Good is Friday....what is new??
Good morning everyone.....
Well it is 2:00 AM and guess who can't sleep? I slept about 2 hours and then got up to take a Vicodin and Flexeril. Now my legs are restless. The wearing white socks to bed worked for a long time. Now I am back to square one. What can I try next to control this? Any other good ideas out there? Maybe I should contact my doctor and see what she suggests. In the mean time I can't hold my legs still!!!
I am hoping to get Pam here to help me with my phone. I can't get a dial tone. She knows what to do but can't explain it. She said she was going to fix it , that was 2 weeks ago! I have always had a home phone line because it came free with my cable and internet bundle. I decided I may as well hook up a phone as it will be easier to use at home. These little cell phone keys are too hard to use, especially when you need to push 1 for this and 2 for that etc.. I always end up cutting myself off by hitting something I shouldn't of hit. No one knows the number and I am not giving it out as I don't want another phone ringing. Everyone has my cell number.
I started a new puzzle....I am going to try to work on that for a little while...hopefully I will get sleepy again!
Has anyone heard from John Stewart about getting an address yet? He did post a nice reply to one of my posts. I sent another message asking for a address to send cards to. I hope he replies again soon.
Vickie...I am praying today that everything goes smoothly for you and Butch at MDA. Then you can finally go home to your own bed!! I am still praying for Scott (Butch's cousin). How is he doing now? Does he have a Care Pages or a Caring Bride site?
Trish.....did you go to the social last night?
Judy...I am hoping you didn't get too much snow/rain/sleet!! How did the Bingo at your apartments go. I hope you had a good crowd.
Eileen....I hope your mom is really liking her new home. That is such a relief to know she is somewhere safe and comfortable.
I can't think of who else I was going to post to....CRS. I love you all!!
Wishing everyone a peaceful day!!
Prayers for all of our amazing OFF Families and their families too.
Loads of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Hi, Connie, I can't sleep either. I lay in bed tossing and turning and looking at the clock only to see that just five minutes had passed since the last time I looked and finally I couldn't stand it so here I am!
I've been working on our tax stuff a little bit. Getting everything ready to send out our tax preparer. I'm at the point now in the process where I need to make a bunch of copies. Guess I'll do that next.
I wonder if your restless legs could be a result of having some medication changes. If it keeps up, I'd definitely call your doc. I've had that a few times and it is completely miserable.
I was going to comment to Vickie yesterday that I think she should cut herself a break over the dropped pain meds. Things happen. You are doing your absolute best to take care of Butch. He knows that. Maybe you can bring in some respite care to help out.
Can't remember what else I wanted to say.
Take care. Hope the rest of you are sleeping as Connie and I are keeping a candle lit for the night!
Cindy P.
Hi Cindy....I finally fell asleep about 4:30 AM, now it is 7:30 and I am up again. What a crazy night this has been!!! I am glad to know I wasn't alone!! In fact there were at least 3 or 4 others that were posting on Facebook. None of them were sleeping any better then we were!! There has got to be something that was causing us all to be awake!
Last night I finally went and put my white socks on again. My restless legs got better almost right away. I think it is all in my head, but if it works I will keep doing it...LOL!!
Gathering tax information...UGH!! Now that would keep me awake!!! I hope it all works out for you and you have everything you need.
I hope that you managed to get back asleep for a little while. You will have a long day if you didn't. How come it is when you need to be up at those crazy hours, you are so sound asleep and can't hardly wake up.
You have a good day with whatever it is you need to do today!
Take and hugs to you....connie d
Hi, Connie: I did lay back down around 4:30 -- not sure when I fell back asleep but I got up at 7:45.
I actually don't mind gathering info for taxes. I like to do stuff like balance the checkbook, pay bills, keep a calendar, etc. Comes from all my years of being an administrative assistant I guess. :)
I'm ready for some coffee!
Cindy P.
Hi Connie, Cindy and my OFF family:
I slept til 10 a.m. and felt good other than my nose is still itchy. I took a benadryl last night when I got home and used a Breath-Right strip, but still feel like something's going on. I'll stop and buy some allergy pills on the way into work.
Nothing much going on ... back to work tonight.
Connie, hope you get some rest.
Cindy, hate doing taxes. I was happy that my taxes got done and I got a big refund. I never did know why when I did it, I wound up owing.
