Happy Sunday Everyone...what's happening today???
Good morning everyone.....
I am feeling YUCK today. My stomach is upset and I am spending too much time in the bathroom. Having chills off and on too. I so hope it goes away soon!!!!
My daughter, Carrie and my granddaughters, Kyleigh and Amanda, are at a Bridal Fair today in Minneapolis. Amanda wanted me there so bad. It is a huge place and I couldn't handle it there. Makes me feel sad. Amanda and Tyler are getting married in July. They are working with the place to have a reception. They are setting the final date soon. I can't believe my grandchildren are old enough to get married. WOW....I am old! They are so suited for each other. They are like 2 peas in a pod. So fun to watch them together!! They have dated for at least 4 years and knew each other at least a couple years before that. They are ready. They have saved themselves for their wedding day. Seeing them together you can see how in love they are!! I love them both!!
I hope Vickie and Butch are enjoying their day at home. God Bless them both!!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.
Much love and bunches of hugs.....connie d
Hi Connie and my OFF family:
Sorry you're not feeling well. I'm doing OK. Work was a bear last night. Got done late because of one reporter not doing his job.
Talking to my brother now ... he's in a quandary about what to do with his life now that mom's in a home. He wanted to move to Texas to be closer to his grandsons, but that doesn't seem possible. So he might move in with me. We'll see. He knows he can't stay long in mom's house because it's too big and the utilities are too expensive.
Not much else happening. Got to call mom and get in the shower, have lunch and get ready for work. Have a good day.
Hi Eileen....I slept for awhile. My tummy feels better and I am not running to the bathroom nearly as much. I truly think that between all the pain and the stress of the move for Kyleigh, and worries over Nic, my body has just hit the wall. I will continue to rest and get to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
So Gary might move in...I am confused....isn't Richard moving in?? Of course Gary is family. Tough call to make.
Hope all is going well for your mom. Still praying for her and you too!
Have a good evening...love and hugs to you....connie d
All in the future, Connie. Richard's stuff is already here, but I think he's going to stay in Georgia. Cheaper medical care, no restriction to drugs. Plus, once he gets disability, he can live cheaply.
As for Gary, I don't know what he wants to do. He just said right now Evansville is high on his list. Well, that's up to him. He is a procrastinator. I told him if he wants to move in with me, he's welcome. I'd get a bigger place, maybe a 3-bedroom house or apartment so we'd have more space.
Take care of yourself.
Greetings Connie and OFF,
Connie, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope it's not serious. How awesome that the kids are getting married. I'm also sorry you can't get to the Bridal Fair today either. I have never been to one. Colleen and Trent dated for four years, living an hour from us in PA. Within a month, they had packed up a U-Haul, and drove here to live. She rented a house from his Mom, and he stayed at Grandpa's till after the wedding. The following summer, they bought Grandpa's rental, right next door to him. I did get to go dress shopping with her, which we did before she moved. We were an entourage. My sis and sis-in-law and all of her PA bridesmaids were there, because they were picking out their dress. Colleen had seven bridesmaids, plus a flower girl. We went to David's Bridal, so that her sis-in-law, and other out of town girls could shop for theirs. Then, she started choosing gowns to try on. She had a certain amount of money she wanted to spend on it, but the one we all fell in love with was way over her budget. But, I cried when she tried it on with the veil, so I paid for it. She was just so beautiful. Then, while she was getting changed, my sister and sis-in-law saw a beautiful white coat for her to wear over it, because the gown was strapless, and she had an evening wedding the end of December.
I had church, then came home and had lunch. Now, I have to put the finishing touches on the report I have to get to the church secretary. It's due today, and I can email it to her. It's easier for her. Then, she can just copy and paste it.
I'll be watching football in a little while. I'm rooting for the Colts and Packers. Both their quarterbacks haven't won a Super Bowl. Not sure they've even played in one. Plus, the Packers were the team that sent the Cowboys back to Texas last week.
Praying for Butch and Vickie.
Must scoot.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish.....yes my granddaughter is so excited!! Kyleigh sent a text and said they were having fun!! Colleen's wedding sounds like it was wonderful. I would love to see her dress!
I hope you had some free time for you this afternoon. Being the busy bee that you are!!! LOL!!!!!
Enjoy the games!! I may just have to cheer for the Packers today...I am biting my tongue...my team just couldn't get things together again. I will always love the Vikings....with everything that has happened... I just can't get as excited about them anymore....maybe next year!!! Did I really say that...WOW!!
Love and hugs to you....connie d