Happy Sunday!

on 1/3/15 9:21 pm
RNY on 11/24/14

Good Morning OFF folks!

I get to start the daily post today. Yay! As of this morning I have lost 50 pounds, so I am feeling pretty good about that. Still feeling like I could eat more, but I just measure everything and stick to the plan. I would never have been able to do this without the wonderful tool given to me by my surgeon. I am so thankful to him and so glad I finally got up the nerve to do this for myself.

I spent all day yesterday reading WLS blogs and just marveling at how far some people have come on their journeys. Amazing!! I am going to be one of them! I have already stopped one BP med and cut my basal insulin by more than 50%. I no longer need insulin before meals. I can't wait to be off it entirely.

Even though I am taking my vitamins and calcium as ordered, I am still coming down with a cold. Ughh.  Going to my 16 year old's hockey game, so will be sitting in a cold ice rink. Made them a very fattening casserole for dinner last night (I didn't have any, it is their favorite), so leftovers for them tonight. No cooking for me.

Not looking forward to going to work tomorrow and seeing patients with a cold. I hate wearing masks.

How is everyone else's sunday going?




Kim N.
on 1/3/15 10:24 pm
VSG on 12/08/14

Good Morning Kim.....

Sorry to hear your not feeling well.  Colds are a bummer.  I had a real nasty one back in October and it knocked me for a loop.  Got up this morning  to snow on the ground.  It looks pretty but I wi**** were Spring already.  It's supposed to be below 0 here in Illinois starting tomorrow and all next week.  So it looks like the fireplace will be on and the treadmill will get a workout.

Well it's time for vitamins and a protein shake:)  Headed downstairs to watch the Sunday Morning News.  You have a wonderful day and stay warm!!!!!

Take Care

Kim N.


Connie D.
on 1/4/15 5:37 am

Hi Kim N....the weather sure is taking a harsh turn. No temps here above single digits for at least a week. The wind chills are so horrible. Temp is -2 right now at 3:30 PM, with the windchill it is -29!! I will be staying in!! The snow is pretty but it can all go away now. I have seen enough of it!! 

Have a good rest of the day and keep warm. Enjoy your fireplace...I sure miss mine now!!!

Love and many hugs....connie d

Kim N.
on 1/4/15 11:49 am
VSG on 12/08/14

Hi Connie ~

We have friends that live in Bemidji.  Fortunately for them, they love the snow and cold.  That sure is God's Country up there.....  Most of my family lives in North Dakota.  I don't know how they do it.  Tomorrow (Monday) the wind chill is supposed to be -15 here.  I don't think I'll be stepping out of the house any time soon.  Was supposed to see the surgeon on Tuesday but will have to cancel that appt.  He's an hours drive away and I don't want to be that far from home in bad weather.

Take Care Connie and you stay warm as well....

Big Hugs



Connie D.
on 1/4/15 2:02 pm

Hi Kim...I just checked the temps at midnight...-9 degrees with a windchill of -39....I am not leaving the building until it warms up!!! It is no weather for older people with COPD and asthma to be outside, or anyone else for that matter. 

I am glad you decided to reschedule your appointment for Tuesday. Wait until it warms up.

I wouldn't want to live  in North Dakota either...they really get the brutal weather....Minnesota isn't far behind them...Brrrr!!

Sleep well and keep WARM!!!! I am going to bed now myself.

Love  and oodles of hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 1/3/15 10:52 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Kim and Kim and OFF family yet to come in!!!

Kim where are you from? Congrats on the 50 pounds gone!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! As for the cold you have, I just read that pineapple helps a great deal!!! I ate some when I had my cold and it did help a lot!! Also drinking the juice helps too. Might give that a try see if it helps you!!

Right now we are at 55* and the sun is out!!! BUT...the temps will be dropping and the COLD air is on the way now...BRRRRRRRRR I HATE winter!!!!!! I can't stand this cold at all!!! When I get cold it takes me so long to get warm again!!!! Once Christmas is over with bring spring back please!!!

Need to go to the store and get some things we are out of. Freezer is full but need some small things to go with what is in the freezer.

Went to Bingo last night and one table won 5 out of 8 games!!! GRRRRRRR One woman came in late played last 3 games won 2 of them including the jackpot!! GRRRRRRR That really ****** me off!!! But being bar bingo nothing they can do about late comers. I had chances all night and nothing won!!! AGAIN!!!!!! Woman that sat across from me said she would call me sometime and we would go to this bingo in Bucyrus on a Wednesday night to play. Sounds good to me. I have no clue where its at!!! Me new to the area not knowing the places...need to be shown where its at...lol I don't go to this town a lot so its strange area. Plus its not a bar bingo its a real bingo.

Well best get my butt dressed to go to the store before this "nice" weather changes!!! Rick is finally up and moving. I had to open up this morning and it was raining so me and Bandit got wet wet wet!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


on 1/4/15 1:58 am - Canada

Judy, have noticed how you are really pushing the canned pineapple lately, but think it is too much sugar for newbie WLS people who can dump and get quite sick from sugar, especially new RnY people.

just a thought as I havent been able to eat canned fruit since my RnY, especially in first 2-3 years, and now only rarely  but have to wash all the syrup off by rinsing under tapwater, so maybe recomending that they also drink all the juice is not particularly wise at this stage.

Just saying, it can make our newbies very ill.




Patricia R.
on 1/4/15 3:09 am - Perry, MI

The only canned pineapple I buy is sold in its own juice.  It's not always canned in sugary syrup.  Sometimes is pure pineapple juice.  One of my favorite drinks when I am sick is to mix pure pineapple juice, which is sold canned in the juice aisle, with grapefruit juice.  It's delicious, and helps me with the nutrition.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/4/15 3:43 am - Canada

Hi Pat, you had your RnY in 2006, and probably don't dump anymore on the natural sugars in juices like yiu did when you just had your WLS. I can eat pineapple and it's juice if fresh, no problem as of about a year ir two out.  Was not allowed juices ( too much natural sugars) by my surgeon's eating plan, but jow can.

not getting into an argument with you or anyone here about pineapples canned, canned juices or orherwise , as good nutrition. We and Judy, are well out from our surgeries, and our digestion is different from newbies  and we can handle more sugars now, even natural fruit juices.

newbies have tender new pouches and dump more frequently if not careful. Our pouches (RnY) are all a bit more stretched out , toughened up, and we don't dump as much, or not at all anymore.

Cheers, and to those that don't dump on fruit juices, drink up your OJ, Mango or Pineapple, or eat straight out of the cans as good for you.


Patricia R.
on 1/4/15 4:31 am - Perry, MI

Sorry Jennifer.  I didn't mean to sound argumentative.  That wasn't my intent.  And, I had forgotten about how I couldn't have fruit juice early out.  My fault.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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