Tuesday Morning, Right?
Good Morning OFF,
I'm up, and getting ready to go watch Frankie while he takes a nap. Colleen is going to lunch with a friend she used to teach with. So, I'll take my crocheting, and hopefully watch something on TV.
I didn't get much done here in the house yesterday. Probably won't get it done today either.
Utley wants to play fetch.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone......
Trish...that will be a relaxing time for you watching Frankie today. You can crochet and catch a TV program. Your cleaning will be there when you get home....lucky you!!
As for me....My pain is a somewhat better today. I am still so run down and have no energy. I was awake every hour from 9:00 PM until about 5:00 AM. I was having horrible reoccurring nightmares. I have no idea why. Then I finally slept until 9:00 AM. I will be napping today weather I want to or not.
I do need to do some laundry. I have all that extra bedding and towels from everyone being here. I think I will leave that for my cleaning fairy tomorrow. I may do a couple loads of lights and dark's. There is no way she will be able to get it all done tomorrow. Wednesday's are busy laundry days around here.
I sure am missing my family. It felt so good to have them here!! It is always sad when they have to go home.
Wishing everyone a good day!!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families too.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...Well I did it!!!!!!!!! I went off on that nurse aid today!!! Yup I did!!! She sat on her big fat hind end and ate chips while doing her persons laundry. I stayed in my office the whole time so I KNEW which machines SHE used!!! Watched what she did...when she left I ASKED if she CLEANED the lint out of the dryer. YES she said back to me. She left. I went in the laundry room opened the dryers up...FULL OF LINT!!!!!!! I went storming out into the parking lot and said to her YOU ARE A LIAR AND A PIG!!!!!!!!!!!! THE DRYERS YOU USED ARE FULL OF LINT AND THE FLOOR IS FULL OF POTATO CHIP CRUMBS!!!!! I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL CLEANUP MAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looked at me and SMILED!!!!!!!! OMG I am NOT in any mood for this PIG!!!!!!! I am calling the tenants daughter to find out who this PIG works for and I am going to report her!!!!!! I have had enough of her and her messes!!!!!!!!
One of my tenants mother passed away. She found her on the couch yesterday. We were going to move her into one of our units hopefully next month. Well that is no longer going to happen. She had her mom at a few of our dinners and BBQ's. Sweet woman. When I heard about her passing I cried. I feel so bad.
Starting inspections today. I am going with Rick into Satan's to do her's and also into Michael's. Just to **** him off!!! His ball and chain is over right now and she hates us both. Well we found out she didn't go home the other night when it was getting bad out with the snow storm. She left to HIDE her car at the park and walked back!!! Now Michael used to be such a nice guy!!! Not anymore since he hooked up with her!!!!!!! I am so sick of this GIRL walking around here like she owns the place!!!!!!
Well time to walk Bandit and get back to work. Have to call the office on a paper that got put in computer wrong. GRRRRRRR Thanks to the Help I got yesterday for a new trainer...GRRR
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Judy...sounds like a not so good day for you, sweetie!
I am sorry about the death of your tenant's mother. I am sending prayers for you and her family.
I hope you get that PIG fired!! Why didn't you have her walk back in and clean up the mess....I would have!! She sounds like a BRAT to me!!
Inspections....oh aren't they fun!! Be really tough!! I am glad Rick will be with you!! Are Satan and Michael moving out finally? Michael used to be nice, I remember that. I thought he was told she couldn't be on the property anymore. What happened to that? I would be knocking on the door at 6 AM and kick her off the property. What a loser!!
Hope the inspections went okay and they don't get their deposits back.
Love you....HUGS.....connie d
Connie this is different than regular rentals...there are steps to take...LOTS of them!!! GRRRRR BUT Michael is treading on THIN ICE!!!!!!!!!! You should have seen that witches face when BOTH Rick and I walked in to do his inspection!!! She about ran out the door barefoot!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so IGNORANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so tempted to call his mother!!!! Seriously!!!! Before we left Rick asked him if he was up for a couple cold ones tonight!!! OMG!!! LOL He said he only had ONE...I said ONLY ONE?????? Guess I stay home then....The look on her face...PRICELESS!!!!! Like I was going over there to have a drink?? NOT with HER there!!!!!!!! Rick said HE is going over...I DARE HIM!!!!!!!!!! He said she will CRY if he does!!! I said GO!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Satan is having back surgery tomorrow morning. Her dad is here to take care of her. SOOOOO Now I am guessing he will be here along with her daughter and her two kids along with her dad...ALL in a ONE bedroom unit!!!!!!! Nice huh????? I am working on HOW to get her "caught" yet. Matter of time!!!!!!!!
As for the PIG.....I am trying to find out WHO she works for...again...matter of time. I AM good at this game!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!
Guys are doing pretty good with inspections...almost done.
Thanks for the Prayers for Maureen's mom. I will let her know when I see her again. She is so distraught. Her sister is such a witch with her right now its unreal!!!. Poor Maureen!!!
Well time to finish getting something to eat here...Mac and Cheese is it. Yippee. Just not into fixing much.