Happy New Years Eve Day...it is Wednesday.....what is new?

Connie D.
on 12/30/14 11:46 pm

Good morning everyone.....

The sun is shining brightly today!! The temp is 0 with the wind chill of -22...BRRRRRRRRR!!!!! A bit nippy out there!!

So what does everyone have planned for this evening? I am staying home where it is warm and safe!! Pam may come over and spend the the evening with me.

I spent most of last evening with my best friend, Pam. She is leaving her so called boyfriend. He is so uncaring and so unfeeling. His ex-wife, Liz had surgery a couple days before Christmas. He has been with her, at her home, day and night since. He says he has to help her feed her cats. It is an hour drive so he stays there. Things have been bad with him and Pam for at least the last 6 months. Pam hates to let go....she puts up with so much just to be in a relationship. She is so caring and so good to people. My heart is breaking for her. This is her first serious relationship she has ever had. She put up with way too much!! Say a prayer for her or swing a chicken or whatever....send hugs too please!! 

I just plan on staying in and keeping away from the sick people here. They are supposed to stay in their apartments but they don't!! 

I will check back in later....have  great day!!!!

Prayers for our precious OFF family and their families.

Much love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d


Patricia R.
on 12/31/14 1:05 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Connie and OFF,

I was up late, with my digestive issues.  So, I slept late.  Now, I have to go shopping, and going to the bank.  I have to pay some bills, and my rent.

It's cold here.  Not as cold as Minnesota, but cold just the same.  

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/31/14 1:33 am

Hi Trish....sorry you slept so lousy. You aren't alone. I just can't seem to get back to a good sleep pattern. I hope the new year is better for you and all of us struggling to sleep at night.

Keep warm and drive safe running your errands.Cold is cold!!!! Some temps are lower in other places but once it gets cold it doesn't matter how cold it is. Freezing is freezing!!!!!

How are the grandchildren feeling? I hope everyone feels better soon. Sorry you are having digestive issues. That is miserable! I pray that gets better right away.

Love to you...hugs....connie d


on 12/31/14 1:13 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, good morning, Connie and Trish and my sistas!

Sorry to say it, but I feel like sh*t!  My head hurts, I'm coughing and I just generally feel lousy.  BUT.  We're almost packed and ready to go.  Can't wait to make this 6 hour drive with Mom, Butch, and the dogs.  LOL!

I did get some ear buds for my phone, and I plan to listen to an audiobook so they (Butch and Mom) will just have to figure out how to communicate without me today.  My head hurts too much for me to be yelling back and forth between them today.

Love you all soooo much!  See you in 2015!


Connie D.
on 12/31/14 1:23 am

Vickie...I am sorry you are so sick and have to drive so far today. I am glad you are going with the ear buds and audio book. Maybe they won't talk so much with no one to translate!

Do you have what Benny and Christie have? So many people are starting out with coughing and headaches. I am sending healing prayers your way. I am also praying you have a safe trip back and forth.

When you get back please go right to bed. Take cold meds and NyQuil. That will help you sleep. Happy New Year!!!

Sending lots of love and many hugs....connie ed

Eileen Briesch
on 12/31/14 1:48 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

I too had problems sleeping. Not at first ... went to sleep about midnight or so and actually starting nodding off as I was playing around on my tablet in bed. But then, about 5 a.m, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. So about 6 a.m. I got up and started playing around with the tablet, hoping it would make me drowsy ... nope, just woke me up more. I lay there and blew my nose and played with this new app that's wallpaper. It's cats and hummingbirds and it's interactive ... there's bubbles that float through and you can break the bubbles. Kind of neat. Anyway, finally got out of bed and made coffee, breakfast and got ready for the day. 

I went home early last night from work because I felt lousy with the stuffed up nose and head and scratchy throat. Hasn't improved. In fact, it's worse because (I know, tmi) the gunk has turned thick and greenish. I called the doctor's office and talked to the phone nurse. I'm waiting for a call back, hoping he'll call in a prescription to the drugstore so I don't have to wait in the office with everyone else who's sick. 

