Good Tuesday Morning....whats new today???
Good morning every one....where are you????? It is 12:30 PM already!!
I slept in today because I really needed it. I stayed up to late late night. I found "Flashpoint" reruns and stayed up until 2:00 AM....naughty me!! I love that show and haven't seen it in a long time.
I had a call last night from a dear friend. It was so nice chatting with her!! I enjoyed that call!!
Today it is foggy and snowing, then sleeting then snowing, you get the idea!! YUCK!!! 23 degrees with a high of 31. With wind chill it is 11 degrees. I hope tomorrow is better. I finally get to meet with my doctor!!! Physical, fasting labs and mammogram!! It has been a long time!! My mammogram was due in November. She has set aside a whole hour for me. I am hoping to see some changes in meds and such!!
I don't have anything else planned for today. That is good. I wanted to have a relaxing afternoon yesterday. It was a crazy afternoon. My granddaughter called me three time, doctors nurses called twice, Tony called me twice, Pam called me once. I love talking, but it was so many one right after the other. I was glad when the evening came!!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!
Praying Butch is coming along well with the radiation. Love to Vickie and Butch.
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families too.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d
Hello sweet Connie and all my sweet sistas!
Oh, Connie, I do so wish you were here with me right now. It's one of those rare perfect days in Houston. Warm temps but cool, non-humid air and plenty of sunshine. It's gorgeous out! I have all the doors open and the fresh air just feels so good! Maybelle is in seventh heaven being able to run in and out at will today.
So, we have the house to ourselves today. Karen has taken all her dogs and gone to visit her aunt and uncle this week. Sandy flew off to Washington D.C. on a business trip today, so it's just Butch and Maybelle and me here. How lovely! I finally feel like I can relax a bit here.
Butch is having a fair day today. Not great, but not bad. He's still having quite a bit of pain, but we are on a new regimen with the pain pills today, and it seems to be helping a bit. The doctors all seem to think this latest surge in pain is due in part to the radiation treatments, which puzzles me, since the radiation is suppose to REDUCE his pain, not increase it. They say the radiation will help, but it will take time. Okay. Seems we get conflicting stories about this all the time. Anyway, he did get a BIG lecture this morning from the nurse and the doctor about how he isn't eating or drinking enough. Now, I've been telling him he needs to force himself to eat, etc., for the past few weeks, but does he listen to ME? Hell, no. But they flat out told him today if he doesn't start gaining weight, etc., he won't be able to have the chemo because he'll be too weak. He's down to 159 pounds! That's way too little for him. It's because he just won't eat more than a bite or two a day.
Anyway, I'm just waiting for the lunch hour traffic to thin out a bit, and then I'm going to the drug store and buy him more glucerna shakes and some ice cream. They told me to make him milkshakes, even if he is diabetic. He's got to get more calories in every day.
I'm also going to run by Dr. Garth's and buy more of my Pro Joe. Amazingly, Dr. Garth's office is just a few blocks from here. So convenient for me to buy my Pro Joe there and so much cheaper since I don't have to pay those enormous shipping costs.
Yesterday I went a little crazy with the retail therapy and I bought FIVE pairs of shoes! FIVE pair! I never buy that many shoes at once. Hell, I rarely buy that many shoes in an entire year! But Christie bought these shoes from Sketcher's at the Outlet Mall last week and I tried them on and I loved them. They have memory foam in the soles. SO COMFY!!! I spotted a Sketcher's outlet store on Westheimer yesterday, so after I got Butch settled down for a nap I went back. Not only were the shoes already marked down (because it's an outlet store), but then they were having a sale of Buy 1 Get Another 50% off. I went a little nuts. But they are so comfortable. Love 'em!
Well, it's almost 2 p.m. I'd better try and run my errands now. Houston traffic is a royal pain in the behind! I would never want to live here again, even though I was born and raised here in H-town. I like my small town living much better!
Hope everyone is having a great day! Love you all!
Hello my sweet Vickie!!
Five pairs of shoes....I would do that...well I used to do that. I still have way more shoes then I will ever wear again!!! You got some great deals!!
The weather there sounds wonderful!!! I wish I was there too!!
