Good is what's new today??

Connie D.
on 1/28/15 8:00 pm

Good morning everyone.....

I woke up at 5:00 AM....that is so wrong for me as I am no longer a early morning person....however I am today!!

I have absolutely nothing planned for me today. I will be going with the flow as they say!

I pray Vickie and Butch have a safe trip to MDA. I hope the news is somewhat encouraging. Prayers for them throughout the day. I love you are an amazingly strong woman. I know maintaining that image isn't at all easy to do. I am keeping you really close to me today. God Bless you and Butch. I am here if you need me.

I hope all is well with Eileen. Has she left for her trip already? Time fly's by so quickly. I lose days sometimes. That is what happens when you have no set plans for days. I wish I could feel well enough to work. Oh well...I just make the most of every day.

I will be checking in as the day goes by. 

Have a good day.....and know that I care.

Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and oodles of hugs to you all.....connie d


on 1/28/15 9:00 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi Connie,

I just got up abs took my medicine and got a culpa coffee. I'm getting packed up ready to go to a stitching weekend in Ocala with my online stitching group. I'm very excited. We stay at the Holiday In Express. 

I'm also very excited Jared my son in law got a for ever job yesterday!!!! Noe my daughter has tonhinker down and move to one of the suburbs of Chicago!  Its been a year!

That's my good news today!


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Connie D.
on 1/28/15 9:10 pm

Carla....enjoy spending time with your stitching sounds like fun time.

Congratulations to your SIL, Jared!! That is really good news. I am happy for him and your daughter!!!

Love ya...HUGS....connie d


Patricia R.
on 1/28/15 11:39 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Connie, Carla, and OFF Family,

Praying for Vickie and Butch today.  Hope they hear something encouraging as well.

Carla, I used to belong to a stitching group back in PA.  Every other Friday evening, we met in a friend's kitchen, and brought our yarn, needlework, sewing, whatever we were working on.  It was a lovely group of ladies.  

Speaking of needlework, on Tuesday, I went to a friend's to help her 12 year old daughter learn some crochet.  What a sweet girl.  They have two kids Izzy and Lincoln's ages, and these younger kids are good friends with my Munchkins.  I was invited to stay for dinner.  I also finished Izzy's poncho and started a vest for Lincoln.  

I just got home from the lab.  I am still working out the issue with the doctor's office.  I'm not happy with the way I've been treated by an office manager, and I'm going above her now.

I did some rearranging yesterday, and last night.  I didn't move chairs or the TV, but I did make room for a bookshelf I bought a while ago, and had in the garage.  I also moved all my plants.  I have some I have to bring up from the basement, to store during Christmas.  My basement has two eastern windows, and it's not terribly cold there.  I love plants.  I fell in love with house plants in high school.  When I moved here, I lost a couple.  Sean was supposed to plant sit while I recuperated from my broken foot, but he brought them here and they didn't ge****ered for six weeks.  I was able to nurse most back, but Sean did replace one of them.  I had given him a plant years ago, and it reproduces regularly.  The one I lost that I haven't replaced is a spider plant.  I love them.  

I have more work to do today.  My kitchen, and finish in the living room.  

I had the kids' program last night.  We had 18 Kindergarten to 2nd grades.  What a fun group they are.  Colleen helped with the group.  She's been hanging out with us.  One of our regular leaders wasn't there.  

I better get off the lapto*****thing will get done.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/29/15 4:08 am

Hi nice of you to help that young girl to crochet. You are always so kind to others!! You finished Izzy's poncho and it sounds like you have a great start on Lincoln's vest. It was so nice of them to ask you to join them for dinner. 

I am glad you are voicing your complaint about the Office Manager's conduct to someone further up. I hope you get the results you want. Keep me posted!!

Sounds like you came a long way with your rearranging. I bet it looks really nice. It always is fun to change the look. It just feels so much fresher!!!

I love plants. I used to have a house full. I gave many away when I moved here. I kept a couple but they don't like it here. It is always so hot in here. We don't pay heat so everyone cranks it up. I still wear capri's and short's. I am so miserable if I don't. Plus, I leave windows open too...even at 20 degrees!!! I love spider plants...I had those as well!!

I hope you don't get interrupted so you can't get your work done. You always seem to get diverted in other ways. Like I sad will be there waiting for rush!!

It seems like you are have a lot of kids programs. Most only do programs at special occasions. That must be fun!!! 