So here's my big New Year's Eve (I'm off) ... I have salsa chicken in the crockpot; I'm doing laundry; I'll probably clean out the litter box, replace the litter entirely. Tonight, I'll probably watch a couple movies, maybe have a glass of wine (I have some spiced wine). So exciting! Yeah, I don't do much on NYE. If I get the prescription, I'll go the drugstore and maybe stop at the grocery store for a couple of things. But that's all. 

Well, my washer just dinged so I have to go. Connie, I'm sorry for your friend. All of my serious relationships are my female friends ... no guys, other than as friends, like my female friends. I'll swing chickens for her. She should know she can stand on her own. 

Vickie, hope you feel better as well as your whole crew. 

Trish, hope your day goes well. 

Judy, yes I did try the pineapple ... ate half the can last night but that was all I could eat. Eating the rest now. 

Happy New Year! 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/31/14 7:07 am

Oh no Eileen....it sure doesn't sound like you are feeling any better. I am glad you aren't working tonight!!

One of these days I have to make your Salsa Chicken!!! It always sounds so good!!

I am not doing anything tonight. This is a second year for me!! I always have gone out and celebrated with my friends. I got invited to two New Years parties last week. I had to turn them down.  I am in no condition to go anywhere and I haven't drank in about 4 years. I miss my wine!! I don't drink any now because of my medications. I will be in bed by 8:00 I am sure!

Pam should be okay but she takes everything so hard. I am worried about her. I will call her in a bit as I haven't heard from her all day. She is sleeping I am sure. YUP...she is sleeping!!

Love and more hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 12/31/14 7:34 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, I don't drink much. I have a glass of wine or a beer on my weekend. I can't handle more than that. 

I was hoping the doctor would call in a prescription for me, but all he did was order an x-ray of my sinuses, and then I had to run around to figure out where to go. Feel worse now. Stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and the grocery store for a few things. Now my phone won't stay on. So much fun. I'll have my dinner soon and put on a movie. That'll be my fun.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/31/14 8:33 am

Eileen...I sure hope they give you something for you couch and sinus issues!!!

It sounds like you went a dozen places...and no one helped. I would go to ER again if you get any worse.

Prayers, love and hugs....connie d

on 12/31/14 3:16 am

Hey Connie and All,

I am getting ready to post my New Year's Resolutions, so I hope everyone follows suit.   I went in for a physical therapy evaluation and first session.   I told them that I had already been doing therapy and so they, of course, wanted me to show them what I was doing.   They said, well, really, you don't need therapy because our goals were to get you bending your knee and lifting and you are doing all of that.   I am so happy that I don't have to do the therapy.    I did get a list of advanced exercises and weight information to take to the trainer that I have hired at the gym.  My birthday present to myself is a year of working with a trainer.   I'm mostly wanting to build up my muscles and get back to running...so we'll see.   This afternoon, I am sewing me a new outfit.   I bought this really nice black material that I am making a pair of business casual pants and a jacket.   I also have two pieces of solid colors (one hunter green and the other purple) that I am making me two shirts to wear with the new pants.   I am a really good seamstress when it comes to sewing for others but for me, I lose my patience and end up making the item and never really liking how it turns out.  I have very small shoulders so making shirts and jackets is a real pain in the butt; however, a friend of mine, who is a professional seamstress and clothes designer, is trading her teaching services (she helps me learn to sew for me) for my editing services (she has written a memoir that is in need of editing).   So, I am going to get some really good lessons on both sewing and designing...I cannot wait.  

Kenny and I are staying in for New Years.   We spent a quiet night last night with friends at Red Lobster...we had a gift certificate and our friends were in the mood so we went and had a pretty good time.   I ordered New England Clam chowder and a piece of trout and DH got the ultimate feast thingy with lobster and salmon and shrimp.   We had a good time and later took off for a piano bar and my friend actually got a chance to play the piano...he has played professional and I was totally impressed with his talent.   

I hope you all have a good and safe New Year's Eve.   Make sure you eat your black eyed peas and sleep with money in your gown pockets or under your pillow.   

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