It's GOOD to be HOME Saturday!

on 2/6/15 11:13 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning my lovely sistas!

Sorry I was MIA yesterday.  We got home around 2 p.m. and I just crashed and burned!  Got Butch settled in his recliner and I fell into bed and SLEPT!  Got up at 4 p.m. to give him his pills and went back to bed again.  Finally got up around 5:30 p.m. and watched the news.  Then I made Butch some potato soup for his dinner, which he actually ate.  Yay!  He hasn't been eating much the past week.  

Anyway, we were very happy to be home in our own bed last night.  My BIL and SIL tried to get us to stay the weekend with them, since we have to go back to Houston tomorrow afternoon, but we both just really needed to come home.  I've explained before how we're not all that comfortable at their house.  We got home yesterday and immediately relaxed.  We just needed to be here, even if it is only for 2 days.

Butch seems to be doing better since I put him back on his pain meds 3x's a day instead of 2x's a day.  That 12 hour stretch was just too long.  Every 8 hours works better for him, but now we're at a lower dose of morphine than before.  He's not as groggy, which is a good thing.  And I think the beneficial effects of the radiation treatments are beginning to be felt as well.  Cross fingers, swing chickens and pray!

Today I have a bunch of laundry to do.  I'm also trying to finish up one of these baby blankets.  Katie (Christie's BFF) lives in Katy, TX, and we go right through there on our way to Houston.  I would like to be able to hand-deliver the blanket to her next week.  Save me the cost of mailing it, you know?

I'm almost through with the second baby blanket I'm making for our great-niece, too.  So what to crochet next?  I decided to make a little spring tunic top and sun hat for my soon-to-be step-granddaughter, Nikki.  I think I told y'all that Leo (Carrie's beau) has a 2 year old daughter?  He doesn't have custody of her (yet), but he sees her often.  Carrie, of course, fell in love with the baby because she's just like me and loves all babies and animals.  Carrie still tells me that Leo is "the one" and that they are getting married after she graduates, so I guess Nikki is going to be my granddaughter one of these days.  

Anyway, I love to make baby things and I LOVE to make little girl things, so good!  I have a little girl to crochet and sew for now.  

So that's my day.  Laundry, crochet, and feeding my husband.  Oh, and spending time outside because we're going to hit 80 degrees today.  What are y'all doing today?  


Judy G.
on 2/7/15 12:03 am - Galion, OH

Vic I am so HAPPY that you DID come HOME!!!!!!!!!! Sometime people just do NOT realize how HARD it is on people to be away from HOME when they are sick and also a caregiver!!! HUGSSSSS and PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!! Glad Butch is starting to feel better!!! Hope he continues to do so!!! GOD BLESS!!!!

Well saw last night the tenant we are evicting had a Uhaul sitting in the parking lot. Good!!! So when I went to lock up he was loading up!!! GREAT!!!!!!! Told Rick looks like we don't have to toss his things out in the morning!! So when I opened this morning the Uhaul was gone. I told Rick to get up and go with me to see if he had everything gone. We went over there and O M G  what a mess he left inside!!!!!!!! I bet he NEVER swept the floor since he moved in 3 years ago!!! Nor did he clean the sinks or bathtub!!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! He left a lot of things behind also. I called the Sheriff and told them what was happening. They said it sounded like he was done. I agreed. So didn't need them to stand by. I told the sheriff we would still wait til 10 am for him to come back if he wanted the rest of his things and then if he was not here we would change the locks and he was DONE!!!!!!!! They said Fine. So we waited til 10:10 am he never came back and Rick changed the locks and put some wood on the windows so he can't get in that way either. He is done!!!!!!! That apartment HAD new carpet and new stove. Not anymore....EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure IF a professional cleaning job on carpet will work or not. Stove...Guys MIGHT get that clean not sure. All I know is it WILL be a BIG job to get this one ready to rent out!!!

Late yesterday my little tenant got his letter for having his little darling over way too many times. She just came speeding in here AGAIN after getting a note on her car a couple days ago telling her to SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!! See how she pays attention to rules here???? So now I wait and see if he gets and application for her to fill out and see what happens with that. If not..i hope I can get a no trespassing on her for her not obeying the rules here and her lack of judgement on her speeding on icy parking lot!!!!!!! I don't know.....wait and see. Can't train stupid? How does that saying go???? LOL

Weather here today is supposed to hit the 40* mark!!! WOW!!! BUT......tomorrow will bring rain/snow mix???? YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means more ICE on the walks if it freezes!!! All I do is send for more petty cash!!! Sighs!!!!!!!!!!

