewed. I'll wait until the weekend, when I get my pension payment, to do some more. 

Not much else going on. I think I'll get into the shower and have lunch. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/25/15 2:40 am

Hi Eileen...I too had to laugh over Mary's 276 degrees...that was funny!! I know it was a typo but I still had to tease her about it.

I hope you feel better by the time you have to go to work. Being sleepy and doing your job won't be good.

I am having my taxes done on Monday. I don't have a lot so it doesn't take long to do them. Glad you got your refund and could get your license plates and such taken care of.

Love and many hugs to you...connie d

Judy G.
on 2/25/15 6:34 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!

WOW we are having a heat wave here!! 23* and it feels great!!!! LOL Could be the "calm before the next storm" though!!! Not looking forward to this at all!!! Tomorrow talk is 2" possible...then this weekend depending on WHERE the line is we could see 2-4" snow OR some freezing rain!!! I want spring and some pretty flowers like Vickie is posting on FB!!!!!!!

Well tomorrow my Chiro Doc is here for his Pizza party and his talk...gee Connie don't you wish you could be here?? I remember you said he was "cute" LOL So far right now I think I have about a dozen people coming...hopefully the weather is nice or that number will dwindle!! Even my boss sais she would come!!! WOW!!!

Went to the VFW Ladies Auxilary meeting last night and then we had the pot luck dinner for the essay winners and their families along with the judges...that was fun!!!! I got to sit across from two of the judges and they turned out to be retired school teachers...we had a lot of fun chatting then the one dad sat near us and he said he was there for the second time in 6 years for his daughters...WOW!!! Had nice chat with him also...his one daughter is in college for opthomologist and his daughter last night is going to college for veterinary. Did dad proud!!! He said yes they did!! Had a good time all night with them all. So much food and sooo good!!!! Glad I went!!! And YES I sat FAR away from my tenant that narrated last months meeting to me!!!! She was miffed but oh well!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO One of the others had a nicve dish that she bought at Target and my tenant was telling me how nice it was BLAH BLAH BLAH and said I should get one also...I said for what? I have no family here to take it to functions nor do I have friends here either to take to functions...the woman that owned the dish about spit her drink out because she KNEW what I was getting at!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! (tenant USED to be my best friend here) Anyhow dinner was over with and time to clean up and motor mouth went to bar and left clean up to the rest of us...as usual.......same as she did here when she came to our functions. I could go on and on about her but I won't bore you with details...LOL

Got a new tenant to move in here Friday morning and I have another application today that her social worker filled out for her and dam I can't read her writing one bit!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO will call tomorrow to see if anyone can help me out so I can process it!!!!!! Her friends dropped it off and they had NO clue what was written down and no help either......wonderful!!!!!! I have one place for her at 1 month and another at 3 months....the woman is 70 something years old and no place she lived longer than the 3 months??????? GREAT!!!!!!!!! I can't use it at all.....NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!

Well time to eat and then FB games.......

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


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