Monday ,Monday
Hi my OFF family:
Where is everyone today? It's 12:36 p.m. and noone has started the post. Well, today is my Friday and I feel miserable yet. If it's still this bad, I may consider urgent care tomorrow (but the ERs and UCs are packed and doctors are telling people to stay away and just contact your docs online, which is what I'm doing).
Talked with my brother Gary yesterday. He has a cold too. He stayed home from work Saturday because he was so miserable. Since he does a lot of phone work, it was a good idea, because he sounded miserable. And he didn't go to visit Mom on Sunday ... also a good idea, because you don't want to take germs to a nursing home.
Also talked to Mom ... she sounds good, happy. She told me all about her life in the nursing home ... all the food they serve, how much they have to throw away, how they make her walk up and down the halls and do therapy every day, the people she sits with at meals, etc. Then she said she misses me ... not something she's ever said to me. And she said she loves me ... not once, but three times. I've been saying this at the end of our calls lately, so I don't leave it hanging out there and not say it before she dies. Because she's 90 and who knows how many days she has left. I told her I'd come up at the end of the month.
Not much else happening. Just drinking my coffee, will get into the shower soon and get lunch and then off to work.
So how's your day?
Hi Eileen,
Sounds like everybody is miserable with this cold business. I left work early today because of it. I finished seeing patients and left. Normally I stay and do charting, projects, talk to patients on the phone etc. Not today. My 16 year old is upstairs coughing. He has had it off and on for over a month. He had antibiotics, steroids and inhalers. Now it is back again. Ugh.
Had my first salad since surgery yesterday and then leftover salad for lunch today. Tasted good and I tolerated it OK. Chopped salad with chicken breast. One more thing to check off the food list! I really haven't had any trouble with anything. Although I haven't really had anything I am not supposed to, either. No sugars for me!
Feeling crummy, so will probably make dinner for the family and go to bed and rest. Happy Monday everybody!
Good afternoon Eileen and everyone.....
I am so sorry you can't shake that nasty cold. I would think about ER or Urgent Care....I am very concerned. Where a face mask and take a book. I really think you need to be seen. This could get really bad. You definitely need to be over it completely to go see your mom. Just my opinion!
Sorry Gary is feeling so lousy...I hope he is taking this very seriously also. People are dying from this crud!!!
I am so happy your mom is doing so well. Bless her heart. She even sounds like she is enjoying it some. She gets lots of attention and that is what she needed. They get her walking and that is a bonus!! Good for her!!!!
I am so glad you and your mom can tell each other that you love each other. That is wonderful for both of you!!
Have a good night at and hugs....connie d
Eileen.....Me again.....why do I forget to post to post for me?? Not there is anything exciting!!
As for me....I am doing well on my walking twice a day. I am watching the portions I eat and what I eat. I wanted to just do Protein drinks this week but I couldn't get out to get more. The wind chill is -29 with a temp of 0. I couldn't take the bus in temps like that.
I had a hard time sleeping last night. I went out an worked on the puzzle for a couple hours. It is huge!! I did at least a third or more of it. I finished it this afternoon. So I am behind on posting and checking Facebook.
Kyleigh has to be out of her apartment here on Saturday. We thought she had another week!! Now we are trying to line up movers again. I am going to be glad when this apartment is gone for good!! What a headache it has been!!!
Okay...I am going to go and relax....have a good evening everyone!!
Prayers for our loving OFF Family and their families.
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Good Evening Eileen and OFF,
I was at Colleen's most of the day. She had work to do in Lansing. She came home at lunchtime, and I scooted home for 40 minutes. I went back for the afternoon, and Frankie slept the afternoon. He woke up ten minutes before Colleen got home from school with the kids. He didn't cry till he realized I wash there, not Mommy. He was inconsolable till she got home.
I had trouble getting my laptop connected to my Wifi. Now, I'm finally connected.
I'm going to finish making my beef vegetable soup. I need the warm liquid, plus the nutrition big time. It should be ready around 6:30. I had a McDonald's salad, with grilled chicken, around 2:00.
It's so cold here, my tire pressure gauge light went on. I went to put air in, freezing my fingers in the process, but couldn't get one of the caps off one tire's air plug. I did the other three, and rushed back in the car. I tried again to get the cap off, and it was still stuck. It's probably frozen on there. At 10 degrees it will stay that way for a while. So, I won't go far till I can get that cap off, and get the air pressure in those things right.
Stay safe and warm everybody.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I have always been told by my mechanic that tires will read low in this really cold weather. He said to wait a couple days and check again. He said this is a very common problem. Just what I heard...I am NO mechanic!!
I haven't eaten my evening meal yet...nothing is sounding good. I think I may just have a protein drink and a protein bar. I have soup in my freezer...that doesn't even sound good to me right now. I pray I am not coming down with something!!
Enjoy your soup...I am sure it will be great!!!
Love and Hugs...connie d
I am sorry all of you are struggling with the crud. Hope you all feel better soon. Fortunately, i have been healthy in that respect.
Have a question for you all. I am now off all my diabetes medication. Interestingly, i am now eexperiencing bouts of hypoglycemia, yesterday was dreadful. Dropped to 43 an hour after breakfast. Was able to get it up to 80 for most of the day, but had to comsume over 2000 calories to keep it tgere. I will never lose this last 70 lbs that way. Have any of you run into this problem? If so, any suggestions. I am really frustrated.
I am still going to the gym four - five times a week. Water aerobics and nustep (in the gym ) and ivjust added walking, which is a big step for me. I am adding some weight training and balance work starting Wednesday. I am still using a waljer most of the time.
I do read all your post. Things are pretty boring on my end, so don't always post (sorry ). I wish you all the best year ever.