Hope all is well with Vickie and Butch.
Eileen...I am so glad you got a good night's sleep!!!
That is strange that your nose is itching like that all the time. It has to be an allergy to something. Ask the pharmacist, he may have an idea what will work the best.
Yes, I did manage to get some rest finally. I slept solid from about 8 AM until 1 PM. My sleep is messed up and I hope I can get it straightened out soon! Half my day is over and all I've done was eat lunch so far. I need to get in the shower shortly. I don't want to be in a robe all day!!
I am so happy that you are getting a good refund!! Good thing Richard could help!
Have a good night at work. I hope it runs smoothly for you!
Love you...HUGS....connie d
Hi Connie and OFF,
I couldn't sleep either last night. Too much on my mind. Gave Colleen a scare coz I was supposed to be at her house to watch Frankie this morning, and she called and texted, and I didn't reply. She was pounding on my door, and Utley started barking and woke me. She was practically in tears. So, Frankie and I worked on puzzles here while she helped at the kids' Valentine's parties. Then, since the kids had a half day, we all met at her house for McDonald's, and I had my favorite salad. Then, she took Izzy to get her hair trimmed, and I played with the boys. Poor Frankie, he was standing on a kitchen chair, leaning on the back of it, and when Lincoln stood up off the same chair, it fell back, banging poor Frankie's head on the wall behind it. Lincoln got so upset he started screaming. I had Frankie in my arms on my lap so fast he didn't have a chance to cry till I had my arms.
It looks like I'm traveling back to Pennsylvania on Sunday. It's about Mom. She went to her medical doctor today, and they're running tests to see if there is anything physical contributing to the extra mental health complications.
I have tons to do between now and Sunday.
Hugs and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hello Trish....I am sorry you had a hard night sleeping too. You could have joined Cindy and me....we were keeping the candles burning, as Cindy said....LOL!!
I am sorry Colleen got such a scare, I am sure she thought something happened to you. I am glad you are alright. I am sue you and Frankie enjoyed doing your puzzles. I used to love going to Valentines Day parties when my girls were little. Those were some of my most treasured moments.
I am worried as to why you couldn't sleep. I am here for you if you need me!
Sorry about the boys chair crash...they seem to get more scared then anything. I sure Frankie was glad you were there to comfort him.
Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight!!
I am still keeping you, your mom and sister in my prayers. Please be careful driving on Sunday. The bad weather that way can cause nasty roads to travel on.
Remember while you are cleaning and such...stop now and then....take some deep breathes.
Love to you and hugs too.....connie d
Hi "Everyone an Insomniac Over Fifty Forum":
Me too, couldn't sleep but is a bother as can no longer fall asleep late hours of morning because of renovations in bldg and of course involving my condo wall to corridor. They are replacing the rusting iron AC chiller water pipes embedded in concrete as the insulation rotted from multiyear sweating pipes and caused unexplained leaks in lower floor condos in stack around the pipes. I am on 21st floor so had no leaks but am enduring the renos which start around 8 am with drilling, sawing, hammering, banging, yelling as workmen talk to each other through hole between floors, and I hear everything from my bed and in my condo, where I wear earplugs. If it isn't the neighbour from Hell above me ( he's been quiet for almost a year although heard he still wants to redo the bathroom which caused me so many leaks because he doesn't like the tilework), it is the condo doing major renos spending our reserve fund. This reno goes on and hopefully will be done in time for central AC system switching on. Last August they cut off, and of course qseptember was hottest ever got to 85f in my condo on shady side, felt sorry for those on sunny side boiling in their condos.
All of this to say what with noise in day, no naps possible, and insomnia 3/4 of the night, am çranky as short on sleep. Reading a lot at night in bed, but would be better if I could sleep...I try goung to ved early but after 4 hours, am wide awake with the rest of you!
Happy Valentine's to all of you tomorrow...
hugs, jennifer
Hi Jennifer....I would go crazy with all that noise going on. I would have to find a friend to stay with or something. Not to mention all the dust and things, my COPD /asthma would get worse for sure!! I hope for your sake they get it done soon!!
Yes....we seem to be quite a group now of insomniacs!! Good name "Insomniac Over Fifty Board".... LOL!!! This whole week has been just awful. I pray your night's sleep is better tonight.
Love and hugs to you...connie d