It's Wednesday, I think,

on 1/28/15 12:20 am - Bradenton, FL

I'm nunb today abd very sad. My heart is with my Chicago cousins and family. I had two cousins die yesterday. One from pneumonia and alzheimers she was only like 72. I expected that. But the other one I didnt. She was very brittle bipolar and tok her life yesterday morning. she was 58. So tragic. 


I'm not able to travel this week. So I'm kind of taking this very hard. 

Otherwise I'm doing better.

what's going on in your world?

I'll check back later


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Patricia R.
on 1/28/15 1:16 am - Perry, MI

Oh Carla,

I'm so sorry about your cousins.  Bipolar depression is horrible.  My Mom has had it many times, and has told me she's been that low to wish she was dead.  Even recently.  I'll keep you, and your family, in my prayers.

I'm slow getting started today.  I just spent the last hour trying to get something resolved regarding a doctor's office and lab work.  I am afraid I have come extremely close to losing my temper, and I don't want to do that, because it is a huge step backwards if I do.

I have a goal of doing some rearranging around here.  Not sure how much I'll get done.  

I'm keeping Vickie and Butch in my prayers.




Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/28/15 5:44 am

Hi are right Bi-polar depression does make a person more likely to have suicidal tendencies. I go through this with my granddaughter. She is dong really great right now...we never know...that can change pretty quickly. I pray for her every day.

I hope you managed to get that doctor office call settled! I am sure you handled it very well. Everyone's mood can change if we get too irritated over a certain situation. You are all depends on how we can handle ourselves. It isn't always easy!!

I love rearranging things!! I have to do simple things now. I used to rearrange my whole house!!!! 

Hope your day is a good and hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/28/15 1:34 am - Galion, OH

Carla I am so Sorry to hear of that sad news of yours!!! HUGSSSSSSS Thoughts and Prayers for you and family!!! I know what you are going through not being able to be there at this time!!! My heart goes out to you!!!!

Trish...hang in there!!! HUGSSSS

OMG it is so COLD here!!!! Had to take car in for oil change and it said -7!!!!!!! BRRRRRRR!!!!!! The trees were so pretty all white from the frost on them!!!! WOW!!!!!!! But I am freezing from the cold outside!!! Talking of nasty weather yet for tomorrow and again on Sunday for us. I am praying that they are wrong!!!!!!! So sick of this winter!!!!!!! I want Spring!!!!! LOL then we can start praying to not flood for the rains......can't win can I??

Well Bandit wants potty walk then its time to go pick up the car...BRRRRRRRRRRRR

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 1/28/15 5:19 am

Hi Judy......-7 degrees... no thanks....I will keep my 29 degrees!! I love how the trees look in the frost, but that is it. I am praying you don't get any worse weather. I know you have a hard time with  flooding too.I am so wanting Spring....even better...Summer!!! 

Have a nice and hugs....connie d



on 1/28/15 1:38 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Trish and my sistas,

Carla, my deepest condolences on your losses.  Bipolar is a horrible thing.  I've been through the suicidal episodes with Christie several times now.  You just never know when it will rear its ugly head.  I'm so sorry.

Well, I'm sorry I didn't get to post yesterday.  I got out of the house for awhile!  Hurray.  I really needed it.  Butch just didn't feel up to riding around with me and I really needed to run some errands, so I just went on and did them on my own.  

But, one of the things I did yesterday was shop for a black dress.  Oh, that was really hard.  I feel like I'm admitting defeat.  But I don't have any of my dresses here in the lake house, and besides that, my good black suit is way too big for me now.  So I shopped.  I did find one that I liked on the hanger, so I just bought it and brought it home with me.  I tried it on last night and it fits perfectly.  Y'all know I'm very tall, and this is a long dress.  Mid-calf length on me.  It's the style I'm most comfortable in.  I sent photos to Carrie and one of my friends and they both thought it looked very nice.  So I'm keeping it.  I still need hose and shoes.  I didn't tell Butch about it.  I just hung it in my closet.

Now I need to buy Butch a new suit.  He's being quite resistant to the whole idea.  He wants to borrow a suit from his brother.  I'm just not doing that!  I'm not going to bury my husband in a hand-me-down.  I think I will just have to go someplace and buy a suit and bring it home for him to try on.  He's lost so much weight, his old suit won't fit him I'm sure.  And I need to buy him a new shirt and tie, etc.  I have to be prepared.  Don't I?

I really hate doing all of this.  But better to do it now and be prepared for tomorrow, right?  Y'all tell me I'm right.  I feel just awful even discussing this stuff.

We go to Houston tomorrow.  I'm so ready to meet with the new doctor and see what the new treatment plan will be.  This has been a very long week of just waiting and waiting.

