Butch and Vickie.....
Thanks Connie for letting us know. I'm praying. Vickie and Butch, you've got prayer warriors here.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi sistas,
So we didn't get very good news today. Butch has a big lesion on his lung. He was admitted to the hospital this afternoon and will have a biopsy probably tomorrow. Hoping for a definitive diagnosis by Friday. I will post more as we get more information. More details are on CarePages.com. go to Poe progress. You will need to send me your email if you want in. Looks like we will be here through the end of the week at least. I'm going to need you all so much. Love you all.
Vickie ....I am here for you always...Butch too of course!!! I am so sorry for the latest news.
I keep you both in my prayers. Stay strong even though you feel like being sick over this. And I know you are!! One step at a time. I wish I could be there for you....I have you right here in my heart!
I will pray and pray and pray some more. I have talked to several other ladies I know. They have added Butch to the church prayer list. They will also be adding him to be prayed for by the nuns of the Poor Clare's Convent. Their devotion is to do nothing but pray for those in need. They are so wonderful.
I will watch for updates as you have the time to write them.
I love you my sweet friend....HUGS....conni e d