Saturday News
Good Morning Friends,
What a difference a day makes. I was absolutely miserable yesterday. Doc gave me a steroid shot, and then I started a Medrol Dosepack this morning. I am calling the allergist Monday. I want to get allergy shots and dread the process of preparing for them. I will have to go off all my allergy meds for days, and if I go for one day, I suffer.
I have to get ready for an appointment for a haircut. Then, back to the kitchen. I got halfway through the mess I made cooking for the family at church. I want to finish. I couldn't keep bending my head down to load and unload the dishwasher.
Must get going.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Trish...I am so glad you are feeling better today....not great but better!! Getting those shots will be well worth it. I would get them now before the snow melts and all the molds and such are growing. Definitely before Spring. Tell everyone you will not be available for a few days. Stop your allergy meds and stay home!! Plan the dates ahead so Colleen and Travis can plan their schedules. This is a matter of your health. PLEASE do this for are worth it!!
As for me...I am still floating on a cloud over Nic's news. Another year...thank you GOD. Nic called me yesterday. He had more news to tell me. He has been working on something but didn't tell anyone until after his St Jude testing. Nic as of the end of March will be a fireman!!! He will just be on call at first as he has other college classes to complete. He is taking testing to get his CDL license so he can drive the fire trucks as well. That precious boy, yes boy, I made him agree that he will always be my "precious boy" forever. He never lets grass grow under his feet!!!!
I actually feel much better today...I think some of the stress relief has helped. I still haven't showered and it is already 10:45 AM. I best get moving and get something done.
For those that aren't on Facebook.....I am praying Vickie and Butch have a safe trip home today. They were leaving earlier but the doctor decided to give Butch another IV before they leave. That will take 4 hours as it has Magnesium in it and has to run slow. Even so a couple nights in their own bed and to relax in their own house will be good for both of them. I am praying for them that all goes well. Butch does have lung cancer as well as prostate, however the scans show no signs of brain cancer....Praise GOD.
Wishing you all a peaceful day!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...well it is now 45* here but it feels COLD out there!!! BRRRRR!!! Tomorrow we should have rain then turn to snow again. Wonderful. NOT!
Anyhow last night we were going to go to the memorial dinner at the VFW for those of us that lost loved ones in the last year. Well that didn't go as planned for us. Why? Well the floor guys were here installing the carpet and the plank flooring in the unit across from us and it seems they hit the turn off valve and it sprung a leak!!! So Rick had to take care of that. Then I was out walking Bandit and one of the tenants stopped me to let me know the tenant that has been the problem to me last couple days has about 5-6 kids over her place and were going to be having a party. Great!! NOT!!!!!!! So need to keep an eye over there...well with Rick working on the leak and now that problem we were not going anyplace. So. Ended up having subs for supper. Yippee. Time to lock up and for some reason I decided to walk where the guys cleared the ice off across the road and that took me right by miss party apartment! OMG what did I see there?? Her daughter laying on the bed NO CLOTHES ON TAKING PICTURES OF HERSELF WITH HER CELL PHONE LIGHTS ON BLINDES FULLY OPEN!!!!!!!!!!! I called Rick. Told him what I just saw and asked him what should I do? He said call the cops. So I did. I told them I didn't know what I should do call them or go to the tenants door. Dispatcher said they would handle it as this was a juvenile. OK. So they came and talked to mother. I heard on the scanner that mother would handle the daughter. YEAH RIGHT!!!! This tenant got a letter from corporate yesterday also that one more screw up and she would be getting a 30 day notice to move out. Maybe this is it?? I am calling my boss Monday morning. Anyone walking by or driving by could have seen this kid!!!!!! I am at a loss as this kid is no good!!! Last summer she took the truck keys and drove her mothers drivers license!!! Her mother lets her smoke and drink also. So who do I believe? Kid is bad or mother lying to me? BOTH!!! I have had enough of this on going with her and her playing around with under age kids at her place all the time!!! Hard telling what all is going on!!!!
Going to BINGO tonight. I need to get out.
Prayers for Butch and Vicki.
Happy for Connie and Nic!!! Told you GOD is GOOD!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Judy, you can call the National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4ACHILD 24 hours a day. They should be able to tell you who to call where you live. I would call your local child protective services on Monday. It's not too late to report what you saw. Also, you should be able to find out what the police did. Unfortunately, this girl, as bad as she is, needs help. Obviously, Mom is useless where that is concerned.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy....OMG you need those people out of there yesterday!! I hope they can do something with that daughter to get her to treatment or something. If it isn't too late already! That makes me sick!!
That is one lousy mother!! She won't do anything. She probably is the ring leader for this stuff. Who knows what that daughter does with these young kids coming and going....SICK!!!!
Enjoy your Bingo tonight big!!! did tell me God is Good.....he is good all the time!!
Love you....HUGS....connie d