Lots of love and many hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 1/29/15 3:37 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and  my OFF family:

Yes, I am on my trip. I arrived yesterday at my mom's/brother's house in the Chicago suburbs ... my childhood home. Talked to mom after I got here (or after my brother reminded me to call her). The plan was to visit mom today, but I woke up in a lot of pain ... left knee, back, arms, shoulders, elbows, everything. Took a vicodin, used some Biofreeze on my knees ... feel a little bit better but not great. Gary messaged me and asked what I wanted for dinner, suggested carryout ... I thought of Chinese food, which is what he wanted too. We are the closest siblings in our family, and it shows.

So last night we talked, and Gary is still thinking of moving to Texas. He suggested we take a trip in April to the place he wants to move to. We could take our time to check out the area a little better than he did over Christmas. He's also coming out sometime to check out Evansville and my apartment to see how big my second bedroom is. And Richard is coming out in March ... I may end up with two roomies. I may need a bigger place to live!

My siblings looked at mom's will on Saturday. There is an envelope in there showing the purchase of my Honda Accord many years ago. Mom bought it for me because I was desperate and couldn't get a loan, and never paid it back. Gary knew about it; Mom had showed it to him and told him whatever was left when she died that was divided among us, I was to be given less because of the car. I had told her many times I didn't want anything; she had given me enough while she was alive. Well, when my sister saw the will, she had a cow and said, "She has to pay that back." My brother Gary told her, "She doesn't have it, let it go." I guess she kept going back to it. That's Rosemary. Oh well, nothing I can do about it. 

Tomorrow, Gary and I are taking mom to a facility that has rooms available. Gary liked this place and we're hoping mom will find it a good fit. My other brother and SIL may also be around; they're going to be looking at a home in a nearby community. Then we'll go to lunch or something. Hopefully, I'll feel better by then. At least I won't have to drive. I think the six hours in the car yesterday did me in ... plus it's gloomy here today. 

Carla, congrats to your SIL for getting a job. I hope it's a good fit. 

I know Trish posted but for the life of me, can't remember what. Sorry ... major CRS. 

Connie, I can't remember what day it is sometime and I work every day. Join the club.

Have a good day everyone.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 1/29/15 4:49 am

Hi Eileen....glad you made it safely to your mom's/brother's house. It sounds like you are in a whole lot of pain. There is a huge cold front coming through that will effect both of us. If my Fibromyalgia is flaring I know yours is too. I am so tired of pain!! I hope the Bio-Freeze helped you  so you can at least get around the house. You need this vacation to rest and get caught up on your sleep. I am glad Gary is picking up dinner so you won't have to cook.

Two roommates ...OH BOY!! I wouldn't get a bigger apartment until the dust settles. Richard isn't real dependable as far as rent goes, at least until he can find work.  I am not sure what Gary would do. He will probably end up in Texas. I had no idea you were thinking of moving to Texas with him. That would be a great adventure!!

Your sister sounds pretty money hungry. If your mom said it can be taken out of your share, so why pay it now! I hope that all ends up working the best for all of you. 

I hope you like the new facility you are going to check out tomorrow. It would be nice for your mom to be in a place she feels comfortable in. Good luck with that!!

Have a relaxing day and enjoy the Chinese dinner...YUMMO!!!

Love and hugs to you...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 1/29/15 4:56 am, edited 1/29/15 5:11 am - Evansville, IN

Yeah, Rosemary is a penny pincher. She is extremely frugal. And as far as mom is concerned, when mom had breast cancer and needed someone to take her to appointments, my brother appointed Rosemary to take her. Well, she made it seem like it was such an imposition on her time ("I have to work!"). And on the day of lumpectomy, mom was sitting on the porch waiting for Rosemary to pick her up. My sister made a snide comment about her sitting there, then said she had to use the bathroom first and she didn't need to be so ready and about how far she had to drive to get there. (She lives about a half hour away.) So yeah, mom gave me that car, but I drove mom many places in it, did much more for mom than Rosemary ever did. My sister is a piece of work. 

Oh, and Gary is still thinking about Texas, and we've already talked about living together/or near each other when we retire. So he wanted me to see the area, too, in case he decides that's where he wants to go.

Nope, not getting a bigger apartment until I know what we'll need because Richard would have to have disability money for his piece of rent if/when he moves in. 



Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 1/29/15 5:40 am

Eileen...there is always one in every family. She needs to settle down. should just get the car/money. You did so much more and still are doing all you can. Rosemary needs to pull her head out of her butt and pay more attention!!! I have a brother the exact same way...the dirtbag!!

I would think Gary would love to live by his grandchildren. I hope that works out for him!! It would be nice too if you could retire in the same area.

Richard doesn't seem to know what he wants. One day he is moving back and the next he isn't. Did you ever sell that bed?? I do enjoy his Facebook posts. He has some funny things on there.

More love and hugs....connie d

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