Good is Friday....what is new??
Good morning is almost 1:00 and no one had started the thread. I guess you are stuck with me again!!!
I really don't have much new to share. I am finally feeling pretty good today. My pain is less and I already went for a walk this morning. I am going to try to walk again this afternoon. I won't overdo....I know better!
Eileen...I hope you and Gary had a nice evening and enjoyed your Chinese meal!! You made me so hungry for it I made chicken fried rice last night. I didn't have a problem with the rice this time. I hope I can eat it again.
Judy....are you holding down the fort at the Funny Farm???? I hope you have a good day. I have really been worried about you and all those awful storms your way. I have been praying for you!
Vickie....I am anxiously waiting to hear how Butch's tests went and what the new plan is. I know you are busy with many other things. Just bop in on Facebook and message me when you can. I am still sending many prayers,much love, and oodles of hugs your way. I love you my sweet friend!!!!
Trish....I hope you got done everything you wanted to do yesterday. Your days are always so much more exciting then mine!
I have Fibro Fog and can't think of who else I was going to comment to...DUH!!! I care and love you all!!
Have a peaceful and comforting day!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d
Good morning OFF family,
Boy is it windy and cold outside.
. I did make it to the gym
and water aerobics
andva nice soak in the hot tub. It was great. I am getting stronger every day.
As far as the weather goes, thank god for side walk salt. Apply it liberally and carry it in the van. I am not into ice skating. . Now that would be a sight.
I have been keeping just ahead of the crap that has been going around.
I am 0.8 lbs from my next 10 lb weight loss goal. I may have lost it today in water aerobics. I was a really fast pace class.
I read your posts every day and include you in my daily prayers. I particularly pray for health and healing and for peace of mind and body.
Well i am off for another cup of coffee.
I wish you all a blessed weekend.
Hello nice to see you post today!!
You are doing great on your weight loss and your exercising!! I wish I could say the same. Good going!!!
I am glad you at least come by and keep up with our posts. I just wish you would drop a line a bit more so we know you are okay!! You know how family is...and we are a special family!!
Enjoy your coffee!!
Much love and many hugs....connie d
Hi Connie and all my OFF Friends,
I just got home from a busy day. First, I spent the morning at church, watching six kids for the young Moms' Bible Study. They kept me on my toes. Then, I went to the bank, dropped my rent off at Colleen's, then went shopping at Aldi, and stopped at my auto insurance agent's to pay my premium. I also filled my gas tank, because gas is cheaper in Owosso, than here.
When I stopped at Colleen's, she called for Frankie to come to the door to say "Hi." He runs to me and says, "Good-bye." Cracked me up. He was working on a Mickey Mouse puzzle, and wanted his Mommy to go back to helping him.
My sister and I have been concerned about Mom since September. Her thinking has become more and more erratic than normal. So, Sissy called me today to ask me to look up Mom's psychiatrist's phone number. Sis does not have Internet or a cell phone, so she always calls me to look stuff up. Sis is going to tell the doc what we've observed. She left a message for the doc to return her call. Wish she had a cell, because she's not always home.
Well, I'm wiped out. I wanted to go to Lansing, but I'll have to wait till tomorrow.
Hi Trish....Frankie is so funny!! He had more important things to do!!!
You got a lot of errands done this morning. That is great!
Too bad your sister won't get a cell phone. It sure makes communicating a lot easier!! I think it is great that you both decided to contact the Psychiatrist about her behavior. Does she live alone? If so she probably shouldn't be anymore. I am sending prayers for all of you. This is not an easy decision to make.
I am glad you took care of yourself and didn't go anywhere else today. It sounds like it is time for you to relax!
HUGS and love.....connie d
Hello Connie and Francine and Trish and all my sistas,
We are home and I'm pooped out. I posted already on Care Pages and if it's okay, I'll just copy and paste the same thing here. I didn't get much sleep last night and I need a nap! Love you all!
Hello all!
We are back from the city of live oak trees and Mercedes Benz. LOL! I've never seen so many Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, and Jaguars in my life as there are in Houston.
Anyway, we met with Dr. Kurie, the lung cancer doctor, and got all the test results and a new treatment plan. Lung cancer is never easy to battle, and Butch needs to be rid of some of this bone pain first. So he is starting on two weeks of radiation to hopefully lessen the pain from some of the tumors in his bones. He's already sustained two fractures from the bone mets (bone metastases-plural), and you can imagine the pain that that must cause. So he'll be having the radiation treatments first before starting a new round of chemo. We think this is a wise plan, and even though we are eager to start the chemo, it only makes sense that if Butch feels better, he can withstand the chemo side effects better and fight harder.
So our first prayer request is for the radiation to lessen his pain and reduce his dependence on daily pain medications (which make him feel drugged out and dopey). The second request would be that the new chemo is effective in stopping the cancer from spreading and that he will go into remission. The particular type of lung cancer that he has is difficult to treat; we need this chemo to knock it way back.
