Judy G.
on 12/27/14 10:21 pm - Galion, OH

 My coffee needs warming up be right back!!

Judy G.
on 12/27/14 10:48 pm, edited 12/27/14 10:49 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family!!! Gosh I missed you ALL!!!! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!!! I know I sure did!!! I see many of you were/are sick....seems this crud is making it around everywhere!!! YUCK!!!!!!!! Was just reading that PINEAPPLE helps!!! So get some pineapple and eat some!!!

Eileen I am so sad about your mom! Hope she will be ok!!! Prayers for her!!! I know how you are feeling not being able to be around her right now!! It sucks!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSS

I see we have a couple newbies that have joined us while I was gone!!! WELCOME!!!!!! You have found the best board OH has to offer!!! We are a GREAT group if I do say so myself!!!! NEVER feel that your questions are silly or if you repeat them!!! We WILL be here to HELP you!!!

So anyhow my trip home was great!!! Got to my mom's and was visiting her and my son called asked what room we were in. Told him we didn't make it to the motel just yet...he said oh he was at Meijers and thought he would stop by in a few...well told him we would be leaving mom's in a few minutes then so hang tight. we got to the motel and signed in got my card out to pay and she handed me the key and said Merry Christmas!!! HUH???? I said you need my card so I can pay for the room. She said its been paid for. What? She said your son was here and paid for it til Saturday. OMG!!!!!!!! He paid for 4 nights stay for us!!! I was about in tears!!!!! He didn't have to do that!!! We got in the room and I called him and asked him why he did that....he said because when they come here to our place we don't charge them for any food or anything and so they were paying us back. ENJOY!!!!!! I cried then. He is the best kid!!!!! So anyhow Renee is/was/still is sick with this crud that is going around!! She feels terrible with this cold that she now has. She just can't shake it away from her!!! I feel so bad for her!! Had Christmas morning at their place. Had a good time there. Then we all went to my brothers for the rest of the family Christmas. OMG what a house full!!! Everyone had a great time. My older brother didn't let mom stay long though...GRRRR!! He is such an ass!!!!! Just because HE didn't like staying she had to leave with him because he drove her. We had the truck and she can't get in that anymore. Sighs....But we went to see her lots of times while there so that worked out. She is really looking her age though and that scares me. Bill (older brother) has gained so much weight he looks like he is ready to blow up!!! Eating dinner Christmas eve he said he can't eat or breathe good anymore. Well gee I wonder why?? Told him he needed to get some of that weight off and do it SOON!!! He said he knows that. He has to be close to 400 pounds now!!! Then he said he thinks its his medications he is on. Yeah right. ITS CALLED FOOD Bill!!!!!! LOTS OF FOOD!!!!!!!! I used to be there remember???? Then my sister she seems to be ok but her health is also going down hill. Worried about her also. My younger brother works ALOT. His wife told him to let her know where he is hiding all his money so when he dies she knows where to find it. He is looking way older then I do!!! And he is 41/2 years younger than I am. Sad.

So that is about it for me...had a great few days off from work and LOVED it!!!!!!!! Now we are back home and waiting til tomorrow and back to the grindstone. LOL

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!! And I see that MANY do!!!


Connie D.
on 12/28/14 12:37 am

Good morning Judy and Cindy and those to follow.......

Cindy.....your dog sounds so sweet!! When I had my dog I spoiled him too. He had a touchy tummy sometimes too. He loved when I made him ground beef, scrambled and rice. That was his very favorite treat!! He also wanted to eat it before it cooled!!!

Sorry about the paint issues. I hope they don't have to repaint everything. You have been so patiently waiting for this to be completed. Like you said, "just another bump in the road".

Judy....well there is no doubt you had a wonderful Christmas!!! I am so glad you got to see all your family especially your mom!! It sounds like you got to see her plenty even though your brother was a putz!! Your mom probably is aging more because of all the health issues she has been dealing with. That takes a lot out of a person. Your younger brother need to go in and have a complete physical either that or he is just over stressed and over worked. That really takes a tole on a body!! Sorry your sister's health is going down hill.

WOW...what a great son you have...paid for 4 nights at your motel.....what a wonderful gift!!!! He really is quite the sweetheart isn't he!!! I am so glad you have contact with him now. He has been so good for your health as well!!

As for me....YUP...I had a wonderful Christmas too!!! I wrote about it earlier. You can catch up on the past threads and read about it. I stayed at my daughter's Wednesday and Thursday nights. My granddaughter Amanda brought me home Friday evening. My daughter was going to bring me home Saturday morning. I preferred to come back Friday. I was in so much pain and I had a headache from hell for 3 days. I just wanted to be home. Amanda and Tyler spent the night Friday and that was really nice. They are just so sweet and so caring about me!! 

Today is Sunday and I am not going to do a damn thing!!! It will be a movie and reading day!!! I want to wash a load of laundry. Mostly my dress clothes I wore on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I decided not to do it until tomorrow. I am relaxing in my quiet little apartment!!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!!!

Prayers for our special OFF family and their families.

Tons of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/28/14 12:51 am - Galion, OH

Connie I was reading all the posts and you know me...CRS....grrrrrrrrrrr lol I am so glad you had a good time with the family but sad you had to leave early because of not feeling well!!! This being sick all the time sucks!!!!!!! 2015 HAS to be BETTER for ALL of us!!! Please??!!!!

My older brother is NUTS!!!!! He bought the ham from Swiss Colony!!! WHY????? That place is so expensive!!!!!! He then bought all the gifts from Swiss colony, LLBean and other places that were also expensive!!!!!!! WHY??????????? he doesn't have money like that and neither does mom!!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!! Found out from my sister that he is trying to get help from social services and he can't have money in the he spent it on gifts!!! She told him he could have it in his dresser drawer!!!!!!!!!! DUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! So now when the bills come in......OMG!!!!!! Then mom is sitting in a house so darn COLD she has MANY clothes on to keep warm!!!! I was freezing so bad my teeth were clicking together!!! WTH is the matter with him????? Brain damage????