I am glad the doctor and nurse talked to Butch about eating. He definitely needs to gain weight...159 is way too little for him to weigh!! Sorry he is still in too much pain. Still sending prayers!
I am glad you and Butch and Maybelle are having a quiet day!! If anyone needs it is you!!!
I am drained this afternoon. I am going to have to stay awake because I need to get up early tomorrow.
Have a wonderful rest of the day!!!
Much love to you and many hugs too.....connie d
Connie I am excited for you to FINALLY be going to see that new dr again!!!!! Hope she can help you!!!
Vic..I am praying so hard for Butch to feel better soon...gosh!!! How much pain can a guy take?? And you and all those shoes!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
Well my boss was here today and we had a nice chat...yes she sent tenant with the little love bunny a letter the other day. He came back with a nasty letter to me calling me and Rick jerks for not letting her stay when the roads are bad...mind you the roads were not bad when Rick called him to let him know he should tell her to leave BEFORE the roads GOT BAD...well anyhow he said he is not MY puppet anymore...???? said I am not going to tell him who and when can come and stay etc at his place...blah blah blah...I showed the letter to my boss and she said it IS OUR business because he IS living under government housing and she WILL send him another letter tomorrow!!! He is NOT getting away with the name calling by any means!!!! I am doing my job here and he IS breaking the rules of government housing here!!! SOOOOOO. Can't wait to see the letter tomorrow!!!! Love bunny gets here today and WAITS IN HER CAR til he comes out to get her and walks her back to his apartment!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night after I got done working I had Bandit out potty walking by his apartment and I hear his door being locked!!!! WTH??????? Like I was going to go in there???????? Good Grief!!!!!!!!! Its a shame even his parents do not come over to see him anymore since he took up with this love bunny!!!!
Anyhow I got my TWO OLD GOATS lotion today. I put some on my hands and wrists because that is what has been hurting the most lately...already I can feel a difference!!! And NO Eileen the fragrance is NOT strong!!! Very light and does not last long at all!!!! So far I really like it!!! Said on the bottle to use it TWICE a day. I bought this from Susan Higgins.
Making Baby Back Ribs for supper tonight. Hungry for them...Starting to smell now...YUMMM!!!!
Got our taxes done last to plan our vacation!!! And NO it will NOT be MICHIGAN!!!! Only going back there for son's wedding in October!!! We both want to go someplace neither one of have been before and within driving distance and Bandit goes with us.
Mad at the Post Office!!! Mailed out my son's birthday gift a week ago and was told he would receive it on the 5th. It is now the 10th and he has yet to get it!!!!! I checked yesterday and was told it has been sitting in a post office for a couple days now. WTH????????? WHY??????? Well service is not like it used to be. Is what I was told. No ****!!!!!! I said well IF I use the Post Office again to send a gift to my son I will mail it out in December so he will get it in time for his Birthday on February 5th!!!!!!!!!! Why is this so hard to get out on time when you pay for this service?????????????????? This is BS if you ask me. I am so mad I could spit bullets!!!!!!
OK done here...time to go to my FB corner and play me games where I can relax and not be mad at anyone...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Judy....I am glad your boss is on your side....hope they both leave!!
I read your post about the death of Joyce Stewart. I feel just ill. A heart attack...that makes me so sad.
I am so shook up I don't even have the energy to reply to everyone's posts. I will be gone all morning tomorrow. My appointments run until 1:00. I will check in here after I get home from my appointment. I just wanted someone to know why I am not replying like I always do.
Take care...I love you lots....hugs.....connie d
Good Afternoon Connie and Vickie, and all to follow,
Connie, I also was up till around 2:00. I watched a show on my computer, then some shows I DVRed. I prefer to fast forward through ads, and just see the show. It's easier with my ADD.
Vickie, I'm glad you have the house to yourself. I know that's easier for you and Butch. I'm especially glad the docs and nurses told Butch how important it is for him to eat more. I hope the shakes help him put on some weight. Don't feel bad about buying those shoes. I know what it's like when I find Birkenstocks on sale. I go nuts, partly because they're so hard to find in stores, and also because they usually cost from $80-$120 a pair. I love them because they are so comfortable, and they last forever. I have shoes and sandals from when I was first divorced, in 2001. The only shoes I wear that aren't Birkies are dress shoes for special occasions, like weddings, my sneakers and my winter boots. Having flat feet, I prefer the orthotics, which are built into Birkies.
