Monday Monday
Good Morning,
I have a busy day today. I'm starting an exercise program. I have a Leslie Sansome "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD, to do a gentle walking workout. It's a 30 minute walk indoors. It is the easiest of all the stuff I can do at home. I can't get to the YMCA till the end of the month.
I also have more organizing to do here. I also need to order some cross stitch Christmas ornaments to work on for this coming Christmas. Izzy asked me to make her one after she saw one I had made that was on my tree.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish....good luck with the exercise program. Walking really is the best form of exercise. I plan on starting back with my walking today as well.
Christmas for next do start early...LOL!!!
As for me....I am feeling much more upset stomach or bathroom trips every hour!! Maybe it was something I ate. I remember when Pam and I were out we grabbed a slice of pizza. It was pepperoni as that was all they had. Oh well...just glad I feel better today!!
We had a couple days of sunshine. I can actually see some grass here and there. It would be fine with me if we don't get anymore! It is MN and winter is far from over for us.
Wishing everyone a good day!!
Vickie and Butch I am still sending prayers. I hope you slept well last night in your own bed!! I love you much!
Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their families.
Lots of love and many hugs to all....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...had to take a break from the clubhouse area....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if these people treat their apartments like that?????? It has taken me ALL morning to clean it!!!!!!! The floors OMG!!!!!!! Salt tracks EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!! I did lock the side door and put sign on door to use other door!!!! I took the long rug and put that in the laundry room. Now to see how that works out!!! One aid (dumber than a box of rocks!!) Comes in and tries to walk on by me while I was mopping the laundry room floor...excuse me (idiot) the floor is wet!!! Wait til it dries so you do not slip and fall!!!!!!! You want to know what her reply was? I didn't know!!!! HUH????????? I am IN the process of MOPPING THE FLOOR!!!!! And this person takes care of people??????????????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!! Then she comes back to put clothes in the dryer...does she even bother to wipe her feet off???? NO!!!!!!!! I said EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? She said yes??? I asked her straight out....DO YOU KNOW HOW TO WIPE YOUR FEET OFF ON THE RUG?????????? She says OH...and then smiles and keeps on walking!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone have a baseball bat I can borrow??????? I swear I could use one on her!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK RANT OVER........Sorry.
Weather here is warming up...calm before the next storm??? I sure hope not!!!
Disappointed in football last night!!!! Not really care who wins Super bowl now. Oh well.
Well time to go check out FB see whats happening there then back to much to do yet.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi nut! I see your posts and the first thing I do is put down what ever I am drinking. I am always spitting something on my monitor!! I can just see you running around chasing the CRAZIES with a baseball bat!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!
I hope you aren't having the calm before the storm!! They said we might have snow today. I am glad they were wrong!! I like seeing some patches of grass here and there!!
I agree...I am not interested in the Super Bowl this year either. I will probably watch it because I love football. I don't care who wins.
Did that crazy lady get her eviction notice after that mess?? She sure isn't a mother in books.
Have a peaceful nights sleep.
Love you and lots of hugs too.....connie d
Hey Connie...Put your drink down...LMAOOOOOOOO No not yet...BUT!!!!!!!!! Police are right NOW working on something!!!!!!!!!!! Yup!!!! Seems her truck plate is now on a Lincoln SUV!!! Today she said she SOLD her truck...AGAIN??????? Anyhow this SUV pulls in the parking lot and I see this plate on it that looked VERY familiar...I call the police asked them to run it and in does NOT come back to this SUV!!!!!! Well it is ON this SUV!!! They said they would keep an eye out for it!!! OK...well Rick is outside and comes back in and says there is a black SUV out here is this the one?? I go out and is sure is!!! I call the police back...BAM!!!!!! SUV is gone but they found it parked down the street...they are now hiding waiting for it to move so they can catch them!!!!!!!!!! OMG this is so exciting!!!!!!!!! But anyhow my boss was here today and we went to talk to talking to the wall!!!!!!! We even mentioned the other night and her daughter...oh that...well the cops came and I told him to talk to her because she doesn't listen to me!!!!!!!!!!! HUH?????????? SO........I got bust today and after today and all this I am calling my boss with this new info and see what she says and if this doesn't get her 30 day eviction I AM calling child protective!!!!!! But even if she does get 30 day eviction I am STILL calling as this has got to stop now!!!!!!!!! There is so much MORE going on that I am hearing about its unreal!!!!!!!!!! She can't stay here anymore!!!!! No way!!!!!!!!
As for the Super Bowl...I watch for the part of it!!! Especially THIS year!!!
OMG Judy!!!! How do you stand this every day???
That idiot obviously has a police scanner. That is why they are always one step ahead. I hope they catch these fools!!! The black SUV is hot....the crazies won't go back to it. That is why they moved it. I wonder if they pulled the plates? They definitely need OUT of there!!!!! You should call child protection anyway. That girl will be prostituting...I am pretty sure she all ready is!! She needs help!!! That idiot is NO mother!!!!
I can't believe they are letting her stay living there!!! She has done so much and just keeps getting by with it. I hope you can get across to your boss the urgency of this matter.... before someone is hurt or murdered!!!!
Good luck sweetie....I am praying that things work out for you!!
LOVE YOU.....HUGS.....connie d
Connie...these are FRIENDS??????????? of hers....the police are watching their every move right now...the SUV has moved and the police are watching them. I hope they find them with DRUGS!!!!!!! Yes I also reported that...I am so hell they know it all!!!!!!! So hopefully they will get them ALL tonight!!!!!!! And no she doesn't have a scanner.
And YES I AM calling tomorrow first thing!!! Trust me!!!
Hello Trish, Connie and Judy and everyone else yet to come!
As I sit here posting, I am accompanied by the gentle snorings of my husband and my dog! LOL! They are both sawing logs this morning. Butch is still sleeping and I'm letting him do it. I figure he needs the rest at least as much as he needs the medications. I will have to wake him at noon, but until then, let the poor man sleep.
(Maybelle was up with me, but has curled up on the bed and zoned out again.)
Listen, before I forget, I also want to say THANK YOU to the many "lurkers" who have reached out privately to me to offer prayers and support. Thank you all so much! Some of you have friended me on FB. Others have asked to be added to CarePages. ALL of you are appreciated!
We had a very nice family day with our kids and grandkids yesterday. It was so good for Butch! His pain levels are much better now and he's more lucid. I think his body is adjusting to the higher dosages of pain meds.
I got the guys to get all of my Christmas boxes down out of the attic for me yesterday. I'll take down my tree today and pack away my few Christmas decorations. I don't have much here, so it won't take too long.
It's time for me to think about getting started on some baby gifts I need to make for some young women this spring. Christie's best friend Katie is having her second baby in March. Our niece and nephew are also expecting their first baby in March. And another niece and nephew are expecting their FOURTH child in April. Like I posted on FB, crochet keeps me sane! LOL!
I have to go in to the Realtor's office either this afternoon or in the morning and sign the termination papers on that house in Seguin. I gave them the verbal go-ahead to put it back on the market last week, but I have to go sign things and make it official.
So, never an idle moment around here. I figure it's better to stay busy than to sit and twiddle my thumbs. Love you all!