Today I am not sure what I am doing...need to get to the store for some food and it sure isn't going to be HAM!!!!!!!! LOL


Cindy P.
on 12/27/14 10:52 pm

Good Morning, Judy!  Hope you have a wonderful day.  Did you go to Bingo last night?  (Seems like it's usually held on Saturday evenings.)

I was up early this morning.  I backup our computers every Sunday morning.  We had a computer hard drive die once and lost a bunch of stuff -- so now we do regular backups.  Hubby does a lot of artwork on his computer and it would be a shame to lose that.  It doesn't take much to do a backup but I do it early so that our computers are free to use when we want to use them.

Made our dog scrambled eggs and broccoli.  His favorite.  He has tummy issues and it's a pretty bland meal.  He doesn't get it every day but on special occasions I make it for him.  He cries and cries once it's cooked and until it's cooled off enough for me to give it to him.  But, he's not spoiled or anything. 

Hope everyone has a good day today.  Our kitchen remodel will be finished this week.  The painter is coming the first week in January to see what needs to be done about the bathrooms and utility room.  Those rooms have enamel paint and apparently the original coat was oil based and we told him it was water based (that's what we thought) and he painted them in water based and now the paint rubs off.  He sanded and primed a spot in the utility room and then painted over that.  He's going to test that spot to see if the paint sticks.  If it does, and it still rubs off the rest of the rooms, he'll have to sand, prime, and then repaint.  Oh, and we thought we were done.  I know it's just a minor bump in life but I am so ready to be DONE.


Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 12/28/14 12:54 am - Galion, OH

Hi Cindy...yes I went to bingo last And I won but had to split again with 3 I got a big prize of $8.75!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Man that stinks about the paint job!!! Hope this time it works!!!!

My Bandit also has a tummy issues and he only gets his dog food!! Anything else he gets the "runs" so no more treats or people food!!! Not sure why he has that problem but in the last year he has. So no more. Just his food!!!


Connie D.
on 12/28/14 1:17 am

Judy...sometime try the ground beef (very lean) or ground turkey no seasoning, add the cooked rice. I made a pound of beef and 4-5 cups of rice. My dog got diarrhea from other things. This was recommended by the veterinarian. It really settled his tummy/diarrhea. We had to start out with no dog food for a month. Then we could wean him off this, and back to his dog food. It really made a difference. Just an idea. If Bandit is doing okay leave it as is. If he has an issue at some point try this if you want. Not trying to be bossy here!! 

So sorry you had to split the win at Bingo. Oh well, you had fun anyway!

As for your brother spending like that I agree...he is crazy!!! He can have money on those programs. There is a $3000.00 dollar cap here. You can own a car too. There are many other things he can apply for as well. He needs to go talk to someone and find out what there is to offer in that state.

Not to mention he is making your mom live in a cold house!!! There is an agency here in MN called TriCap. They help anyone to cut electric and heat bills. You don't have to be poor to get on that program. Your mom wouldn't have to pay even half of the amount of her bill. I hope they have something like that there. It is a government program. 

Love you much..and I sure have missed you...hugs...connie d

Judy G.
on 12/28/14 1:49 am - Galion, OH

Connie I have tried for YEARS to get mom on a program and she is so dam bull headed!!!! Now that she is broke and freezing she is FINALLY starting to think about getting help!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Now that Bill is also in the poor house and health he is also trying to get help!!! I told her that when they ask if they both eat together tell them NO!!!!!!!!! Which is true....he is 99% never home to fix her meals...and then when he IS home he eats upstairs!!!!! She fixes her own food most of the time anyhow!!!! About the only time he does help her is when she FIRST comes home from hospital!!!!!!!! So right now they are trying to get some help.

I have tried the chicken and rice diet for Bandit when he first started getting the "runs" but that really didn't help that much. So right now (knock on wood) he is doing good on the food he gets and NO treats or people food!!!

OK off to the store for a pork roast....LOL


Connie D.
on 12/28/14 2:23 am are right...say you buy your own groceries and cook your own meals!!

Your mom could get a lot of help because of her age. Get her on Medicare/Medica. They have a program through Social Services called "Dual Solutions". The program is free. They pay for everything. There is no spend downs on medications.  I mean even the over the counter medications are paid for, like Tylenol, Benedryl, just about everything.  All rides to and from appointments are free, you can get free home care, that includes a housekeeper, they can go grocery shopping for her and run errands. The list goes on and on. Check into it if you want to. I don't know how old your brother is but, you have to be 65 and on Medicare to qualify for "Dual Solutions". I just thought I would mention it.

That pork roast sounds very yummy for your dinner tonight!!

Love you girlfriend....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/28/14 6:11 am - Galion, OH

Connie he is over 65 also and in poor health...he is also looking into getting this help for him and mom has the nurses helping her now...guess its the social workers from hospital really that are helping her now. Michigan laws are way different remember than yours. Plus they are dare I say it here? White. They have tried to get food stamps and were told no but that was awhile ago. Maybe now they can get some help not sure. But that house needs HEAT in it!!!!

We bought her a nice warm bath robe for her and she said the sleeves were to long. I told her she had hand warmers!!!! LOL

Roast is almost done now and I have the squash in the microwave cooking. Rick HATES squash!!! I love it!!!  So I bought a small one just for me!!!  Roast smells good!!! Hope it IS good!! Bought it at the local grocery store and usually I have bad luck with their meat! Not sure why just do!! Wish you lived close so you could come have some with us!!!


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