Is it Tuesday all ready?
Good Morning!
Its 104am! Where is everyone? I'm just chillin. Carl had a Colonoscopy yesterday and survived. His first one ever!
I booked a trip to Chicago February 13th. I'm missing Vinnie to much!
Every time I talk on the phone to her I start crying!
I know where I'm going to be this summer!
Talk on I need another culpa coffee!
Good Morning Carla and OFF,
I'm looking out at snow on the ground, and so grateful for my heat. It's Polar Vortex time here in Michigan.
I have so much to do in this house today. I need to pack up Christmas. I meant to do it over the weekend, but I wasn't feeling well. Before all that, I need to go to RiteAid, and pick up some prescriptions. I always wait till the first weekend in January. I think it comes from my Catholic upbringing, and today, January 6th, being the Feast of the Epiphany, or the Three Kings.
I better get moving. Oh, one more word on Christmas, I forgot to let everyone know I loved all the beautiful cards everyone sent. I cherish them.
I had better get moving.
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon OFF family!!!!
Well I also started taking down the Christmas things in the clubhouse...need the tree down yet but the back is screaming so I stopped. I also scrubbed the salt off the darn floors!!! Just walk in and track it all over the place!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't bother to wipe your feet off!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!! I am sure they do not do that in their apartments!!!!! SIGHS!!!
We got about 3-4 inches of fluffy snow. Sun is out now and it looks pretty...yeah right!!! The really COLD air is supposed to hit tonight!!! Can hardly wait for that to come!!!! One of my old bosses son sent me a video of his dog wearing boots...LMAO!!!!!!!! He said Bandit needed some also!! I told him I was lucky enough to get a coat or sweater on him!!! Heck if I TRIED to put boots on Bandit I am sure I wouldn't have any fingers/hands left!!!! OMG!!!! But this morning just walking him his poor feet were freezing!! Had to stop and warm his feet up before going on again to do his "business". I told him wait til tonight and tomorrow!!! Wonder if he would let me put boots on him?? YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Carla I am sure you miss that little sweetie pie...she sure is a cutie!!!!
Trish I also treasure all my cards I got for Christmas!!! I can't afford to send to everyone...sorry. If I didn't travel to Michigan and all I could have I suppose. Maybe next year? Hard to say right now.
Need to get things back over here from other clubhouse for Bingo Friday. Not going to be fun doing it but it has to be done. Should do it after lunch before it really gets cold out there!!! Maybe Rick can help me load things up. Pop and water and a few other things over there that I need back over here.
Well time to get Bandits coat on him and take a potty walk again then back to work for the afternoon!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
It's my weekend and I'm not doing much. Got up early after not much sleep to go get my new tire put on my car. Then a little running around. Was going to go shopping but not in the mood. Fill up my tank for $1.95 a gallon and came home. Doing laundry, may start taking down my Christmas stuff if I get some energy. But that's about it.
Going up to Chicago to see mom probably at the end of January. She misses me ... awww....
Trish, I enjoy everyone's cards too. I actually will probably have to buy cards this year ... I've had enough cards from three years ago that I haven't had to buy any. That will change.
Well, got to go take out the wash and put it in the dryer. Have a good day.
Hi Eileen ....we must have been posting at the same time.
How are you feeling today?? Better I hope! I am glad you have a couple days off.
Taking Christmas decorations down is a lot of work. Take your time. Rest in between.
I planned on doing laundry today but I am having bad muscle spasms. If they let up later I will do a couple loads then. I wish we had washers and dryers in our apartments!
I am so glad you and your mom are missing each other...that is great. A leaf has turned!!
Gas here today was $1.85 a gallon....I thought $1.95 was great!! I am so happy it is dropping. It was so awfully high for such a long time.
Lots of love and hugs....connie d
Good morning Carla and everyone....
Carla...those little one sure do tug at our hearts. You are fortunate to have money to travel often to see them. Not all of us have that advantage. I am sure she misses you and will be glad to have you come back.
Tri**** is a lot of work taking those decorations and things down. It always feels so empty when it is all put away! Growing up we always kept our tree up until at least the 6th. I was also raised Catholic. Sorry you weren't feeling good yesterday. I pray you are feeling better today.
