Monday Monday!
Goid afternoon,
Hi There,
I hope everyone's Monday is a good one.I'm gearing up to flying out to Chicago for an extended weekend to go see Miss Vinnie. On Monday I'm driving over to Michigan to meet my sister and we have to drive back to Chicago to fly back to Tampa in Tuesday night. I hope the snow stays at bay. But the weather Chanel isn't coopetating. I hope it's lying! I-94 can be bad!
Anyway talk on. I'll check back later.
Carla first I thought, you thought it was Monday....then I realized you were just letting us know you won't be here Monday. Have a safe trip. I know you will be getting lots of love and hugs and kisses from Ms Vinnie!!!
I hope the weather cooperates and you don't have any stranded flights. Keep safe!
Love you...HUGS....connie d
Greetings Carla and OFF,
I had a fun morning with Frankie. We played games. Then, we put together the wooden train, and he played with that. He also played with action figures, and blocks. After we cleaned up all the toys, we read a bunch of books.
I'm feeling much better today. It took me all day to break that headache yesterday. I'm so grateful.
This afternoon is cleaning. Then, this evening, I have crocheting to do.
I'd appreciate prayers. I'm struggling with something I can't share here. I hope to get some help soon.
Albert Schweitzer

Good Monday afternoon. And yes it is Monday LOL.
I hope you all had a good weekend.
Carla, since i live in ohio, i am hoping for the weather holds out for Friday and Saturday at least.
I just returned from the community recreation center where o go to the gym and water aerobics. I love going and getting my body moving. I also was thrilled because i officially weighed in for the third time at 239.5 lbs so i have now lost 150 lbs (27 before surgery 123 since surgery on 12/23/23). Now on to the next intermediate goal of 230. Wow, now that's an exciting thought.
Vicki, i hope Butch is resting more comfortably and you are doing all you can to take care os yourself.
Judy, i know the weather is going crazy still and between that and your more than challenging tenants, i hope you are doing something good for yourself daily.
I wish all my OFF sisters success in what ever you are trying to accomplish today.