Guess What Day it Is! Happy Hump Day!

Patricia R.
on 2/3/15 7:59 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

Insomnia is setting in.  Not sure why.  Oh well.  Could e worse.

Well, both my sister, and I, agree that Mom is getting worse.  Sis is traveling two hours today to take her to her psychiatrist appointment.  Mom had called his office to see if she could do a phone appointment, but the nurse told her they wanted her to come in.  I'm glad they did.  Body language and facial expressions can communicate a lot.  Mom told Sis that she is too shaky to drive to the appointment.  So, Sis is taking her.  I don't know how many times Mom has been hospitalized for depression.  It started when I was an infant, and the last time she was hospitalized was in 1991.  She cycles every year, but right now she's worse than I can remember in ages.

I have an appointment with my hematologist this morning.  I need to discuss going off Coumadin for a shot in my back next week.  It's a routine I'm used to.  When I go off the Coumadin I have to give myself shots of Lovenox five days before the day of the shot in my back, then approximately five days after till my INR is in the range it needs to be.  Same routine for dental work, and any other procedure where I might bleed.  Lovenox is extremely expensive.  Before I went on Medicare, it was covered by my Blue Cross insurance.  Then, in 2012 I went on Medicare, and got a prescription plan that was not Medicare Part D, and it wasn't covered.  Turns out on January 1st, I was put on Part D, and now it's covered.  Answer to prayer.

I appreciate all the prayers for Mom.  

Tonight, I'm teaching the lesson at Crosswalk, the kids' program at church.  I'm going to start using stuff I used when I was teaching school, like sentence strips for Bible verses, and large chart paper.  I'm also going to go to a teacher store in Lansing, to see if I can get posters with different Bible characters' pictures.  The room we use is rather boring.  Need to spruce it up a bit.

I continue to pray for Vickie and Butch.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/4/15 1:38 am - Philly Burbs, PA

Hi I am more of a lurker here but saw your message and had to respond.  It is good that you now have insurance to cover it but just so you know Lovenox recently went generic so the price should have come down a lot and be a lot more affordable.  I think I read that there are 12 manufacturers making the generic and the more making it the better the prices for the consumer.  Good luck to you. 

 Moxie D

Connie D.
on 2/4/15 8:59 am

Hi Moxie...thanks for the information.

I am glad you stopped in again. I really think you should join more often!!!

Love and hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 2/4/15 2:32 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

I'm glad your family is getting your mom some help. I know it's hard. Also, I'm happy you have Medicare Part D. I had Lovenox after my knee replacement surgeries on my right knee. Didn't know what it cost because my insurance covered it. 

Now, I know what my Lyrica costs ... it's $793 so I'm changing prescriptions even though it seems that works better. I'm going back to gabapentin, which is generic and practically free (plus, I have some here from last year). I don't like the side effects of it (memory loss and loopiness) ... I feel like I can't remember words and stuff. And I can't remember where things are. I'm always losing stuff. The most recent thing is my Bluetooth earpiece. I hate having to talk on my phone without it. I have to crane my neck and that hurts. 

Richard is on the bus and he will arrive here at 2:35 a.m. Thursday. Guess I'll have to stay up until then. My phone goes silent after 10 p.m., so I'll have to make sure the ringer goes back on so I can hear him call. Plus, I'm not sure where the Greyhound station is, so I'll have to look that up. 

I need to get the Christmas stuff put away today, so that's my chore for today and my exercise. So far I've done nothing but I've finished my coffee and I need to get going. I'm going to get out of my jammies and into my sweats so I can get my mail, then I'll get going. 

Well, I should sign off. Moxie, welcome to the board. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/4/15 4:41 am

Hi Eileen...sorry you have to get off Lyrica. I was on Gabapentin and had all those effect too. That is why I am on Cymbalta. I am not having any side effects from this one....but it doesn't work as well for the pain that Gabapentin did. I have hundreds of Gabapentin I need to dispose of. I always forget to do it. All I need to do is take them to the pharmacy. The problem is I am hardly ever there as they mail my medications to me.

I can't find my Bluetooth either. I haven't seen it since I moved in here. Guess I need to get a new one!! I have looked everywhere. I need to ask Nic...maybe I left it in my car. 

So Richard is coming back. That is nice that you are helping him out. I hope he can find a job of any kind when he gets back. I know he feels bad about not working. Has he been trying to get disability? I wish him well. 

Love you...HUGS....connie...d


on 2/4/15 12:20 pm - Canada

Connie: do Eileen or someone else here a big favour by sending them your unused Gabapentin if they can use it. I gave my unused Cymbalta away to someone who could use it. I know you can drop off at pharmacy for destruction, but if you know someone who could use and save them spending money why not?


Connie D.
on 2/5/15 5:56 am

Jennifer...I would not send my meds to someone else in the mail. It is illegal to do so. I would love to give them away to help someone else. 

Sometime, if it is meant to be I will find someone. If not they will go to my pharmacy. 

Thanks for caring!!

Love and hugs.....connie d

on 2/5/15 6:08 am - Canada

When a friend forgot her meds I sent them on through the mail to the US, describing contents, and package cleared US customs and was delivered, all legal.

Pity,  do try to find someone who cannot afford the meds and needs them. When my father died, I donated all my Dad's meds and leftover sterile bandages and sterile syringes, alcohol pads, etc to my pcp who volunteers at a clinic for the homeless , and she gratefully took everything .  Here the law says you cannot resell meds, but nothing to stop you donating directly to a needy person you know, or a friend.  As a known and reluabke contact. Would be uncomfortable donating as an unknown as you could have doctored up capsules with rat poison.


Judy G.
on 2/4/15 8:18 am - Galion, OH

Eileen...Have you tried SAVELLA?????? Look into that one...NO memory loss!!!!!!! Ask your dr about it and see if your insurance covers it!!!!


Connie D.
on 2/4/15 3:43 am

Good morning Trish....and everyone.....

No insomnia last night. My pain was so bad I really though of going to the ER. I decided to try another Vicodin to see if it would help me sleep. It did...I went to sleep at 7 PM and didn't wake up until 10 AM. 

My homemaker is here....I am just resting. I had lunch and I am checking on my sites and then going to take a nap. 

My brain is foggy....sorry...I do wish you a wonderful day!! I will check in later.

Special prayers for our sweet Vickie and Butch. I hope all is going right for them.

Prayers for all our wonderful OFF Family and their families.

Lots of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d



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