Happy Sunday!

on 1/4/15 5:33 am - Canada

My apologies for calling you PAT when I know you are TRISH.  Silly me!


Judy G.
on 1/4/15 3:40 am - Galion, OH

Jenn there IS pineapple in ITS OWN JUICE...

on 1/4/15 3:59 am, edited 1/4/15 5:44 am - Canada

Hi Judy, am answering as yours was original piostI replied to.  Am aware fruits like pineapple are also found canned in  own juice, but juices may have too much natural sugars for newbies fresh out of WLS.

not goung to say anymore on the subject, dont want to get into arguments, think I have made my point about newbies and dumping on sugars in juices and cans, whether no sugar added and just in own juice, or in light or heavy syrup. 

In a response to Trish, indicated my surgeon not in agreement with juices as flow too fast through stoma into intestine and can cause dumping.  Eating a fruit is better, less sugar to dump on, and more "solid" food in pouch, but wasn't allowed much fruit early out of my RnY, had to do protein and veggies, then slowly into low glycemic fruits, small portions, like peeled apple slices and cubed Cantaloupe, and after 3 months, strawberries. Pineapple ( and mango) not until much later because of natural sugars.

OK, not saying anymore on subject of Pineapple.

Bye, love you all....if you are a newbie reading this, be careful with sugars, everyone is affected differently, some not at all. 


Connie D.
on 1/4/15 6:15 am

Hi Jennifer....nice to see you here with us today!

Thanks for the reminder of the juice....I forgot that...I do dump from juices. I am going to try my best to tackle this weight issue I HAVE AGAIN! I will be back on protein shakes and slowly allow in other foods...protein always first then veggies...then some fruit later. Wish me luck!!

I hope you are in much less pain and feeling better all the time. Please stop in more often. I miss you!

Love and many hugs....connie d


Connie D.
on 1/4/15 5:53 am

Hi Judy....I have been eating the fresh pineapple and I think it has helped. I bought some canned with 100% juice. I have to watch the amount I eat. I sure do feel better though! Every time I feel a bit stuffy or a scratchy throat I have some. Thanks for the idea!

55 degrees...can I come and live there...LOL!! -2 with windchill of -29 for now...still dropping consistently!! We both know you weather is changing soon. Get all your shopping done while it is still warm!! 

Sorry about the bad luck at bingo!! It sounds like that one table won the most. Then there was the lady to come in at the end....grrrrr. When we have bingo here the winner has to be here at least 1/2 of the game or they don't win. Of course now people coming in late make a deal with someone that has been there...they give them the winning card and split the $$$. Evil deceitful people!! I quit playing! 

Don't you own an umbrella...silly...you have been sick!! Please stay dry and well!!! 

Have a good day...love ya...hugs....connie d


Judy G.
on 1/4/15 8:37 am - Galion, OH

Connie it was NOT raining when we started out to open then when we got to the other side it started to sprinkle and by the time we got back over here it was coming down harder!!! Ofcourse!!! GRRRRRRRRRR

Bar Bingo is way different than regular Bingo so they can't stop late comers from playing....but it sure ****** us off that played ALL the games!!!!

Right now the temp here is 32* and snow is falling...it is getting colder by the minute!!!! And I get to lock up because that is Bandits last walk to go poop for the night!!! Wait til he finds out he HAS to wear his coat!!!! LMAO!!!!!!! He will HATE that!!!! But he will be warm!!!!

Glad the pineapple worked for you!!! My future DIL said it also worked for her!!!!


Connie D.
on 1/4/15 8:42 am

Judy...here that is the way bar bingo is played...even the VFW's etc....you have to be there at least 1/2 the games. 

I haven't played regular bingo in probably 20 years. Not my favorite.

Poor Bandit....he does hate that coat!!!!

Good night ....love and more hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/4/15 8:49 am - Galion, OH

Connie not our VFW!!!! They let anyone play whenever they walk in!!! NOT FAIR!!!!!!! Everyone is mad about it!!!!

Yes Bandit HATES his coats and sweaters...lol


on 1/4/15 6:08 am
RNY on 11/24/14

Judy, I am from Livonia, Michigan which is a suburb of Detroit. I read about you ladies using pineapple for colds. I would only be able to eat a little bit since I am watching carbs, but I do have some. Maybe I will try it. We are getting some snow right now and the temp is dropping. Brrr...I have been constantly cold since the surgery. It must be hormonal, because I was hot flashing and constantly hot before the surgery.

Stay warm!


Judy G.
on 1/4/15 8:44 am - Galion, OH

OK I know where that is!! I am from Michigan and had ex inlaws from that area. Plus used to go to dog shows there back in the '70's.

Being cold since your surgery is I believe is the fat loss. No more insulation to keep you warm. I used to be Miss Sweat Hog before WLS also. Not anymore!!!

The temps are dropping here also. Was 55* now its down to 32* and man its cold!!! Also snowing already here!!! Have a winter storm watch for 4-6 inches plus!! YUCK!!! I think once Christmas gets over with Spring needs to come back!!! LOL

Be careful if you are fresh out...don't need you getting sick on the pineapple...not used to newbies in here...sorry. My mistake!!!

You stay warm also!!



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