Well time to go wash my hair!!! I can't stand it anymore!!!! LOL

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Patricia R.
on 2/7/15 1:43 am - Perry, MI

Hi Judy,

When Trent and Colleen evicted the tenant before me I saw this place, and it was gross.  I swear the woman never mopped the floors or cleaned the bathroom.  Poor Colleen had to scrub this place.  I have too much clutter, but I mop and clean surfaces all the time.  

As for the Bimbette who keeps showing up, my saying is you can't fix stupid.  

Love ya.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 2/7/15 3:12 am - Galion, OH

Trish THAT'S the saying!!!!!!!!! Can't fix stupid!!!!!!!! LOL


Connie D.
on 2/7/15 4:01 am

Hello Judy.....the first thing when I got up today was to see if you sent me a message!!! I figured the idiots were going to move out last night. I hope you took pictures of everything. They may need the evidence when they take them to court. It amazes me how people love to live in filth....NASTY!!!!! How can anyone live win a dirty kitchen or bathroom....GROSS!!!!They probably figured they weren't getting their deposit back anyway so why clean. DUH...because all the hours you guys have to spend cleaning they will end up paying one way or another after all. IGNORANT!!!

YAY...glad your little tenant got his letter..wooohooo!! You should be able to get a judgement against the idiot for the way she drives and other things she does around there. Why does your company even want her to move in there? Things will only get worse. I hope he leaves and moves in with her. Let someone else deal with their crap! You are right....YOU can't fix stupid x2.

We had temps in the low forties the high will only be 33. It felt warmer yesterday because the sun was shining all day. It is cloudy and gray today....UGH!! I will be glad when March gets here. Then we feel like Spring is coming!! Even if it snows, it won't last!! 

I hope you have a better day today!!

Love you much....hugs....connie d


Judy G.
on 2/7/15 4:20 am - Galion, OH

Connie no pictures today...we only changed the locks and put blocks on the windows to keep them out if they tried to come back for things. Pictures and others things can wait til Monday. We work enough around here why do it on a day we really do not have to?

As for the "love-birds" I am sure he will either be over first thing Monday morning to scream at me all red faced or call my boss to complain!!! Now mind you before little sweetie pie came along he was all for the "rules" now none of them pertain to him!!! Wanna bet??????? As for them moving in together??????? ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO

Weather is nice but still chilly here...hate the thought of tomorrow and the rain...YUCK!!!!!!!

Chase is FINALLY a Grandpa!!!!! A little girl!!! They had to do a C-section after all as the baby turned sideways and would not move back to normal position again!!! I think he said she weighed 6lbs 8oz and 19" long. No name was told to me yet. All doing OK!!!

Rick is going to BINGO with me tonight!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Also tonight is the Monthly drawing and it is about $4,000.00 I think. Keeping fingers crossed one of us wins that one!!!!

We are also counting down to Spring!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!! But them the praying will start for NO FLOODING here!!!! LOL


Connie D.
on 2/7/15 4:35 am

LOL JUDY!!!!!! I knew you would laugh about the little beauty moving in....I read your I have to clean peach tea off my monitor!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to Chase....we all love those little ones!!!! Glad all is going okay!!

I will cross my fingers and toes that one of you or both win the monthly drawing tonight! FINALLY you can pay me back the $500 you owe me....ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you honey...later....with hugs.....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/7/15 4:59 am - Galion, OH

 Good one Connie!!!

Connie D.
on 2/7/15 7:45 am

Judy.... you...connie d

Patricia R.
on 2/7/15 1:58 am - Perry, MI

Hi Vickie and OFF,

Glad you got home safely, and that Butch seems to be doing better.  Get your rest, and strength for the next trip.  I understand about staying in some people's homes.  I'm fine at my sis-in-law's or a friend back home, but six weeks at my sister's had me out of my mind.  With or without Mom it's depressing.  With Mom, I wanted to jump in my car and drive here with the cast on my right foot.

Having an emotional weekend.  Tough time for my daughter and her in-laws, coz a year ago today Jessi went to heaven, leaving Toby and Baby Hunter without her.  One of Colleen's sisters-in-law posted the last complete family photo from a camping trip their entire family went on the summer before she died, and I just bawled my eyes out.  Just typing this brings tears to my eyes.  Trent and his three brothers went to Toby's for the weekend.  My heart is still so broken for them.  

Colleen just called and I'm glad she did.  I completely forgot that I'm going over to babysit the kidlets this evening.  I'm picking up McDonald's for them for dinner.  I'm just getting a salad.  

Must scoot.  



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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