It is Wednesday......what is new?

Connie D.
on 1/14/15 1:15 am

Good morning everyone.....

It is almost 11:00 and no one has posted yet. I guess you are stuck with me!! 

I was up morning at 7:00 and just getting into the shower, my phone rang. It was my doctor's nurse. My doctor is out with flu today. Oh great!! I was all up and ready to get things in motion. They rescheduled my appointment for February, nothing available sooner. I hope that this time is a keeper.I am in so much pain and have so many things to talk over with her. They are putting me on a cancellation list. Another month of this...I don't know how I will do it. God's plan and I need to follow it. He knows the reason why.

Nic is having more scans and such this AM....later he and Jamie meet with the doctor.  Doctor B. is just so amazing and we adore her. Then if things look okay they can head for home after the doctor appointment. Most results won't be in until later in the week or beginning of the next. 

I will check back in later. My cleaning fairy is here this afternoon. I will be on the couch...hibernating. I just can't concentrate worth a hoot today. I can't focus on reading or watching a movie. 

Always , always, always have Nic and Vickie and Butch in my prayers. This cancer monster needs to go!!!!!!!

Prayers for our awesome OFF Family and their families as well.

Loads of LOVE and bunches of HUGS to all.......connie d

Patricia R.
on 1/14/15 1:34 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Connie and OFF,

I'm running late today.  I have to get out and do some banking, and go to RiteAid to pick up some Allegra D.

Tonight we have the children's program at church.  I'm doing the lesson.  Colleen was not happy with what she saw for the lesson last week.  She's been staying with the kids at this program, because of something that happened to Lincoln last month.  I agree with her.  He goes to public school, and doesn't have a problem.  He goes to church, and got punched in the face by a boy who is home schooled.  I wasn't in the room when that happened.  Problem is, the couple that runs the kids program, it's their son.  So, Colleen is staying with the kids for now.  I don't blame her.  That same boy had kicked Isabel one evening, and I stopped the game we were doing, and made a stern announcement that nobody was to be kicked, or hit while we are at church.  I looked the boy right in the eye when that happened.  I don't play, regardless of who is getting hurt.  When kids are in my care, they will play safely, or they won't play at all.  My rules.  I didn't put up with that nonsense with my tough, street kids in middle schools in Philadelphia.  I am certainly not putting up with it with these little Baptist, Midwest kids.  Not on my watch!

Well, enough of my rant.  I better get moving.  I've got four hours to accomplish a ton of stuff.

Still praying for everyone.  Connie, did you get my email?  I hope I entered your email address correctly.  Love you.

Praying for Butch and Vickie.  And Nic too.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/14/15 2:38 am, edited 1/14/15 2:39 am

Good morning Trish....

No I didn't get your [email protected]

I think it is the best that Colleen is taking over for awhile. Why do kids behave that way? Maybe something is going on at home. I would bring it to the parents. They need to know. Just my opinion.

I hope you get your errands run!!! Thanks for the prayers!!

No news about Nic....they are just now leaving St Jude. Jamie said, it could be awhile. I am trying to stay positive. It isn't easy!! They have always given us some hope like  "the cancer looks the same or it hasn't changed"  something like that to hang on to. Now it is said, we have more doctors in Memphis and NYC checking into it further. I am now on the verge of losiing my mind!!! Okay....DEEP BREATHES!! I can do this!!!

Have a good rest of the day!!

Love to you and Hugs too.....connie d




Patricia R.
on 1/14/15 6:22 am - Perry, MI

I sent the email again.  I used your correct email.  I hope you get it today.  It's just some encouragement with Scripture.

Love you,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/14/15 7:06 am

Trish....I just checked and I finally got it...YAY!!

Thank you so much!!! I will read them later. I have a lot of pain and need to lay down now.

Lots of love and hugs...connie d

Judy G.
on 1/14/15 7:04 am - Galion, OH

Trish you DID the right thing!!! Stopping right then and there!!!! WOW!!!! Wonder why those kids are so mean?? How old are they?


Patricia R.
on 1/14/15 10:23 am - Perry, MI

Hi Judy,

The child in question is 5 years old, the group has kids from 5-7 years old.  From working with him on other occasions, he doesn't listen.  I've observed him with his Mom, and he doesn't listen to her either.  Colleen stops everything till the Munchkins listen and obey.  She and Trent are always consistent in that.  I rarely see this boy, listen and obey his Mom.  Colleen and Trent are very strict, but they rarely have to take the kids into the bedroom for a talk, or a spank on the butt.  They started long before they were school age.  

Must scoot.

Love ya.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 1/15/15 1:05 am - Galion, OH

WOW!! This mom needs some help maybe? Maybe you could take her aside and speak to her? This kid needs some help and fast!!


Eileen Briesch
on 1/14/15 3:19 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie, Trish and my OFF family to come:

I did something to my back ... woke up last night to go to the bathroom and had something give out and my left leg had a numb feeling. Went back to bed and took a vicodin and went back to sleep. It still hurts today but it's not numb at least ... just a little ouchy. I'm not doing a whole lot today. I have laundry going. I want to take down Christmas but don't know how much I'll get done. 

Connie, take it easy. I'm sorry your doctor appointment got canceled. Flu is going around. The flu vaccine isn't working like it should. 

Hope all will be well with Nic. 

Not much else happening. Have a good day.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 1/14/15 4:25 am

Hi Eileen.....this getting old really sucks!! We can never have our days without some kind of pain. I hope your back doesn't get worse as the day goes by!!! 

My cleaning lady is cleaning and doing my laundry now. I am picky about my laundry.  I sorted it all and told her what temps I wanted it set on. She does a good job!!

Going to get off here so she can clean in here now.

Have a good rest of the day!!

Love to you and HUGS too.....connie d

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