on 12/24/14 9:21 pm - Cibolo, TX



on 12/24/14 9:34 pm - Cibolo, TX

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful sistas, wherever you are this cold frosty morning!

Mama and I and the dogs are the only ones up yet this morning.  Carrie and Butch are still snoozing.  We are having a very relaxed and "grown up" Christmas around here so far.  As much as I miss the boys, I have to confess I'm just a little relieved not to be part of the frantic celebrations going on at their house last night and this morning.  I hope Mike's family is enjoying their special Christmas together!  Mike is over the moon to be reunited with his family for the first Christmas in three years.  And we'll get to see all of them this afternoon, so it's fine.

I liked to have worn myself OUT yesterday with a frantic whirlwind cleaning session around here!  Whew!  Between Roomba and myself, we got the floors pretty clean.  LOL!  I did get half the house mopped, which was GOOD.  And I cleaned both bathrooms and the utility room.  And I cleaned out the second frig which was NECESSARY.  Ugh.  It had gotten pretty bad, but it's nice and clean now, ready for all the Christmas goodies and leftovers today.

Mom and Carrie arrived around 3 p.m. and we all just enjoyed our evening together.  I served tamales (a Texas Christmas Eve tradition) and pinto beans and Carrie made guacamole and a yummy jalapeno dip and we did very well.  Carrie was the bartender and she made "panty rippas".  LOL!  I don't know if y'all will remember those from our Belize vacation last spring, but it's my new favorite drink ever.  Anyway, Mom and I each had one, so we had our bit of Christmas cheer!

I got the stockings all stuffed last night, including Budder's (LOL!), and I guess we're ready for the day.  I'm serving a formal sit down dinner at 5 p.m. this evening.  I'm making an eye of round roast, mashed potatoes and creamed peas.  It's an easy meal that I've made dozens of times before, so hopefully I won't screw it up!  I have a history of making some disastrous holiday meals whenever there's extra company involved.  Please, Lord, let me pull this one off without a hitch today!  

I am thinking about each and every one of you today and wishing you all the very best celebrations possible.  I am praying for all of you and all of our loved ones who are having medical issues or problems right now.  I am so thankful for this very special sista-hood!  Y'all are my special family that I turn to daily for love and support and friendship.  We share laughter and giggles and tears and hugs, and I have never had such a special group of friends before.  I love you all!


on 12/25/14 12:52 am

Merry Christmas Vickie and all of the others.    Today, we are enjoying the quiet.  While we have some left over turkey and dressing that my daughter made for us, I have a package of trout thawing in a bowl in the refrigerator.   We thought we would cook the trout, some asparagus, and fried sweet potatoes for dinner.   Kenny can cook the food with me sitting and giving him instructions.   He wanted to cook the trout in aluminum  with onions but I said no will cook them in the cast iron skillet in olive oil with some roasted garlic, roasted bell peppers, and sun dried tomatoes.   He thinks everything should be cooked in the oven or on the grill but some foods just taste better cooked the traditional way.  

Today, I took the dressings off of my knee and the incisions are all scabbed over so I guess I can actually get in the shower without wrapping it up.  I am also putting the walker up and upgrading to the cane.   I am hoping that by the time I go back to the doctor, I can retire the cane too.   

My goal in life at this point is to get my walking back so I can progress back to running.   I have hated that my wings have been clipped and my running and dancing have been put on hold.   But, like everything else, I will work hard to get it all back.   Here's to the New Year of hard work and recovery from this awful knee crap.   Hope all of you have a good day and have a lot of good food and good conversation with friends and family.

Eileen Briesch
on 12/25/14 2:24 am - Evansville, IN

Merry Christmas, Vickie and Jeannie and my OFF family to come:

I had a quiet Christmas Eve, as it's just Juliette and me. Finished laundry, had a couple glasses of blackberry wine and a nice meal and watched "It's a Wonderful Life." In the middle of the movie, a friend of mine from college called. We don't talk as much as we used to, but try to on Christmas Eve especially. On Christmas Eve 1983, when I couldn't get my car started and get to my brother's for our family gathering, her husband picked me up (I stilled lived in Illinois then), took me to the party (they lived in the same town), and then I stayed overnight at their house and watched "It's a Wonderful Life." So it's a tradition. Brenda's baby is now a grown woman; she had been born that year. I moved to Montana the next year. 

Talked to mom this morning; she has a cold along with everything else. She has esophagitis but we have no news yet on the biopsies. As she now has been in the hospital three days, when she goes back to the nursing home, Medicare pays for it. She seemed confused and out of it when I talked to her. She's not eating much, just jello. She says she's not hungry. I only talked to her because my SIL was there with her cellphone; mom won't answer her phone in her room.

Well, I have to go to work this afternoon. Don't know if they're feeding us; Thanksgiving was sandwiches. They haven't said anything about a Christmas feast for the workers. I guess I'll stop off somewhere and pick up some munchies.

Not much else happening; talked with my niece and her family ... grandnephew Ben grew two more inches and is 6-2 now, taller than his dad. He's 14. He played center on the football team and will play baseball. Although he's tall, he's slow, his mom says, so there's no basketball in his future. 

Well, have a Merry Christmas. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 12/25/14 8:12 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi there I just got home. It took me two nights in a hotel to her here. I got sick with a cough from Vinnie on Monday and it went down hill from there.

I guess I'm going to the Dr sometime tomorrow.

Thankyou for all the cards that we r e sent. I had cards ready to be send out but miss Vinine decided that she needed them more than u guys. SHE destroyed them!!!

So I guess New Years cards are in Short order!!

I guess I'll sleep all day tomorrow!

Carla Merry Christmas!

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