Happy Saturday!
I got up early planning to go to the gym. Knees and back are aching so nixed that. Took a long hot shower and did my hair instead. Need a cut and color really bad. Hope my barber/hair dresser can get me in next week or two. Anyway, I am headed for coffee and breakfast.
Hope you all have a great day.
Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,
I couldn't sleep last night, so I slept late and am now well rested. Didn't get much done yesterday, except the kitchen. Even there, I did not completely get everything clean, coz some stuff had to soak.
Not sure what I'll work on today, other than finishing the kitchen. I do have a new book Chris and Casey gave me for Christmas. I'd like to crack that open, and start reading it.
I hope everyone is healthy and rested after the holiday. I am thrilled with how great mine was. I think it was one of the best Christmases since my divorce. While I missed my boys, I did get to Facetime with Chris and the gang back in PA. Sean stayed in Pittsburgh, to help Rachel with her dog sitting job. She had a chance to make a good amount of cash working over the holiday. She's in college, and works her business to help pay the bills. Sean helps her. Last year they started a tradition of having Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Kind of like "A Christmas Story."
Well, I failed to let you know that my friend, Ruth, was discharged from the hospital right before Christmas, and is resting near the beach with her family. She is thrilled to be there, enjoying her grandchildren, and son and daughter.
Well, I must scoot. It's afternoon now. I keep all of you in my heart and prayers. Love you all.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and everyone...
Carla, I am so sorry you caught that nasty cold. I hope by now you managed to get to Walgreen's. The medicine should start helping you feel better. Enjoy your coffee!!
As for me...sorry I just couldn't get near a computer to check in the last few days. There was just too many people around and I didn't feel like I should be on the computer while everyone was chatting. It is too hard to type on my phone.
I did read all the past threads. It sounds like all went well for everyone!! It was a Merry Christmas!
I had a hard time but hung in there. After riding that hour and a half my pain topped the charts!! I was in bed right after Christmas Eve dinner. Greg grilled ribs, Carrie made the side dishes, everything was so delicious!!
Christmas Day was wonderful!!! We all had so much fun. It was Carrie's family and Greg's family. My grandchildren were so awesome. They wouldn't even let me fix my own plate!! After our wonderful meal we all sat around playing games. We all laughed until we ached!! We played Taboo and Scatergories. With all of us playing it really got crazy but oh so much fun!! I am so glad I went....pain and all!!
Carrie was going to bring me home this morning before she had to go to work. Tyler and Amanda said they wanted to bring me home in the afternoon yesterday. They wanted to spend the night with me. That worked out even better. We watched a couple funny movies. Amanda of course took over my kitchen and prepared a nice dinner for us. She helped me doing all my unpacking. Tyler took my luggage to my storage area and brought my Christmas tote back with him. Amanda then took down all the Christmas decorations and repacked them. I just had her leave a couple of things out. Tyler helped do a little furniture rearranging and made it easier to get my walker into the living room. They are just the best!! They had to leave earlier this morning as they had an appointment at 11:00. I miss them already!!
I missed chatting here with everyone!!
Vickie....I am so glad that everything turned out so well with your family and Mike's. That is great!! I am happy that YES you did fill Budder's stocking...LOL.
Jeannie ...it is always special when you decide to drop in and let us know how things are going with you. I miss you!!
Trish....I am going to call you the 'little tornado' you spread out all over the place and are just a whirl wind!!!
Eileen....I am so glad you heard from your girlfriend on Christmas eve. That is wonderful that you keep up on that tradition! Sorry your employer bombed out on providing a meal for those that had to work. Good thing two of you brought something to share. They could have at lease supplied a meat and cheese tray and crackers.
I am blank as to anyone else that posted....so sorry. You know how much I care about you all!!
Have a beautiful day...the sunny is shining brightly!!
Prayers for all our fabulous OFF family and their families. I am also sending up some special prayers for those in pain and having hard times.
LOADS of LOVE and OODLES of HUGS to all....connie d
Sweet Connie,
I am so glad you had a good time with your family. They are such good medicine for you. You have the best grandchildren. Tyler is definitely a good addition to the family too. He and Amanda are moving closer to you, right? If so, when will that be? I hope I'm right.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish....they only live a little over an hour away. They can come quite often now!!! Kyleigh and Mitch only live about that far too!! It is very comforting to know they are so near. Lucas lives with his dad and that is where Amanda and Tyler are staying for now. They bring him with sometimes when they visit.
They sure do brighten my day!!! I love them all! They want me to move down nearer to them. I may consider it in about May. It has to be warmer outside!!
Love and hugs.....connie d
Hello sistas!
I'm only here for a second because I'm headed for bed. I spent the day in HELL--well, kinda. LOL! It was a whole day trapped in the car with Butch and Mom, neither one of whom can hear a THING. So I spent the afternoon yelling back and forth between them. Oy vey! I'm going to need double prozac to make this work.
I'll post more tomorrow. Just too tired to think tonight. Oh, but please pray for Christie. She texted me this morning that she didn't feel well, etc., and after hearing her symptoms, I told her to go straight to the urgent care place. So she did go on her lunch hour and tested positive for the flu! Poor baby! And God, what will we do if the boys get it, too? Butch and I are supposed to take Mom back to Nac on Monday, but I may need to be here to help Chris. Okay, Vickie, just breathe. One day at a time, right?
Love you all!
Vickie...I am going to bed in just a bit myself. So sorry Christie has the flu. I am sending special prayers to her and you.
I have no idea what to tell you to do about Monday. Put your ear buds in and listen to a audio book. Do either of them wear hearing aids?? It doesn't sound like they do. Talk it over with Butch, see what he thinks. Tell him you can't stand the yelling. He should understand that. You could run off the road. I just don't know what to say to help. I love you!! Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
Love and more hugs....connie d