One test down...
Betsy....I think it may be time to get a second opinion, or is this your second opinion?? They can't expect you to live with this pain all the time. Next time it gets that bad I hope you do go to the ER. They need to see this when it is happening.
I continue to pray for you....God Bless!!
Love and hugs to you.....connie d
I had awful indigestion and pain, as well as other symptoms, when my gall bladder was acting up. To make things worse, an ultrasound showed nothing. So, I had to wait another month for a hyda scan, and then more than a month for surgery. I'll be praying your doctors are able to get to the bottom of everything fast.
Albert Schweitzer
Got a call from the nurse yesterday, she said the test showed that my colon was full of stool. Hmm,,,I told her I didnt seem to be constipated as I went to the bathroom regularly. She said to drink more water and eat more fiber. Well, I have had a constipation problem since birth. I had to have a colonoscopy a few years ago and even after all the prep, nothing moved for a couple of days. So last night I went and got a colon cleanse. Nothing yet and I took it last night. Sixteen dollars,,I hope it moves SOMETHING. But I still have the endoscopy on the 12th. Im gonna talk to the doc about this telescoping bowel I read about, how constipation is a symptom and well as the pain I am having. We shall see,,,,