Sleepy Sunday

Patricia R.
on 2/7/15 9:30 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

I woke up with a killer headache.  Got up to take my sinus meds, and get my head upright.  Laying down was killing me.  

Was not able to watch the kids for Colleen yesterday after all.  I started throwing up an hour before I was to be there.  I'm so disappointed.  I was looking forward to spending time with them.  

I'm laying low today.  Made arrangement for Nursery at church so I could stay home.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/7/15 10:36 pm - Cibolo, TX

Aww, geez, Trish.  SO SORRY!  I've had headaches like that before and they are absolutely miserable.  Did you have some caffeine this morning?  Sometimes getting upright and drinking caffeine helps.

Love you!


on 2/7/15 10:58 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning, sistas!

I'm up and already dreading the drive back to Houston this afternoon.  But it is what it is.  Our first appointment tomorrow morning is at 9:15 a.m.  I don't think we can get up early enough to make that one if we wait to drive in tomorrow morning.  So we'll go back this afternoon.  Or early evening, maybe.  I would like to spend as much time here today as we can.  

Butch is relaxing and sleeping and resting so much better here at our own house.  He has developed new aches and pains though.  For some reason his ankles and wrists are killing him right now.  Don't have a clue why.  But the lower back pain is better.  His left shoulder is still bad, but of course, he has a broken bone there.  I'm ready for our appointment with the shoulder doctor at MDA next week.  Hopefully there is SOMETHING they can do for that.

So I finished Katie's baby blanket yesterday.  Lord, I worked in about a hundred little loose ends yesterday afternoon!  (If you don't crochet, that won't make any sense to you.)  I need to take a picture before I wrap it up today.  I think it's really cute.  And I started on the border for great-niece Addison's blankie yesterday, too.  Almost through with that one.  

We hear that our handy man from Nacogdoches, John Juan, is now married and expecting a baby in the spring.  Butch wants me to make a baby blanket for him as well.  I'm happy to do so, but this time I'm making one that's all one color!  I love the little blankets with lots of color changes, but I'm tired of working in all the different ends every time I change colors.

Did I tell y'all that Mike's grandmother died?  I can't remember.  She was in the late stages of Alzheimer's.  She lived in Hawaii and the funeral will be there on Tuesday.  Mike is flying out of San Antonio today, but Chris and the boys will stay here.  (Mike's dad is paying for the plane tickets for Mike and his sister in California.)  I need to make a donation to the Salvation Army in her memory.  That is what the family is requesting.

I need to remember to call and make my annual appointment with my GYN doctor this month.  But I'm waiting until after we get our new chemo schedule next week at MDA.  I also need to make an appointment with my dentist for some dental work while I still have dental coverage, but again, I need to figure out our future schedule first.  I want to use up every last dime of dental benefits I have before I lose my good coverage next fall.  My dentist worked up a plan of preventative work I might need done over the next several years.  We did some of it last year, and now we need to do Phase II.  LOL!  I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do after my Blue Cross runs out next fall.  It's going to be a hella mess for sure!

Well, busy day ahead for me.  Bookkeeping, laundry, packing, etc.  All has to get crammed into today since I ignored it all yesterday.  Guess I'd better get crackin'!  

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 2/8/15 4:01 am

Hello Vickie....sorry to read about Butch's new pain. I am praying they can do something about that and his shoulder pain too. I feel so bad for him. I guess it is best if he can just rest and sleep as he can. I know being at home is a comfort for him. God Bless you Butch and Vickie too.

You are really plowing ahead and getting those baby blankets done. I look forward to seeing the pics!!

Tell Mike I am so sorry to hear of his grandma's passing. Sending prayers that his flight is a safe one. Also prayers for comfort and peace for Mike and all his family.

Phase II sounds like lots of fun...NOT!! Preventative dentistry is important, get it done. Especially if you have good insurance to cover it.  Same with your GYN.  I hope you can get those appointments set up soon. I hope you weren't involved in that big hack of information that was taken from BCBS participants. They got all information. Names, address's, social security numbers, and all health records. What a mess!!!

Praying that you and Butch have a safe trip to MDA and back home again at the end of the week. I love you much!!!!

Lots of love and oodles of hugs to you and Butch too...connie d



on 2/8/15 4:05 am - Cibolo, TX

Okay, I know I live in a bubble these days and I don't get to watch the news often, but WHAT hack of BCBS???


Connie D.
on 2/8/15 4:41 am has been on the news for days. They were hacked big time...what a mess. The sad part is all the information they have on everyone. They got in through an insurance site, Anthem in NJ. BCBS is one of the hardest hit....they said over 8 million people will have lost their information. 

I hope and pray that won't include you in Texas!!! I just want you aware of it.

Google...Hack of BCBS

Love you much....connie d

on 2/8/15 4:52 am - Cibolo, TX

Well, geez, how did I miss that?  I did google BCBS of TX and so far nothing has been found to be compromised on this end.  What a mess.  Thanks for telling me, hon.  Y'all are going to have to watch out for me for awhile.  If the world comes to an end, you'll be sure to let me know, right?  LOL!


Connie D.
on 2/8/15 8:27 am

Vickie....I always have your back!! I will be watching!!

I am at a friends right now....waiting to watch "The Walking Dead"!!!! I love that show and never miss it.

We are having dinner in a you always!!

HUGS.....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/8/15 12:03 am - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family....

Trish sorry that you got so sick and couldn'****ch the kids... that stinks!!! Hope you feel better soon!! that has to suck having to drive so far all the time for treatment for Butch!!! BUT the good side is he gets GREAT treatment there!!!! PRAYERS!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Well we did good at Bingo last night!!!! Rick won a 50/50 drawing for $74.00, then he won bingo for $66.00 then I won bingo for $60.00 but I had to split with 2 others so I only got $20.00 but it was a good night for us!!!! The monthly drawing the person drawn was NOT signed so the jackpot will be $5,000.00 or MORE next month!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mental note to self...SIGN THAT BOOK!!!!! LOL

Got home from Bingo and saw the little sweetie pie was not here...soooooooo we took a ride around the neighborhood to see if she had her car "hid" someplace and walked back over. We couldn't find it. But we think she was still here. Not right for him to have BOTH bedroom light and living room light on at the same time. Can hardly wait til tomorrow when he comes into the clubhouse and blasts me about the letter he got Friday!!!! LMAO

So today we are going shopping soon as Rick gets done fixing our breakfast. Yes its late but we "slept in" today!!!!

Weather is still nice today but tomorrow now they are saying FREEZING RAIN for us!!!!! GREAT!!! NOT!!!!!!!! And hopefully the melted snow doesn't make for slippery walks either tomorrow!!! Means more salt to buy!!!!!!!! Gosh all we do is buy salt!!!!!!!! GRRRRR

OK Breakfast is ready...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 2/8/15 4:10 am

Hello Judy....the big BINGO winners!!! I would be happy to win any amount right now. I hope next month's winnings is yours!!

That little sweetie pie is a little *****!!! I agree she is there. Maybe Michael picked her up some place. He sure has gone to hell!! I can't wait to hear what he has to say to you tomorrow!! You can handle him!!! 

Freezing rain..YUCK!!! I would rather have snow. Be careful walking out there!! 

Love you girlfriend...hugs....connie d



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