Happy Monday Morning...what is new?

Connie D.
on 1/11/15 10:26 pm, edited 1/11/15 10:37 pm

Good morning everyone.....

I keep losing posts!!! I will try it again!

Vickie...I pray you have a safe trip today to MDA. I also pray they can find out what the pain is all about and be able to give him a pain med that will help him with that. Keep strong!! I know you will even when you feel like collapsing. I am praying for you my sweet friend!! I love you both  

Judy....I pray someone has answered some question for you about the funeral. Love you 

I can't even think straight right now. I have not slept yet since Saturday night. I am going to to catch a nap soon. 

Thank you all for the prayers, vibes and all for my precious Nic. He is at the hospital now. It is a wonderful place to be for treatment. Such awesome people work there. They all seem to love what they do. I just keep praying. 

Have a good day everyone!!! I will check in through out the day. 

Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.

Much love and many hugs to all...connie d

Cindy P.
on 1/12/15 1:00 am

Connie, said a prayer this morning for Nic. 


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 1/12/15 2:06 am

Thank you Cindy, every prayer will help! 

I tried to nap...I got 2 phone calls and Tony stopped over. I am going to try to sleep again in a little while. 

Love  and many hugs to you.....connie d

Patricia R.
on 1/12/15 1:32 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Connie and OFF Family,

I'm keeping Nic, Butch and Vickie, and all family members, close to my heart in prayer today.  Lots of high stress medical testing happening.

I spent the morning playing games with Franklin.  He is becoming very verbal.  I love it.

I am on lunch break, heading back over to watch him again this afternoon.  He should be sleeping most of the afternoon.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/12/15 2:19 am

Hi Trish....thanks for the prayers!! They mean so much to all of us. You are right....some serious, high stress medical testing is being done. All we can do is keep praying for each other like we always do.

How old is Franklin now? Time seems to fly by so quickly! Have fun together, when he gets up. How did Colleen like the candles you, Izzy and Lincoln made? I am sure she was trilled to have them! Things are always so special when they are homemade.

Time to try to nap again soon. I know Nic and Jamie were going to Graceland and window shop this afternoon. Nic just has to come and go to St Jude today. Tomorrow will be a tougher and longer day. St Jude has a complex that everyone can stay at so you can come and go,if you are physically able too. It is a very nice place. Makes the visits a lot easier,

Love to you and hugs too....connie d

Patricia R.
on 1/12/15 9:28 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

First, I forgot to answer a question you asked me a few nights ago.  Mom is 88.  She's been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, with horrific depressions, since I was an infant.  In other words, for the past 57 years, give or take.  Back when I was a child, all they could do was use electroshock, and long visits to the psychiatric hospitals.  But, she would hold out and not go to the hospital till she was so depressed she wasn't functioning.  I've been of the opinion that she is not properly medicated.  I have the same diagnosis, and I've been pretty stable for the last five years.  Every year, her doctor has to increase her antidepressant for a while, because she sinks into a horrible depression.  She suffers from anxiety, and does have manic episodes, which she enjoys tremendously, but her kids hate.  But, her doctor has her only on an antidepressant.  No anxiety meds or mood stablizers, which I am also on.  Plus, she rarely sees the doctor.  Usually she sees a prescribing nurse, and only for ten minutes.  My psychiatrist back home sees me for 30 minutes.  He has no staff.  But, what really irks me is that her doc cuts back her dosage, every year, and then she swings high and then low, and then has to have the med increase.  She has talked about seeing my doc, and I wish she would.  As for now, she returned to her home after six weeks at my sister's, to no power in her house.  She got it fixed, only to have it out again.  She went to stay at her friend, Sam's, and when the electrician looked at the problem at her house, he said he couldn't fix it till tomorrow.  So, she's not been able to sleep in her own bed for a long time.  When I spoke with her on Sunday, she was practically in tears.  When I told her I understood what she was going through, she indignantly asked me when.  I reminded her that I spent six weeks at Eileen's with a broken foot, not sleeping in my own bed.  She was with me that entire time.  And, between spending six weeks with her, a cast on my right foot, hobbling around on crutches, no Internet, and being 12 hours from all of my belongings, I was absolutely miserable.  So, actually, she has had it much easier the past six weeks.  She still could drive, walk, come and go as she pleased.  I had none of those options.