Judy....yes...I see many dogs with mittens and shoes on their feet. A veterinarian I know said they were a great invention. She said those pads on their feet are tender. They can get frost bitten just as easily as we can. She was giving the mittens out as Christmas gifts to the dogs that were brought in. Her friend made some for her to give. I thought that was a cute idea!! I sure don't envy you having to take all those trees down and all those decorations too. Won't anyone around there volunteer to help? That is a lot of work!!! Is Chase back and if so what was his excuse this time?
As for me.....I was so happy that someone here on OFF gave me stamps to mail cards this year!!! This will be my last year doing cards. I sent out about 38 cards. My hands are just so crippled and my thumbs are so painful. I had a hard time writing the cards out. I appreciate the person that helped me out more then they know. It was nice to do the cards one last time. I really did enjoy all the cards I received from our OFF family!!! I will treasure them!!
I finally started going back down and having lunch with everyone. Yesterday was fun. Today...3 people had the was the lady that serves us water, coffee and other beverages. She also gets our meal served up. She no sooner finished and ran out of the room to the bathroom. Why did they let her serve!!! One lady just came from the hospital. She said she still didn't feel well...UGH. The other lady was sick for the second time and was possibly being admitted to the hospital. They all looked awful! The ladies sat at one table next to me and the other behind me. If I don't catch this I will be so surprised. I am going back to having my tray held for me. I miss sitting with everyone but I just can't get this!!
Wishing everyone a great rest of the day. Those not feeling well please take care of yourselves and keep warm!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and also their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Connie I had one tenant yesterday offer to take the tree down...but I was so busy I didn't want to dig out the box and stuff to let him do it just he was not around and I had nothing to do!!! Go figure!!!! Tree is still standing undecorated...tomorrow is another day I guess. Back is still screaming even after going to chiro dr!!! Back is so tight it would not crack!!!
Yes Chase is working...he told Rick he didn't think it was that wasn't at his house. Rick said it was HERE and next time CALL and SEE if I NEED YOU HERE IF YOU THINK LIKE THAT OR YOU WILL BE WRITTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows he is in deep do-do!!!!! This morning we had the snow...about 3-4 inches..i opened up he comes in and turned the tv on and stands there watching it...I come in and I said SNOW NEEDS CLEANED UP NOW!!!!!!!!!! Boy did he move out!!!!!!!! WTH??????? Does he need direction all the time now???? He shouldn't as he has been here almost a year now!!!!!!! I think we are going to have a nice long talk and get things straightened out but good!!! This is NOT going to go on like this!!!!
Boss called and I was told the owner will be here Thursday to change laundry machines to more money to use them. GREAT!!!!!! Love my owner but charge more money for these OLD machines??? NOT GOOD!!!!!
I am thinking what I can do for Bandit's feet...LOL He will BITE me for sure if I try to do that to him!!! I told Rick he had to lock up the other side tonight. Bandit can't walk that far and back. Found one of Bandits "bumps" that he has on his back kind of oozing today. I squeezed it and puss came out and them blood. EWWWW keeping a close eye on that now. It looks like a cyst maybe? So far it looks ok tonight.
What is wrong with people handling food if they are sick?????? Do they wear gloves???? I hope so!!!!!!! Good Grief!!!!!! Not feeling good and STILL come to eat with the group??? OMG!!!!!!!! I hope and pray you do not get sick again!!!
Had some spaghetti for supper tonight...not sure it is going to sit and pasta sometimes do not get along!!!! Sent some over to my tenant Sharon that is not feeling good. Hope she likes it. I know Rick won't eat a lot of it...a lot there and the way I feel right now I am done eating it!!!!
I got a nice surprise today!!! Rick found a box sitting outside our front door. I opened it up and it had a box of candy inside!!! Note in is said...DO NOT SHARE!!! LOL signed Carla!!!! Thankyou Carla!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (for those of you that missed my post the other of my tenants helped herself to our Christmas gift of an expensive box of candy in my office that was given to myself, Rick and Chase).
Weather is now getting colder here and watches are out for the wind chills...BRRRRRRR
OK time to go to FB and play me games and relax and not think about my upset tummy!!!
Prayers for Butch and also Vic...