Frigid Friday
good morning friends,
I'm finally taking Mom to my sister's house. I then can sleep at sis-in-law's and use the Internet and my laptop.
Mom seems better and isn't having any more crying episodes.
I'm meeting Chris for dinner tonight. Haven't seen him since September other than FaceTime on Christmas.
Love and Prayers
Albert Schweitzer

My ex was a nudge about yard work and I love it. Go for it. In October 2013 I plany tulip bulbs, and was thrilled when they bloomed in the Spring
i have a house full of plants. I'm a huge fan of growing things.
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon OFF family...BRRRRRRRR it is COLD!!!!!!!!!! My car said -11 this morning when I took Rick to the dentist!!! OMG!!! And NO that was not the wind chill either!!! Wind chill was I think -20 and I just can't warm up!!! Chase said his truck wouldn't start...his wife's car the alarm started going off and wouldn't stop!!! Got that to stop but the lights keep flashing after he shuts car off for a few minutes...Rick's truck the brake light is on...all kinds of electrical gadgets going wrong in this cold!!! I ever find out who pissed off Mother Nature better run!!!
My Chiro doc called today said he wants to come here next week to do a pizza party for my tenants!!! OK...So Thursday its PARTY DAY!!! Yippeee...told him these people might not come out like he thinks they will in this cold. If he gets a half dozen count himself lucky!!
One of my nice former tenants died last night of a hear attack. She will be missed. Sad that so many people are dying this year already that I know!!! Gosh!!!! And again...why all the NICE ones????? Seems that is all God wants right now.
Well lunch is over with...darn...have to go back outside to go back to work!!! BRRRRRRRRR
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Judy....that is really nice that your Chiro wants to have a pizza party for your tenants. I hope plenty show up . I would would love pizza!!! If I started walking now I still couldn't get there by next Thursday!! I would have died in a snowbank along the way that's for sure!!
I am so sorry to here a former tenant passed away. Was she that nice lady that had to move out because she couldn't take care of herself anymore? I remember how sad you were when she left. Yes...all the good ones going now.
You need to purchase sweat pants to wear over your jeans when it is that are freezing!! Quit being so stubborn!! LOL!!!
I mailed a card to John Stewart the other day. I didn't know what amount of money to enclose. I just did what I thought might help with expenses.
Have you tried Thrive yet?? I think I will start on Sunday. Let me know what you think!!!
KEEP WARM....I love you...HUGS....connie d
Connie....LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will not buy more clothes to put on my already overgrown ass!!!!!!!!!!! I have a heavy coat that is long plus my boots and gloves and only from my knees to the top of my boots show...not bad...and that is not what gets cold on me!!! Its my arms believe it or not!!! And I am wearing heavy shirts under my heavy coat!!! So why do they get cold?????? Weird!!! Legs not cold...???????
I just got my THRIVE today and have not had a chance to look at it and read about it yet. And damit I left it in my office!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR NOT going back outside just to get that!!! LOL
I haven't been to the store yet to get a card for John shame on me!!! Storm supposed to hit again tonight here so not sure if I can get out tomorrow morning or not. Sighs....
Yes that is the one...Lady that passed away...tenants calling me off and on all day...makes for a sad day!!
OK going to FB play some games after I check out my weather pages see whats new there...
Good morning Trish, Mary and everyone....
Tri****hought you took your mom I am all confused again!! I am so glad she has settled down now. You never did say exactly what the doctor's recommendation was. How long do you think you will be there yet? I am glad you and Chris got together last night. Time sure does fly by!!
Be careful when traveling. I am still sending prayers for you all!!
Mary...isn't it wonderful to finally have energy again. I remember when I lost my weigh, I was like a little tornado!!
My ex husband (#2) did all our outside work, he had such a knack for landscaping and such. We always had a beautiful lawn too. Sometimes I would mow and sometimes he would. I loved the mowing so much better then anything else. I volunteered to do it most times. We had a large yard. I used the riding mower for most of it. What a great way to tan. I would put my Bikini on and away I would go!!!
As for insomnia still sucks!! It wasn't quite as bad last night as the night before. I hope my sleep pattern is going to be where it should be soon!
I had a nice evening. Very relaxed. I worked on a new puzzle. It sure is nice to have a puzzle in my apartment for when I can't sleep. It is so relaxing to me.
I have nothing planned for the weekend. I do need to do laundry soon. My energy level is low again today. I have been doing my two walks a day. I know I am moving around enough. I need to check and see if it is a side effect of a new medication.
Praying my heart out for Butch and our sweet Vickie. I am glad that Butch had a better night's sleep last night. When he is in the hospital they give him more and stronger medications. I wish they could do that for when he is at home. I so hope the test results from yesterday are somewhat encouraging. I hope he can get respite care or hospice so Vickie can have some help. She is worn down to a frazzle!! I love you Vickie!!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful day!! God Bless you all.
Praying for our sweet OFF Family and all their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all of you....connie d