Franklin will be 3 in May.  He's the most fun I have all week.  Turns out he hardly laid down, and didn't sleep.  When I got back to their house, Colleen told me he didn't need a nap, but if he started acting like he needed it, he could lay down on her bed, and watch TV, which he doesn't get the rest of the day.  So, he colored, played with the Hot Wheels race track, and then we played with Play Doh.  In the morning we played with a cool game called The Bumblebee Tree.  Plus, we played Trouble.  Actually, he had fun pushing the popper with the die in it, and moving the pieces around.  Most games we don't really play, because he's only two years old.  However, he can play Zingo, a preschool version of Bingo.  The Zingo cards have nine spaces with a drawings of various animals, toys, and things in nature, along with the word.  Then, he gets to pull two plastic chips with the same drawing and word, and we see if we have that item.  If we do, we put the chip on the space.  If both of us have it, I let him take it, but the rules are whoever grabs it first gets it.  He's just too young to really understand.  There are several duplicates of each chip in the kitty.  When someone's card is covered, they win.  What I like about this version is that I can have him look at the picture on the chip, and then look at his card to see if he has that.  This helps him develop eye/hand coordination.  Izzy is getting old enough to learn how to play regular Bingo.  I should see about getting that.  

Tonight, I plan to watch a movie.  First I have to work on the Nursery's Annual Report.  Then, I have to prepare this week's Crosswalk lesson.  I love working with Izzy and Lincoln, and all their friends at church.  5 to 7 year olds are a lot of fun to hang out with.  

Colleen loved the candles, BUT, the fragrance I chose for the wax gave her a migraine shortly after she got them.  She was so upset, because she wanted to display, and use them, to show the kids how much she loves them.  She had Trent wrap them back up, and put them in the basement.  I don't think she would have told me about it, except I told her I had enough wax leftover for the kids to make some for the end-of-year gifts they give their teachers.  I suggested she give that batch of candles to the kids for their teachers.   Then, I would exchange the extra wax I have for one of a fragrance she'd prefer.  Then, all of us could make a batch for her, with her.  She then told me she didn't feel right having me pay for the wax and the votive holders for the kids' teachers.  So, I told her that the money I spend on crafts to do with the kids is an investment of another memory we made together.  I get a huge amount of joy  and gratitude when I spend quality time with them.

Wow, I have rambled.  Guess I needed to talk Grandma talk with friends who understand.  

Love you,



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/12/15 9:40 am, edited 1/12/15 9:40 am

Thanks for getting back to me Trish. You did answer all my questions.

I am so happy that you are living near your grandchildren. All the fun and learning experiences you do together is so wonderful. So many memories made!

I am exhausted and need sleep. I am going to try again. My sleep has been horrible. Little or none. I pray tonight I can sleep better. This has been going on for days now.

Love you....hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/12/15 1:44 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family....

Connie Prayers being said for Nic...CALM DOWN!!!! He will test OK!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSS


I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK back to normal...had to wipe up the tracked up floors this morning then ofcourse idiots come walking in right after not bothering to kick off wet feet....did I blow a gasket!!!!!!  I am NOT their MAID!!!!!!!!!!!! Cleared out the clubhouse fast!!!!

Guys are cleaning the snow...calls coming in from tenants...I need my walks cleaned...I need salt down...THE GUYS ARE OUT CLEANING!!! THEY WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!!  Like I can just snap my fingers and they can just appear everywhere????? NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Seeing accidents on the highway...so glad I didn't go home for the funeral!!! My heart is still hurting...  And NO nobody called or emailed me how it went at the funeral either. Guess I am nobody to them. Oh well. I know my "dad" cared.

Well time to get back to work. Bandit needs walking first.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 1/12/15 2:30 am

Hi Judy.....I am trying to calm down. When we are dealing with cancer it isn't always easy to do. I am going to try to nap again soon.

It sounds like you must have gotten quite a bit of snow. Did you have an ice storm too?

Sorry the morons don't know how to clean their feet!! The others expect their places to be "first" for shoveling and deicing!! They sure don't have patience!!

I am glad too that you didn't try to drive in that weather. I just wish someone would have contacted you about it.That is just wrong.

I am very worried about Butch and Vickie too. More prayers for them!!

Loads of love and oodles of hugs......connie d

Judy G.
on 1/12/15 5:06 am - Galion, OH

Connie we got a couple inches of snow the HEAVY crap kind but would have been a lot more if the temp wouldn't have changed and the snow didn't turn to rain....so we had snow, sleet, rain and snow again. CRAPPY ****!!!!!!!!! Now the temps are dropping and all this CRAP is going to freeze!!!!!!!! Did I mention how much I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!??????

Mom called me today and asked if I was ok...that's all it took and I was crying big time!!! She said so that is why you didn't call yesterday huh...yes!!!!!! She said Joe and Bill went to see my dad but didn't stay for funeral. Not sure why but I am sure Bill didn't want to. He can't deal with funerals anymore. He is/was honor guard for VFW and can't take it anymore when its someone close to him that has died. I tried talking to mom on how I felt. She understood. She is as mad at Kelley as I am for not calling me. I told her I hope he is happy.

So anyhow I am worn out with stress and this weather and all...

Praying my heart out for Butch and for Nic and all that need Prayers right now.


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