Ugh, it's Monday

on 12/29/14 1:08 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

Well, I don't know about y'all, but my Monday started off with a big UGH!  Actually, it really started last night with a trip to the ER with Benny, who was running temps of over 104 F.  Both Chris and Benny have tested positive for "type A" flu--whatever that is.  They are both pretty sick.  So far, Mike and Budder haven't gotten it, thank God.  So, Chris and Benny are both on prescription Tamiflu, but they are both still running fever.  We got out of the ER about midnight last night.  Doctor told Chris to alternate baby Motrin and baby Tylenol every 3 hours and to keep taking the tamiflu every 12 hours.  He said we could expect it to last a week.  Great.  Poor Chris is so exhausted and sick, but I just can't really help her much.  I can't take a chance of bringing the flu home to Butch.

Well, this morning she called me and asked if I could come get Budder and take him to school for her.  Mike had to be to work at 6 a.m., and the school doesn't open until 6:30 a.m.  So I drove in to Cibolo and picked up the baby.  He has a runny nose, but no fever and he doesn't look or act sick.  I was very careful not to touch or hug Benny or Chris and I have scrubbed my hands well with hot soap and water (as well as using hand sani).  I told the day care to watch Budder today and if he starts to act cranky or starts running fever to call me and I will come and get him.

I really, really don't want to go to Nacogdoches tomorrow, but I guess if Budder doesn't come down with the flu today, we will try to go.  I feel like I need to be here to help out as much as I can.  But Mom is ready to go home and we're supposed to have the Poe Family Christmas on Friday.  So, we'll see.  Maybe things will start to get better for Chris and family.  They've had an awful couple of days.

As for me, I am doing okay, but I think I'm going to talk to my doctor about doubling my dose of prozac.  God knows, I need something if I'm going to cope with both my mom and Butch.  Mom does have a hearing aid, but it doesn't seem to help much.  I'll say something and she won't hear me.  So I'll repeat it louder and she might realize I'm talking to her.  By the time I've repeated it 3 or 4 times, I'm shouting (in order for her to hear me, of course) and then she gets her feelings hurt, like I'm yelling at her because I'm mad.  I'm NOT mad.  I might be a little aggravated, especially towards the end of the day, but honestly, I don't know how to shout in a "sweet" tone of voice! Bah!  

And then Butch can't hear either.  We bought him a hearing aid and the damn man has lost the damn thing!  $2000--gone!  I'm so put out with him over that.  Anyway, I have to repeat myself constantly with him, too.  

But the worst part is when they are both trying to talk to me (or each other) and they can't hear what's already been said, so it's like they are both saying something for the first time, without realizing that the other has already made that same point.  The picture in my mind is of bouncing ping pong balls!  The conversation is just so chaotic and thoughts and words are flying in every direction and they want ME to coordinate it all.  AAARRRGGHHH!  I can't do it.  I wind up yelling at both of them (only for the volume, not because I'm mad) and then they BOTH get their feelings hurt!  It's impossible.  It's going to drive me insane.

And oh Lord, this whole thing about finding a mother-in-law house for Mom is just as bad.  Butch wants to build something.  I don't want him to do that!  Not because I think it wouldn't be nice to build a little custom guest house, but because Butch would want to be in charge of the building.  He won't let us just hire a contractor to do it.  Oh no.  He keeps saying he wants to find a handyman.  I've already been down this road with him dozens of times.  It will NEVER get finished.  Just like all the projects he started around here have never gotten finished.  And besides, he and Mom are already arguing over what to build and how big it needs to be and how the rooms should be laid out, etc.  It would be a nightmare.

I want to buy something ready for her to just move in to.  It would be so much simpler and easier on all of us.  But even though she agrees with me about not wanting Butch to "build" her a house, she also turns her little nose up at anything mobile or modular that we can afford.  "That's too small", or "I don't want any steps", or "There aren't enough closets" or you-name-it.  So I asked her if SHE wants to buy a new mobile house (or go in halves) with us on buying something, and of course, she said "no".  Okay, then.  We don't have $40 or $50K to buy something big and new.  We can buy something small and new, but not big and new.  I tell y'all, they're going to drive me mad.

So I do what I always do in times of stress.  I eat.  And eat.  And eat.  Ugh.

Well, sorry for *****ing.  Lack of sleep and stress levels through the roof are affecting me adversely today.  Just ignore my ranting.  I have the beginnings of a grand headache today and it's not even noon.  I need to lie down awhile and see if I can sleep it off before it takes over my whole head.

Love you all!




Eileen Briesch
on 12/29/14 2:03 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and my OFF family to come:

Hey, if you can't ***** and rant here, where can you ***** and rant? Go for it. I know I do. 

Well, I have the start of another cold today. Actually started yesterday when I woke up and my nose was all stuffed up and I couldn't blow it. I had to use some sudafed to unstuff it. Still stuffy and I've run out of sudafed and have just the stuff that's not behind the counter ... not as effective in my book. And usually, this would be my Friday, but I'm working tomorrow too (OT) so I have to tough it out. It's not as bad as the last one. I just got up at 8 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep ... so I think I'll get in the shower early, steam open my sinuses, put some Vicks on my face and take a nap after lunch. Hopefully, that will help. 

I didn't post yesterday here, but did on Facebook. I talked with mom yesterday ... she is answering the phone at the rehab facility and sounds like herself. So she's gotten over her cold. She sounded so much better. She's a little afraid to eat much yet because she doesn't want to vomit blood again. I told her they're giving her medicine for that (probably Prilosec or Nexium or something like that ... she had esophagitis). Mom is 90 and is getting to the point where she doesn't understand these things anymore. I think she's in the best place she can be right now ... we will move her to another facility eventually, nearer to where my oldest brother and SIL are looking to buy a house. My No. 2 brother Gary has seen the place and liked it. My sister said if mom goes there, she probably won't visit her much ... well, that's not much of a difference, she hardly sees her now! I probably talk to her more than Rosemary does and I live six hours away. 