So many of you have placed Butch (and our whole family) on your prayer lists at your churches and bible studies. We know we have an army of prayer warriors praying for his recovery. Words cannot express our gratitude and appreciation for all of you dear friends and family! You lighten our load; you lessen our burden. We love you all.
Vickie....I am over the moon happy to hear this news.
I will always keep you both in my prayers. I will contact my prayer warriors too.
I want that radiation to help the pain. I want the chemo to do the job it needs to do. We want recovery and remission!!!!!
Have a restful evening. This news must lighten some of the heavy load you have been carrying.
I am here if you need me!!!
Loads of love and bunches of hugs....connie d
Evening OFF family!!!!
OMG VIC I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like Butch has a fighting chance!!!! PRAYERS AND MORE PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG we are under a storm watch right now and so far they are talking anywhere for 6-12 inches for us!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT looking forward to this at all!!!!!!!! Well neither are the guys!!!! Both of them hurt their shoulders last storm we had and are recovering...Have I mentioned I HATE WINTER??????????
Rick went to the dentist all by himself today...I WAS proud of him...see that key word WAS ?? Well I found out just a few minutes ago he only let them clean the TOP teeth!!!!!!!!!!! He goes back next week to have the bottom ones done!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO that costs ANOTHER office fee!!!!!!!!! I am so mad at him!!!!!!! This now makes THREE office calls to have his teeth cleaned so far!!!!!! First one he backed out of!!!!!!!!! I swear he is such a BABY!!!!!!! Right now he is so mad his jaw is sore from the novacane...they did a deep cleaning...I told him well if you would have let them do it ALL today you would have had it over and done with TODAY!!!!! Now you have to do it OVER AGAIN NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I am mad as heck?????? SIGHS...........MEN!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday no PC at work because they were doing month end in the today I got to do FIVE Recerts!!! them done!!!! Would have had one more but the woman didn't have her bank done right and she had to take it back to have them fill out how much she has in her accounts!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! Sorry I am LOL at this woman...she is a PIN for me. (pain in neck) Plus she threw out her other papers that I needed her to fill out. I told her I didn't have time right THEN to print them AGAIN for her. She got all pissy at me and I told her the world does NOT revolve around HER!!!!!!!!!! I smiled and went about my work...she left.I guess I am doing my New Years promise pretty good huh?? Not letting tenants walk all over me!!!!
Well BABY is looking for something SOFT to eat lol so better help the baby find something...LOL
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Judy....Rick does sound like a bit of a baby. There is nothing to getting your teeth cleaned. Why did he have novacane for cleaning his teeth? I have never heard of that before. I have an appointment for a cleaning next week. I love the feel of clean fresh teeth!!!
That woman can't be playing with a full deck to mess up on her paperwork and lose the rest of it. LMAO!!! I agree she is a PIN!!!
I am so glad you are standing up to these people. They didn't deserve anything better after the way they have treated you.
So sorry about all that snow. I can only imagine what a mess it is around there!! That is a lot of snow!!
I was stupid and made chicken fried rice last night. I didn't eat much last night. I ate about a cup of it now...OH MY GOSH....I am in so much pain and I feel like I am going to be sick. NOW I remember why I don't eat rice!!!!
Time to and hugs....connie d
Connie its been sooooooooooooo many years that Rick had his teeth cleaned they had to do DEEP cleaning so they had to numb him or knock him out...he chose numbing. Now IF he takes better care of SCRUBBING his teeth he won't have to go through this again!!! PLUS he has ME to make him go for cleaning all the time!!!! LOL
As for the tenant that "lost" her paperwork...that is the mother of the one that served me papers!!!! Now you know why I am so "nice" to her!!!! (nice like she is to me anyhow!!!) Yes she really lost her papers...actually she said she THREW THEM OUT BY ACCIDENT....yeah right!!! Well I printed her new ones and if she does it again...well not my fault if her rent goes to regular rent and not rental assistance...I can't keep printing her "lost" papers all the time!!!!
We had Chinese tonight...paid for it on credit here and delivery guy said its cash...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I paid for called and said it was on my card...she claims she didn't run it through!!!!!!!!! I got on the phone with her and told her if I am charged TWICE......I WILL BE THERE IN HER FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The driver gave me his name and phone number for proof!!!!!!!! Nice guy!!!! I am PISSED!!!!!!!!!! I better NOT be charged TWICE or ELSE!!!!!!!!!! I swear!!!!!!!! SIGHS!!!!!!!!!!!
So that's it for me tonight........back is screaming now...time to hit the bed and relax!!!!!!!
Sorry that you are feeling bad from your fried rice!!!! I know how that goes!!!!