I did some shopping, for groceries and such. Saw Jessi's Dad at the grocery store. He and his wife own the IGA a block away. I told him I've been praying for them since this weekend. I can't imagine the state I'd be in if one of my kids passed away. They had a rough time on Saturday. He told me that they had thought about visiting Toby and Baby Hunter, but learned Trent and his other brothers were going to spend the weekend, so they respected his time with the boys.
I have some laundry to finish. Also, a sink full of dishes.
I'm so frustrated with myself. I have been working on crocheting a vest for Lincoln, and had to rip out five rows. Argh. I might fini**** by Easter now. I have finished Izzy's poncho. Found a pattern for a boys vest with sizing for both of the boys, and had the ribbed trim and six rows done, when I found the mistake. So, I am ticked at myself big time. I had hoped to be done both vests by St. Patrick's Day. I'm making all three with Spartan green yarn. Trent and Colleen have said all three are going to Michigan State, like their Mom and Aunt Jessi. So is their cousin, Baby Hunter. Probably other cousins. All of Trent's family are State fans, even if all the aunts and uncles went to Christian colleges, except for nursing schools, and Jessi.
Must scoot.
Hugs, Love, and Prayers.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish...sorry I didn't answer back on your post last night. It was a difficult night!
My sleep is so all over the place. Monday night I went to bed late in the wee hours of the morning. Last night I was in bed by 7:30 PM. I woke up at 2:00 AM and stayed up awhile. Went back to bed and slept a couple more hours. I have felt so tired all day!!
Keep working on the will get them done!! I am sorry you had to pull out so many rows. I am sure they will be really cute on the boys. I am sure Izzy will love her cape!!!
Have a good and oodles of hugs too....connie d
Hello Connie,
I am home from the Middle East and happy to be back in my little home. I am so tired and way overdid the walking so my knee has been giving me fits. Plus, when I got back, my DH had no done a single vacuuming. I was so angry at him. I finally got everything in order.
I went to the doctor today and my doctor is such a little charmer. I haven't seen him since before Christmas (my medical guy) and he comes in and hugs me and says, where have you been.....just a cute little guy. My blood pressure took another nose dive so he is sending me to a heart guy to find the best medicine for low blood pressure.
Vic, I wish they could control Butch's pain. There is such a delicate balance of eliminating pain while keeping a quality of life that doesn't involve sleeping in bed.... He does need to eat and drink too. My sister in law has just been told her breast cancer is back and we are getting her into MD Anderson. She has lost about forty pounds over the last couple of months. My sister and I are going to work with my brother to get her back and forth...he works for an oil company is out of state a lot. Girl, you sound like me with the shoes. Before I gained weight, I bought more shoes than I did anything else and then I gained weight and could barely keep a pair of shoes on my puffy after WLS, I again am all about the shoes. Sadly, though, I have to be careful because of my knee.
Judy, I don't envy you having to police visitors.
I am back to walking on the treadmill but I am not sure that I will ever run again. This summer, I am going to have a total knee replacement and my doctor said that I should be able to get back to running but frankly, I doubt that will happen. I've heard such horrible tales from others whose knees never get back to pre replacement.
My husband and I have decided that we are going to cut out meat...all but fish. We have a little more beef and chicken in the freezer so after it is gone, we are sticking to fish and beans and that's it. I have given up red meat, which was easy after WLS, but I am giving it all up.
That's all I have to life is pretty boring compared to the rest of you. For those in the snowy areas, please be safe.
Hi Jeannie....sorry I didn't get back to you last wasn't a good night!
Thanks for letting us know you are back...Welcome Home!!
I love favorite thing to buy!! I love them all!!
Good for you eliminating meat from your diet. I have totally cut out red meat, long ago. I still need my chicken and seafood. I am not as good as you are about cutting out all the meat.
You're life is the good travel and do and see so many wonderful things. I can't hardly get out of town!!!
Take good care of yourself!!!
Lots of love and many hugs to you my friend....connie d