Monday Monday
Good Morning OFF,
I had such a great day yesterday, I didn't get to check in and post. First, Kathy and I went to my old church here. Saw a few old friends. Then, after lunch, my nephew had a Special Olympics basketball game. It was a tournament sponsored by a local Catholic church to raise money for cancer research, for the Jimmy V Foundation.
After the game, we came back to Kathy's and had supper, and Sean worked on my sister, Eileen's and nephew, Neil's laptops. He is my techie.
Then, it was Oscar night. I was absolutely blown away by Lady Gaga's tribute to Julie Andrews. That was awesome. If you haven't seen it, you must go to Youtube.
Today, I'm going to Eileen's to check on Mom, and take Sean to Philly to catch the bus back to Pittsburgh. I'm not sure when I'm going back to Michigan yet.
I continue to pray for everyone. Especially Butch and Vickie.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone....
Tri**** sounds like you had a fun but busy day yesterday!! So have you all decided your mom is just going to live with your sister, Eileen?? You haven't said anymore about it since you went with to see her psychiatrist.
It is nice that you were there for your nephew's Special Olympics Basketball GAme. I am sure he loved having you there. That is for such a good cause.
I missed Oscar night. I just can't give up my show "The Walking Dead" for anything. It is such a great show!!
Let us know when you will be coming back to Michigan. Colleen must have to change her plans or get another sitter why you are gone. I am sure the children are missing you!!
Vickie....More love and special prayers for Butch and Vickie today!! I hope Butch managed to stay up longer yesterday and ate a bit more too.
As for me...I showered and that took every amount of energy I had. I don't know why I am so fatigued. Probably the cold weather and the Fibro. Hope it warms up soon.
I was going to do laundry today. I may have to wait until my cleaning fairy come tomorrow. I am disappointed in myself!!
I will get in my two walks today no matter what else I achieve!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d I wish there was something I could do so you didn't hurt so much all the time!!! Have you ordered some of that Two Old Goats lotion yet? I got it and have used it a few times and I think it really helps!!!! I used it on Rick's back when he *****es it hurts him and even he said it helped. So if you haven't ordered some from Susan it soon and try it!!!
Hi I haven't ordered that lotion...I have two good RX's from my doctor. They help but not long enough. It is my ribs that are collapsing and pinching the nerves that is causing so much of the pain. Every move I make, trying to take deep breathes and so on is so painful. My disc's in my neck and back are degenerating is a lot of the pain too. I am going to take a Vicodin tonight. Don't worry about me. Butch and Vickie have it so much worse. I am just having a bad week. I will be okay.....this too shall pass!!
Love you honey....HUGS....connie d
Hi Trish and Connie and my OFF family to come:
I'm off today, which is good because I'm really tired. Richard has being doing laundry, but he's fallen asleep so I can't get in and do laundry right now, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow I guess. Oh well. He also scrubbed down the bathroom. Me, I'm not doing anything. I did call my mom and my friend Mary Kay. Mom is happy ... told me all about her meals and the fact she's gaining weight and she doesn't want to.
I'm really tired. Think I said that already. Got a headache on the side of my face ... think it's a sinus headache. I've tried several things. Took a sudafed. Used an icepack.
I did see the Oscars ... got home to see the big awards, then watched the rest that I had recorded. Fell asleep during part of it and woke up gagging. Then I went to sleep finally and slept really well. I think the week of early deadlines and screwed-up sleep schedule caught up with me.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Eileen...I am sorry you are still so tired today. I hope you get over that soon. I know mine is my Fibromyalgia...I could hardly shower took me forever! A headache on one side of your face I never had that. I guess it could be your sinuses.
I am glad you were able to speak with your mom and also your friend Mary Kay. Your mom probably doesn't need to worry about her she only gains a few pounds that isn't anything.She is probably eating more balanced meals and not skipping them!! I am sure you had a nice chat with Mary Kay. I know she is a friend of yours from way back.
More love and hugs....connie d
WOO-HOO -- I've got my computer back!!! You will now notice PARAGRAPHS, and it won't take me half an your to type a post. Life is good. (Emotions, too!!)
Well, now I can read my library books online again, and do some puzzles. It's amazing how our lives have changed so much with "technology" -- for the good and the bad. Love it all -- except using cell phones and text messaging inappropriately. I wonder how many accidents are caused by cell phones? I mean, they are wonderful and convenient. But don't use them while driving, or walking for that matter. I've mentioned the snow banks around here, and how dangerous the intersections are..... The other day I was driving down the road and there was a car on the side street, partially pulled out into the intersection, mostly blocking the right lane. Well, the driver pulled out that far, then decided to start texting. As I was approaching I could see her with her head down (texting) - I started to pull around her car and she finally looked up with a surprised look on her face. She was is her own world!!
New paragraph It was so sunny yesterday afternoon, but it's back to the blustery frigid cold again. It has snowed early yesterday morning and I expected "the plow guy" to come by - and he didn't. Jim had called him earlier and told him not to come because the sun would melt the snow. Well, it didn't. And the heavy, wet snow is now frozen solid with tire ruts. I'm so aggravated. I mean I can accept the fact that Jim can't do much due to his health issues - just walking from room to room causes him shortness of breath, I expect when he goes to the doctor March 11th he will be put on oxygen. But, he won't let me do anything - he's always trying to stop me, and we sometimes have words because of it. I would have shoveled yesterday if I knew we weren't going to get plowed out. Besides, if I knew he was canceling the plowing, I would have told him not to do that because I knew the snow was heavy and wet. So I'm really aggravated with him, and it's going to be frigid weather for several days so getting in and out of the driveway is going to be a job -- I do the driving - and I'll end up getting aggravated every morning because of it. (I'm trying to have a talk with myself to get over it, it's done. It's just I feel like I'm doing everything and he is sabotaging me.
New paragraph () Anyway - hope you all are doing well - good wishes and prayers to all.