Happy Hump Day

Patricia R.
on 1/6/15 7:06 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Family,

Well, here it is day 7 of the new year, and I have barely done a thing toward my daily goals.  I think budgeting my time better should be at the top of my goal list.  

So, today, I have several phone calls to make, and then tackling my bedroom.  

Huggles and Prayers, especially for Vickie and Butch.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 1/6/15 7:20 pm - Perry, MI

Poor Utley,

I hook him up to a lead that allows him to come into the house, where I can close the door so I don't have to step outside for him to go potty.  Well, I have a tree in the middle of the part of the yard, where he goes potty, but his lead is not hooked onto it.  Well, now and then he ends up wrapping his lead around it, several times.  So, I had to put my boots on, and then go outside in my robe and boots, and get him to go around the tree three times.  He usually doesn''t resist, but of course, in the snow, this morning, he did.

Must scoot.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 1/6/15 9:33 pm - Perry, MI

Connie, and anyone else who suffers from sleeplessness at night.  I just remembered something Colleen started with Isabel right after I moved here.  Izzy used to get really upset, and cry at bedtime, especially if I was watching the kids.  We're talking when she was five.  She always said she was afraid.  Colleen went to the natural food store and picked up Melatonin for her.  She calls it her bedtime vitamin.  It helped her so much, I started using it from time to time.  Colleen gives it to her about 30 minutes before her bedtime.  

Not sure if anyone else has used it.  I think I got my bottle of it at Rite Aid, in the GNC aisle.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 1/7/15 2:55 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family to come:

Still feeling crappy, but I guess my constant complaining via email to my doctor got results. Yesterday, he sent an email telling me "water and chicken soup (seriously!), which really ticked me off because I've been drinking so much water I could float away. No chicken soup, though.

So this morning I get another email from him saying he's sent a script for antibiotics. Well, finally! I've been dealing with this for two weeks. I guess *****ing pays off. I was going to stay in my jammies all day but I guess I'll go out to get the prescription so I can get started.

Sorry to hear about Butch, Vickie. Swinging chickens for you very diligently. 

Not much else happening. Last night I watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Was going to watch another one, but I was so tired yesterday I went to sleep about 11 p.m. (very early for me). Slept until 9:30 a.m. when the mailman pounded on my door. I had to go out to get my newspaper because the carrier didn't get it anywhere near my door. 

I really need to get that script today because I have a really bad sinus headache. It's a frigid 13 degrees and we are having light snow (I know it's colder up in Michigan, Trish). I'm sure the barometric pressure is bothering me.

I know about melatonin, Trish, but after awhile it quits working, or at least it did for me. 

Well, not much else is happening. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 1/7/15 4:07 am - Perry, MI

Eileen, I don't get into the "My temperature is colder than yours" game.  Anything below 32 is too cold for me.  Besides, Connie's got the coldest temps to deal with.  I just worry about kids who have to be outside for any length of time this week.

Hope your antibiotic helps this time.  It's a shame your doctor wouldn't help you sooner.  My doc's office here won't call in, or fax an Rx without being seen.  If I can't get in to see the doc right away, I go to urgent care.  There's one in the office building where my doc is.  They are open 8 hours each day.  But, that is 30 minutes away.  There's one here in my neighborhood, but they only have three hours on week nights, and four on Saturday and Sunday each.  

Take care of yourself.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/7/15 4:32 am - Canada

Hi Trish and Eileen, and other OFF to come:


 So bitterly cold here, homeless are freezing to death  alone in bus shelters or doorways. Makes you appreciate having warm home and food and being able not to go out and stay inside. Kudos to those kind souls out volunteering at night bringing hot soup, hats, scarves and mits,  blankets to those  homeless refusing to go into refuges, some because of mental illness and others because they have a dog not allowed inside shelters.

Am incubating the crud for a few days now, not sleeping much at night, but then after sheer exhaustion, sleep mornings, but this morning various anonymous telemarketers kept blitzing me, although I have killed ringer on bedside phone and use earplugs, they get my answering machine in livingroom but never leave a message, had five calls from 2 numbers between 9-10.30 this Morning, seems they penetrated my not so deep sleep after the fact this morning, kept waking up 5 minutes after they called...

Signed up for free exercise class until end March stressing balance and fall avoidance provided by city's health service to seniors, was on waitinglist with 2 ahead of me, now seems 2 dropped out and I am "in", but too sick to go tomorrow and have a lunch on coming Monday, so will miss first 3 classes as am "late registrant"...it's twice a week for 12 weeks and helps build up muscle strength. Hope it is as good as it sounds, can't believe it's free.

i'm with Eileen on the Melatonin, found it stopped working for me.

Haven't  been eating properly since haven't been feeling well, couldn't be bothered cooking, so must be on mend as cooking Skinny Taste's crockpot  balsamic pork roast, will be ready in 4 hours on high, and supposed to pull appart like shredded pork with sauce. Have some baby bok choy and a few mini little potatos , sounds like supper ...

Am really worried about Butch and Vickie, they have been so upbeat including buying a new house at a time when the rest of us would wait until treatments over ... Hope they both can keep a good sense of humor in the face of this setback, and maintain the energy this ongoing war against cancer requires. My heart goes out to both, especially Butch.

That's my news, not much really going on, glad to be home where it is warm, have postponed my bloodwork and oncologist visit until later this month, when I hope to be feeling better.


on 1/7/15 4:45 am - Canada

For some reason my post appeared twice, exactly the same, so deleted one.


Connie D.
on 1/7/15 7:43 am

Jennifer...I feel so bad for all those homeless people. This weather is just horrible. I am sure many will die. 

You have the Crud....sorry it is hanging on. I hope you feel better soon. 

We have one of those exercise places here too. I can't do it. I do what I can and most days even that is overdoing it.

Your dinner sounds great!! I have no idea what I am going to have tonight. Nothing has been sounding good to me either. 

I am very concerned about Butch and Vickie too. I just keep praying. There isn't much else I can do.

I  too would have changed that oncology appointment. Better to feel well when you go for that bloodwork.

Have a nice evening and feel better soon!!!

Love and many hugs.....connie d


on 1/7/15 4:34 am - Canada
Connie D.
on 1/7/15 5:25 am

Good afternoon Trish, Eileen and everyone....

Trish....Utley is funny....poor cold little guy! Poor cold you!!! I hope you got your phone calls made and started working on your bedroom. Then you can work more on your goals if you want to.

Eileen....I am glad that you kept at your doctor until he finally gave you an antibiotic. I hope it helps! Don't overdo today.

Vickie and Butch....you know I have you in my prayers. I pray the doctors have a good plan to help ***** You know how much I care. I love you BOTH!!

As for me....I had a busy morning. I slept later and then had to do all my morning activities. My cleaning fairy is here now. She is helping me with laundry. I just can't do it today and it needs to be done. She does such a great job at cleaning and everything. I sure hope they keep her here!!

I have no plans for the rest of the day. I plan to lay back and rest. This -40+ windchill,  and so many cold fronts coming in at once. It isn't good!!

Wishing you all a good day...those in the cold areas please stay in and keep warm!

Prayers for all our special OFF Family and their families. 

Much love and many hugs.....connie d



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