A Gloomy Thursday In Florida!!!

on 2/5/15 12:24 am - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning!

It is very gloomy here today!!!! It's a going to rain most of the day!!

I'm up but hmmm maybe I'll just try to clean my guest bedroom!!!

Going to get some coffee!

Talk 8n I'll check back later !


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Cindy P.
on 2/5/15 1:12 am

Gloomy here too. 

I'm up and dressed early as I have to take the dog to the vet for a routine appointment.  I'm dreading driving over the bridge because it's very windy -- I'll just go as slow as I feel comfortable going and the drivers behind me will have to endure.  I'd rather be safe than sorry even if I irritate someone. 

My twelve year old washing machine is starting to make noises.  I've been debating whether to repair it or not.  I have the repairman coming next week to determine what's wrong with it.  I've heard negative things about the new washers due to the government's energy requirements they use less water and I've heard rumors that some of them don't get the clothes clean with one washing.  Anyone have experience with a new washer?  If the main bearing is going on my current equipment, the repairman said it probably won't be worth the cost to repair it. 

Hubby is in TX on a wild hog hunting trip.  It was down to 27 last night and they had to come in early.  Tonight is supposed to be mid-thirties and then Friday through Sunday it will get down to the mid-forties.  To me, that sounds just miserable --- but he's having a good time with his friends.

Hope that Butch is feeling better -- it sounds like the radiation treatments are hitting hard this time around.  Vickie, I'm thinking of you. 

I guess I'd better get going as it's just about time to leave for our appointment.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 2/5/15 6:26 am

Hi Cindy....so it looks like you may be needing a new washer. I know nothing about the new ones. I have used the energy savers and don't like them. You can't put in more then a half a load as the water only goes half way up the tub. I pray your can selvage your old one or find and older model. Good Luck!!!

I laughed at how your hubby and his friends are out hunting in the cold weather. These are the same men that say they can't take the trash out because it is too cold!!!! LOL!!!!

I hope all went well for your dog at the Vet office.

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/5/15 6:43 am - Galion, OH

Hey Cindy...I know what you mean on the appliances...they sure don't make them like they used to!!! New stuff is just plain junk!!!!!!

Hope you made it across the bridge ok!!!!


Patricia R.
on 2/5/15 2:06 am, edited 2/5/15 2:07 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,

We have a bright, sunny day here in the frozen tundra.  Snow on the ground, sunshine, and my house is warm.  Spent most of the morning in the kitchen, doing dishes, cleaning out part of my fridge, and putting stuffed cabbage together.  Some people call them cabbage rolls.  My family always called them pigs in the blanket, or piggies for short.  I know some people call hot dogs with cheese wrapped in bacon that, but I hadn't learned about the hot dog ones till I was a teenager.  

Had a great time at Crosswalk last night.  It's interesting working with a group of Kindergarteners to second graders, half of whom are home schooled.  Most of the behavior problems are the home school kids.  They call out, instead of raising their hands, and fidget more than any others.  I use my teaching skills to the max with them.  When they call out I say things like "I only call on kids who raise their hands," or "I hear voices but don't see hands."  I figure eventually they'll get the hint.  Problem is the other two leaders, who also teach, will let them get away with calling out.  Our group can be as large as 18 kids, and the behavior problems are mainly just three boys, all home schooled.  I understand why some parents home school, but in most cases I don't think it's a good idea.  

The rest of today I have laundry to do.  My bedding needs to be washed.  Because my comforters don't fit in my washer or dryer, I need to take them to Okemos, about 20 minutes away.  The laundromat is connected to a convenience store, so I can get a Diet Coke.  It also has Wifi, so I can read the news.

Well, I better round up all my quarters.  Gonna need them.

Praying for everyone, especially the Poe family.

Love and Tons of Hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 2/5/15 6:33 am

Hi Trish....I used to make cabbage rolls as I just love them. Now I make them in my crock pot...all dumped together. The not rolling works best for me. 

Sounds like the home schooled children aren't learning all they need to be to do things with other children. That is sad. I don't think home schooling is the best for everyone.

I hope you are caught up on laundry now. I need to wash the big quilt/bedspread  On my bed. I have to find someone to take me to a laundromat. It is definitely to big/thick for these washers.

Love you...HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/5/15 6:41 am - Galion, OH

Tri****s cold and crappy here also!!!!!!!! Glad you can tolerate kids...I would hang them from a hook!!! LOL


Patricia R.
on 2/5/15 9:22 am - Perry, MI

Hi Judy,

I'll take children over your Romper Room loony bin anyday.  Kids can be taught not to be a**holes.  The adults you deal with are beyond learning.  :)


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 2/6/15 1:01 am - Galion, OH

on 2/5/15 2:14 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Carla and Cindy and all my sistas,

Gloomy here in Houston, too.  Just a yucky day.

We are having a little bit better day today.  I gave Butch a zofran before he ever got out of bed today, and while he did experience a little queasiness, he never did throw up.  I also INSISTED that he eat a bite of toast before he took all his pills this morning.  I keep telling him that taking all those meds on an empty stomach would make a healthy person ill.  Maybe he finally heard me.