I hope everyone else is doing okay today.  Connie, I hope you have less pain today.  Judy, I hope the Funny Farm gives you a break today.  Eileen, what is happening with your brother?  Do you think he'll move there and live with you?  Trish, I hope you will take it easy on yourself.  You live alone. You can keep your place anyway you like it.  Utley doesn't care.  You're always so hard on yourself.  Just enjoy your many blessings and breathe a little, okay?  Connie is right--the housework will always be there no matter what.  But your munchkins are only little this brief time.  Enjoy today.  Housework can happen tomorrow.  Jeannie, I hope your knee is getting better.

I've forgotten what all else I meant to post.  Hope everyone has a great day.  It's going to be in the high 70s here today.  Lots of sunshine, too.  I love it!

Love you all!




Patricia R.
on 1/28/15 2:00 am - Perry, MI

Sweet Vickie,

I can't imagine how hard this is for you right now.  When my Dad went to heaven, I owned nothing black, and I was pregnant with my older son.  It was impossible to find something black in the maternity department, so I found a brown outfit.  I hated it, but Mom liked it, so I wore it.  Now, I own several black skirts, tops and sweaters.  

I'm hoping you hear something positive at MDA.  I know it may not be what happens, but I'm praying that way.

I love you.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/28/15 5:03 am

Hi Vickie...I am glad you went out and got a dress. You will be so glad you did. That just isn't something you want to do later. I wish I was there helping you. You know how I feel about you.  I am praying that GOD gives you the strength you need at this time. 

I am sure you are busy packing for your trip to Houston tomorrow. This might sound strange to you, but it does help. When Nic was at St Jude, and I couldn't be there, like this last time. I have something of his and I keep it close. It is a little stuffed horse. He gave it to me from his collection. I have it near or in my purse no matter where I am. My daughter always has one of his shirts. We all slept better knowing he was near. It was very comforting.  Just an idea!!

I am so glad that Butch is resting and has relief from some of that pain. Praying for you, Butch!!

70 degrees....that is heavenly!! It is so dark and gloomy here today...29 degrees. I need sunshine!!! Oh well, another day with my special light! 

LOVE...HUGS....PRAYERS...always for you....connie d

on 1/29/15 4:50 pm


I love your practicality, which is how I am too.  I always want to be prepared.  Buying that dress now will save you one less stressful choice in the future.   I also understand wanting to buy the suit.  My mom died when I was a little girl, and she knew she was dying (cancer).  She wanted to spend one last Christmas with my little sister and I, so In July, we went to the store and she bought our Christmas and she bought herself a beautiful pink dress.   I asked her was she going to have her picture taken and she said, no, Sis, this is the dress I want to be buried in...will you make sure the older girls bury me in this dress.   I said, you aren't going to die but, sadly, she did die on third day of December.  We buried her in the pink dress she had bought the July before and we buried her with my white Bible that she had bought me for Christmas when I was 5.  My heart breaks for your pain but I understand your need to be prepared and buying the suit will be for just in case...Don't beat yourself up over the decisions you make today or tomorrow because every thing you are doing is for your Butch.   

My knee is better.  I made that horrible flight to the Middle East and am spending today recovering.   I love it here but I hate the long plane ride...24 hours of traveling pleasure.   

Today, Vic, do something for yourself, even if it is just a hot soak in the tub.   Every day try to capture a few minutes for just you.  


Connie D.
on 1/28/15 4:33 am

Good morning Carla and everyone.... heart is breaking for you. The loss of someone you love, but know they are about to pass is hard enough. The cousin that took her own life will be so much harder to deal with as it wasn't expected. I don't know what else to say. I am praying for their families and of course you too. I am so sorry.

I know you and if there was a way you could attend those funerals you would. You need to take care of yourself first.

As for cleaning fairy was just here. She came this morning because of a mess up in scheduling later today. I have no complaints about the job she does. I never want to lose her!!

Yesterday I did laundry....I planned on doing 2 loads and leaving the other two for Laura. Well....goofy me...I put the clothes in the dryers....then I proceeded to put the money in the washers instead of the dryers. I ended up going back to my apartment to get the basket of bedding and towels.. My stupid mistake meant I had to do four loads....OMG!!! I was a mess the rest of the day!! I hope I am more alert and do it right next time!! 

I have a few other things around here I want to do...just little things...nothing exerting at all.

I see Vickie some on Facebook, but I haven't seen her here. Praying they are getting some much needed rest. 

I see a nap in my future..have a great day!!!  

Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families. 

Loads of Love and Lots of Hugs to you all.....connie d



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