Finally heard from the doc again,,
My PCP called yesterday and said they had contacted the Bariatric clinic, I am scheduled for a Barium Swallow Xray and an endoscopy next week. Then they want to see me to see what is going on. I had two bad attacks yesterday so certainly am hoping and praying that they find the problem. Anyway,,glad I finally got some response.
Meanwhile, I wish you all I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season!

Yes, I too am waiting on your news, thinking I have another IBS/Diverticulitis attack, ruining this week's festivities, and postponing my Xmas day's festivities as am on Cipro and feeling very sore, not interested in anything except some soup and tea. Christmas is just a day on the calendar, 2 friends and I will celebrate our Christmas maybe next week when I feel better and can drink some wine. But like I said in a previous post of yours, wondering if maybe more of us have misdiagnosed episodes somewhat like yours.
Hope you make it through the tests and get clarity..In the meantime have a quiet painfree period over Christmas.