Vickie, I think upping the drugs are a good idea .... and I know all about eating during stress. I do the same thing. Can't say I've found a solution. But the guy I work with in sports said something last night ... he was pretty high strung in the past and last night he said he's learned to just let it go (started singing the "Frozen" song), not stress over all the little things. Makes sense. Take a deep breath and count to 10 (or sing the "Frozen" song ... "Let it go ... let it go ...can't hold it back anymore ...").

Anyway, I'm going to steam clean my nostrils. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/29/14 5:36 am - Galion, OH

Eileen I read that eating some PINEAPPLE helps!!! I remember that I did and it DID help!!! I ate a WHOLE can of it so you might try it and see!!!!


Patricia R.
on 12/29/14 4:05 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Vickie, Eileen and Gang,

Vickie, I empathize about the sick kids.  Colleen told me today that Trent's Uncle David, who I sat next to on Christmas evening, has bronchitis.  Yesterday, the Munchkins came down with bad coughs.  Yippee.  I'm hoping I don't get it.  With my asthma, I'm not a good bronchitis patient.  

Eileen, I highly recommend Allegra D, and a Neilmed Sinus Rinse.  AllegraD has to be purchased at the pharmacy counter.  The Neilmed is in the cold aisle.  I use both religiously.  The sinus rinse helps get the gunk out, and the AllegraD helps with the swelling and drainage of the sinuses.

I have loaded the dishwasher, and I'm going to start working in my bedroom next.  It's a disaster area right now.  I have no organizational skills, and get overwhelmed easily.

Love, Hugs, and Prayers.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Eileen Briesch
on 12/29/14 6:19 am - Evansville, IN

Trish, this CVS didn't even have one box of Allegra D, Sudafed, their brand, nada, zilch. They had Advil allergy sinus (can't use advil and don't need the painkiller) and children's liquid sudafed (yuck). I have a Neilmed ... got it free, haven't used it. I was so pissed off ... talked to the store manager and he said it's the pharmacy manager who's in charge of that. Still, height of cold and flu season, and you don't have any good decongestants? Who's in charge of inventory control? So I'll go to Walgreens tonight on the way home and hope for better.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 12/29/14 6:37 am - Perry, MI

Wow Eileen.  Zero AllegraD or Sudafed?  That's insane.  I've been lucky here.  My Rite Aid here usually has both, sometimes not the 15 day supply, but at least a smaller size.

I hope you feel better soon.  



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 12/29/14 5:46 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!

WOW what a day today!!! Had soooooooo much work to do and then some!!!! couple of tenants overloading circuits and then demanding we fix them!!! WTH?? Common sense people!!!!! You can't put a TON of electrical plugs into one circuit breaker and expect it to work!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!! Then another one had a SMALL leak in her ho****er tank...demanded a NEW tank be put in NOW!!!!!!! All it needed was a new pipe. Simple fix!!! New tenant that was supposed to move in on the 5th of January wants to move in the 31st now. Great!!! Changed all that paperwork around...all on top of all my other things I had to do but it all got done!!! Now I can breathe....LOL Just got a phone call...Thanks Judy!! Not sure what that was all was from the tenant we call Satan. Wonder what is going on with her? Should I go outside and see? Nah...safer inside right now....LMAOOOOOO

Nothing else happening right now...lots of sickness happening is all...I feel bad for you all!!! Prayers that you all get better soon!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 12/29/14 6:00 am

Good Afternoon Vickie and everyone..... poor dear....I can't even imaging listening to them like that!! I would tell Butch to go find his lost hearing aid ...did it really get lost or conveniently lost...until then you are not repeating yourself!! $2000 WOW!!!!! Just kidding!!

I am questioning whether it is a good idea to have them living so close to each other. Why can't she go in a assisted living facility closer to you? Oh wait a tried that once before. I am so sorry. Will all your stress and headaches ever settle down? Everyone thinks you are superwoman!!! Is there anyway Carrie could meet you 1/2 way to pick up your mom or something?

I am so sorry that Christie and Benny are so sick. I pray that no one else gets it. You have about all you can handle now!! I have heard that flu is really awful and lasts a long time. People here have it...then it went to some are in the hospital. The hospital here won't let any visitors in is on lock-down. Our nursing home across the street is on lock-down too. I am trying to stay inside all I can. Lucas and Amanda are sick....just the head colds so far....I so don't want to get that!!

YOU aren't RANTING!!! You are just fine!!! Who else can you tell things to but us....we don't tell anyone else. We CARE!!!!

As for me....all I have done today was go to lunch. Then I went out to buy some groceries. I almost froze to death ...0 degrees today....high of 9. I was fine getting in the store, it was the horrible wind that started gusting when I was coming out that was the problem. It almost blew me over!! Pam was going to take me shopping for the last two days. She sleeps 10 AM to 10 or 11PM. Yes, that is 12 to 13 hours. Some days she sleeps 15 hours. I think she is way over medicated!!! There is no time to do anything. I have to start finding other people to help me. That is crazy!!!

See ....I am ranting too!!!  

Wishing everyone an easier evening and a good nights sleep.

Prayers for our precious OFF family and their families. Especially those who are so sick or stressed or in horrible pain.

I read everyone's posts I am just too tired to reply. You know I care about all of you!! 

Much love and many hugs to all....connie d


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