What's Shaking?
Hello everyone! Thank you for the warm welcome!
I needed the warmth because it was another cold one here in NY. I live about 30 miles north and east of the big apple NYC, and while we don't have the kind of snow Massachusetts and NH have, we have a lot for us. It snows a few inches every day or 2, and it's racking up! Today we had another 3" or so, and it was a crazy commute. My office is in the middle of Manhattan, and I take a train and some subways to get there. This afternoon I had a meeting outside the city, in the suburbs not far from where I live. Hopefully this meeting will turn into more business for me at that facility - it would be nice and close, perfect as I am trying to get all thse doctors appointments and clearances!
Vickie, I don't know you yet but your story is heartbreaking. You and your Butch are in my prayers. Try to take a few minutes and do something nice for yourself when you can, you sure deserve it. Don't beat yourself up about any Cheetos. I know this may sound crazy but perhaps think about eating well, not for weight loss, but for the strength you need. You are one very strong woman, that's for sure, but you need your health. My heart goes out to you!
Jeannie, I never thought about how the roads must freeze up fast there. Be careful driving!
Judy, likewise, it sounds cold there too. Maybe cold everywhere? Hang in there!
Connie, wow, you are so dedicated to walk in that cold, and with all your challenges too. That's amazing! I hope you feel better soon, and I hope the fatigue lets up. I have no excuses to avoid my workouts!
Eileen, is your mother in an assisted living or nursing home situation? My mother was at the end of her life, and thank God, she acclimated very well. She often said those 18 months were among the happiest of her life, which we were so grateful for!
Mary, where in MA are you? I grew up in Woburn, just outside Boston. My sister, cousins and many many friends are still in the area. Mother pictures of the snow mountains are just insane! Do be careful!
Arlene, prayers to your cousin that he is at peace soon. And prayers to you too.
Carla, lucky you to leave the cold and head home to FL.
Well ladies, it's time to relax for a few minutes. I did my workout (stationary bike) first thing this morning so I can watch a show or something tonight! I followed my eating plan closely today too, so I am proud of that.
Nighty night!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Hi Christine...I walk but I do it inside...I have COPD and asthma so I can't walk outside if I wanted too. There are two buildings here. I know exactly how far I need to go to get my total of 3 miles a day.
I hope you we all get SPRING soon!! I am so tired of this ridiculous weather!!! It is too cold for anyone to be outside!!
Hope you got some good clearance items!!
Love and hugs to you....connie d
Wow Connie, I am so inspired by your commitment. Once again, I have absolutely no excuses to avoid working out - you're amazing!
I meant to say, "medical clearances" in my post, as in, all the various specialists who must approve my surgery. Cardiologist, Gastroenterologist, respiratory, and in my case, Neurologist too. I had a mini-stroke 2 years ago. No residual effects, thank God, but I have to get ts weight off and get fit.
No no shopping for me yesterday but now that you mention it, I really could use a new purse :-)
hugs right back,

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Oh my gosh, the Blizzard of '78! I remember it so well, but this winter has been like 5 of those back to back, it seems.
Yes, you sure know my commuting pain very well. I take the metro north train to Grand Central and, depending on what location I'm working in (clients all over the city) I will take subways or buses or both. My company office is near Penn Station which is a challenging location but hey, these days, I am grateful to have a good job... And with the benefits to have WLS.
My last client was a 20 minute drive which, for me, was life changing. I want to get a job with that kind of commute every day!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Christine, mom is in a "supportive care" facility ... fancy name for an assisted living place, I guess. Small facility, 70 beds. Very nice place. We tried have home health aides, 24/7 caregivers with her, plus my brother lived with her, but she just kept getting worse because she wouldn't do for herself. She seems to like this place because people talk to her.
Hi Jeannie,
Well, I'm late, but well. Mom seems better which is a good sign.
Read All the post and I'm praying for everyone. I'm on my phone, so can't post much. Ran errands yesterday.
Must scoot. Hugs to all.
Albert Schweitzer