Anyway, radiation itself is a fairly quick thing this time around.  Takes about 20 minutes.  It takes far longer than that to drive to and from MDA.  So we leave here around 8 a.m. and get back around 10 a.m.  Not too bad, really.  

Today we have NO company coming, which is a good thing.  For the past two afternoons, various ones of his siblings have been coming to see him.  I know that they care and they are very concerned and want to see him, but all that visiting is just too much for him right now.  Today all he has to do is rest.  I have him tucked up in bed and he's listening to old radio shows (Lone Ranger, Amos and Andy, etc) and dozing.  I just have to get him to eat a bite of lunch and then a bite of dinner.  I tell him if he doesn't force himself to eat, he'll be too weak to withstand the chemo treatments when they start up in a couple of weeks.  Again, maybe he's hearing me.  (And then again, maybe he's not.  Stubborn man.)

Well, I talked with the developer of that duplex community yesterday.  Mr. Bob.  He's 84 years old!  He has a lot of wisdom and experience, and he's very nice to talk with.  All of the duplex units in Phase I & II are now sold.  Phase III will begin around April, with units ready to move in next Oct or Nov 2015.  Well, hell.  That's not really a very good timeline for me.  I'm really hoping to get the lakehouse on the market and sold this summer.  And I don't want to have to move twice.

But Mr. Bob is also beginning work on yet another duplex development near that same area in New Braunfels and the projected move-in date for those units is July.  That sounds much better.  I explained some of the changes I want to make to the bathrooms, etc., and he said that his builder would work with me on that.  So maybe that will work out better anyway.  We have a tentative meeting set up for a couple of weeks from now after we get finished with radiation and are back home again.  I'm not going to worry about it now.  God is in control.  He will lead us to the right place at the right time.

In the meantime, I need to get started hiring someone to finish up all the half-finished projects at the lakehouse so I can finish the painting and get it ready to sell.  I have two guest bedrooms that have partially finished walls.  Butch tore the front door all apart last year and was building me those special sidelights that I could open with window screens and he never finished that.  The back porch door needs work too.  And I KNOW there is a leak under my dishwasher.  I know it because the boards are buckling on the front deck right outside the kitchen where the dishwasher is located.  These things have to get fixed.  I'm perfectly willing to put the house on the market "as is" and at a lower price to make it sell fast, but certain things really do have to be done first.

I'm also going to take our RV back to the place we bought it and put it back up for sale again.  They will either sell it on commission for you, or they will buy it outright.  Either way, I just need to sell it.  It's costing me $200 a month to store it and then there's the insurance on it as well.  I need to unload it.  

I think I can sell the big pontoon boat through Craig's List.  Or there's a boat place up the road that might let me park it and sell it on commission.  It's a lake.  The boat will sell.  It's in good shape and really nice.  But I think I'll hang on to the little bass boat.  I will carry it back to the other lake house in Etoile and hold onto it there.  If I'm going to keep that lakehouse in the family, then I guess we need a boat there.

Carrie says she wants the four wheeler, and I guess it's not a problem to hold onto it for awhile either.  Actually, while I am going to hold on to both the Etoile lakehouse and to Christie's house, I'm thinking I will eventually give Chris her house and I'll give Carrie the lakehouse.  But not until they are in a position to really afford and take care of them.  Until then, I'll just maintain both of them.

So, I'm beginning to think my way through the maze a bit.  There are still many details to work out, but I'm starting to formulate plans for dealing with some of the major stuff.  I do much better when I can make plans and think two or three steps ahead.  I'm not a "wing it" kind of person.

Mostly I just want Butch to feel at peace and for him to be satisfied that he's not leaving me a mess to deal with.  It's always been so important to him to take care of me and the girls.  I need him to relax and feel that I will be okay, no matter what.  Part of that will be up to me, but he will always feel that part of that is up to him.  So I want to get things settled, as much for his sake as for mine.

Well, I've rambled on and on this morning.  It's so nice to have a few hours of peace and quiet here today.  I feel like a ping pong ball most days.  I just bounce from one thing to another with never any time to rest.  Today is good for both of us.  And, the good Lord willing, we will get to go home tomorrow morning after treatment and spend the weekend at our own house.  We really miss our place when we're gone.  

Trish, I hope your mom will be okay.  I'm praying for you and Sis and your mom.  Connie, I hope you are not in pain today.  Eileen, I hope you are not in pain today too.  How do you feel about Richard coming back?  Cindy, I was glad to see you here today.  You are missed when you don't post.  Judy, I'm sorry if my post on FB yesterday made a problem for you and Rick.  I know you want him to stop smoking.  I don't have any words of wisdom for you.  Butch wouldn't stop until he got sick.  I suppose I could get mad and cast recriminations at him ("See what your damn cigarettes did to us?"), but what good would it do?  It is what it is.  Smokers never believe it will happen to them until it does, and then it's too late.  Carla, how are you feeling?  I was so worried about you.  Are you better now?  Jeannie, how's it going on the other side of the world today?  How is your knee?  Jenn, are things going well for you?  Francine, how are you doing?

Moxie, Arlene, and other lurkers--y'all are SO WELCOME here!  Please come on in and post with us on the daily thread.  We would love to get to know you better!

Love you all!


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