It is Wednesday......what is new?

Judy G.
on 1/14/15 7:01 am - Galion, OH

Eileen you should have gone to the chiropractor!!! Need an adjustment!!! When we hurt like that our Chiro dr says get in here NOW!!!!!!!!!!! He does not want us hurting!!! If you still hurt tomorrow...GO!!!!!! Please?!!


Judy G.
on 1/14/15 7:03 am - Galion, OH

Oh Connie!!! that just SUCKS!!!!!!!! I hope you get a fast cancelation so you can get in soon!!! DARNIT!!!!!!

Prayers for Nic to have GREAT results on ALL his tests!!!!


Connie D.
on 1/14/15 7:22 am

Judy....I am on a cancellation list....I am not the first one on the list....there are many others before me....UGH!!!

Nic's whole situation has me in tears. I wish someone would tell us something. How can we wait another week or so with no light at the end of the tunnel. It makes me literally sick to my stomach!! 

My cleaning lady did a wonderful job cleaning today. She also did three loads of laundry for me. 

I am going to go and lay down. I am in so much pain. I know it is somewhat due to all the stress this week!!

I hope we hear from Vickie soon?? I would like to know how Butch is doing and what is happening. I know Vickie just doesn't have time to post now. I understand, she has way too much happening right now. I will keep those thoughts and prayers going....HUGS too!!

Love you....HUGS to you too.....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/14/15 7:46 am - Galion, OH

Connie!!!!!!!!! NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!! Keep that in mind!!!! You know those drs there go over everything with a fine tooth comb!!!! Now take a deep breath and try to relax before YOU end up in the hospital yourself!!!!!!!!

Yes Vic is busy and she will get back to us when she can...keep praying for them...


Connie D.
on 1/14/15 9:22 am

Judy...thanks for being here for me!!

I have said, "no news is good news" a hundred of times today.

I am trying to ignore this negative energy....however...I haven't had these feeling so strong since Nic was young. I am going to bed. They should be back home in Iowa in a couple hours. As soon as I know anything about his results I will let you know!!! Jamie or Nic will text me when they get home. 

I really just need to sleep....the pain from my head to my toes is at least a +12. I am taking a Vicodin tonight!!! I pray I can sleep. I always say that and then I am awake 4 to 5 times a night!! I so need to get my sleep back in order. Say a prayer for me please!!

Love you much....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/14/15 9:45 am - Galion, OH must trust in GOD that everything is going to be FINE!!!!!!!!!!! Get some rest!!!! Prayers for you!!!


Judy G.
on 1/14/15 7:21 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...I am so tired tonight!! Been working on all those darn files today!!! Trying to figure out what was needed to send in and what not...asked again and got a different answer than I did yesterday...still CONFUSED!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I will make a PHONE CALL so MAYBE I will get a correct answer!!!!!! GEZZZZZZZZZZZZ I have never done this before and they expect me to be a freaking mind reader???!!!!!

Got paychecks in mail today...found out we got another raise...$50.00 more a month!!! WOW!!!!!! Should have been a lot more but with so many EMPTY apartments lucky we got this much!!

I swear Rick has it so dam hot in this apartment I am sweating like a pig!!! I can hardly breathe in here!! I yell at him about it all the time to turn the heat down!!!!!!! My nose is so stuffed up from it being so hot in here!!! Then he goes in his "man cave" and he has the heat up even hotter in there!!! OMG!!!!!!!! He goes outside I turn it down in both rooms!!!!!! Good Grief!!!!!!!!!! The bedroom I do NOT have ANY heat on in there then when I go in there for the night I turn the fan on and shut the door!!!!!! I think I need a baseball bat to smack him upside his head to drive some sense in his brains!!! No wonder I feel like I am getting a cold right now!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

So nothing else new going on here...thinking of Butch and Vicki Praying for them both. Also for Nic...hope all his tests are going to be GOOD news!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


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