Good is what's new today??

Connie D.
on 12/18/14 1:17 am

Good morning everyone......

First of all Vickie posted on Facebook that Butch isn't feeling so well after this last round of Chemo. She has asked us for prayers. I wanted to get the message out to those on OFF that don't have Facebook. PLEASE keep Butch and also Vickie in your prayers and thoughts today. I know Vickie will appreciate this very much.

Also more prayers are needed for Judy's mother and Judy too.

As for me....not much...I went grocery shopping yesterday with my homecare/cleaning lady. I was pooped out. Today all I am doing is two loads of laundry. I am going to throw something in the crock pot for dinner tonight.  

Wishing you all a great day!!! 

I will be checking back in off and on today.

Prayers for our wonderful OFF Family and their Families. 

Loads of love  and bunches of Hugs  to all....connie d


on 12/18/14 2:04 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sweet Connie and all my sistas!

Thank you Connie for posting about Butch today.  You know I never mind when you give updates.  I just appreciate each and every one of you so much!  I know I can come here for support no matter what.

Butch appears to be doing a bit better now.  He woke up around 11:30 a.m. and his fever was down to 99.2 F.  He fell back asleep again almost immediately.  It's like this chemo this time totally zapped him right from the start.  It's a different story every time.  This type of fever is called a neutropenic fever and is associated with chemo.  It's his first time to have it, but it's not uncommon.  It presents as FLS (flu-like symptoms) which is exactly what he had last night: chills, followed by high fever, and some nausea, too.  Fun, fun.

There is so much that I could be working on today, but I haven't been able to settle down and do much of anything yet, I've just been so anxious about Butch.  Maybe I can get going on something now.  I need to stitch up Benny's stocking, and I have all the materials to make slipper/booties for the boys for Christmas.  I need to get in my sewing room and SEW.  

At the very least I could be wrapping presents.  I did get my Christmas cards in the mail this morning.  Thank goodness!  I didn't think I was going to make it.

I think I'm going to get my ham bone out of the freezer and make a pot of ham and navy bean soup today.  It's cold and damp here.  Hot soup sounds really good.

Judy, let us hear from you about your mom.  Praying.  Trish, still praying for Colleen and everyone.  Eileen, I hope you are doing okay.  Sorry your cleaning fairy got sick yesterday.  Connie, please don't overdo today.  You did too much yesterday, sweetie.  Cindy, how goes the remodel?  Hope your husband is doing okay today=no migraines!  Jo and Francine and the rest of you MIA's: How are you doing???  We want to hear from you!

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 12/18/14 3:31 am

Hello Vickie....I just felt like posting something because I wasn't sure when you would have time to get to it. I know you don't mind.  

I am so happy to hear the fever has subsided. We went through that many times with Nic. I remember Nic sleeping a lot at those times too. Nic also took meds for nausea quite often. I am sure Butch will feel better soon. I am praying and so is my family. Especially my daughter, Jamie knows how helpful and comforting those prayers can be. We all want Butch to get well. Nic understands that very well. We are prayer warriors for Butch and you!!!

Of course you are anxious, I would be surprised if you weren't. You can't love someone with all your being and not be anxious when they are fighting this horrible MONSTER named cancer!! Remember GOD is right there with you both. Not to mentions many angels too. I have you held so tight in my heart!!

You take the day and do what you can. If it all doesn't get done everyone will understand. You are too hard on yourself sometimes.Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...LOL!!!

I am almost done with my laundry. I only had two small loads. No more doing anything else today. I wanted to make some candy and bars to take to Carrie's. I can't do it today, my thumbs are so swollen and painful. Maybe tomorrow.

You know I will always be here....text or call....anytime!!

I hope Judy's mom is doing better too. Prayers for our sweet sista's mother!!

I hope we hear somethiing this holiday season from Jo, Fran, Jennifer, and where did our Cindy go??? MIA's we need you!!!

Try to take sometime for is really okay to do that.

Much love and oodles of hugs...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 12/18/14 2:39 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie, Vickie and my OFF family to come:

Well, Richard may be coming back. He woke up this morning to hear his brother and mom talking about him. His mom was complaining to his brother about how he was stealing from her, never did anything but sleep and play on the computer and ate all her food. Now, I know Richard plays on the computer a lot, but when he was here, he did clean my apartment pretty thoroughly. And he cooked once ... I came home to meatballs in sauce sitting on the stove. I don't know what's going on down there, but I know they've had issues before. So anyway, he may be coming back here soon. 

I go back to work today. I feel better, not great. Still somewhat stuffed up, but not as bad as I was. Today we're having a newsroom potluck. Something to look forward to ... editor buys a ham and everyone else brings something.

Vickie, I'm glad Butch is feeling a little better. I can't imagine what he and you are going through. 

Connie, crockpot dinners are all I do. 

Talked this morning to the woman in Louisiana who gave me Juliette. Just love her voice. We had a good chat. I wanted to make sure she was OK ... she has health problems (MS and heart). I sent her a $25 Walmart card ... I know she'll use it to feed her kitties, but that's where her passion lies. I try to help out whenever I can.

Well, got to get in the shower. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/18/14 4:27 am

Hello Eileen....I am sure Richard is tired of hearing the arguing. I am glad he can come back. I know he helped you a lot. I don't know what their problem is!! I remember when he made those meatballs....I had to make some after that!! YUM!!

Crock Pots are one of the best cooking appliances there is on the market. I use mine all the time too. You can make just about anything in those. Plus....clean up is a breeze!! I was going to put something in the crock pot. Then I saw my homemade turkey vegetable soup in the freezer. I am having that instead....yummy!!

That is so nice of you to help that lady in Louisiana out. I am sure she appreciates the gesture and so do her kitties!!! You are so kind to people!!  

Try not to over do it too much at work tonight. I hope you can come home and have a really good nights sleep. Prayers that you continue to feel better. 

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/18/14 3:12 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...well I took today off from work!!!!!!!!!! DAMIT!!!! I am sitting here trying to rest and the dam phone keeps ringing everytime I drift off to sleep!!!! So here I am playing on the pc!!!!! Even took some NYQUIL to see if that would knock me out...NOPE I am wide awake!!!! Sooooooo here I am.

No word from mom yet so nothing to tell you all...just THANKYOU for the thoughts and prayers!!!!

Made Rick open this morning also...not sure he liked it but he did it!!! Oh well!!! He gets sick he stays home in bed all dam day so why can't I?????

My mind is going in several directions with the tenant Christmas party this Monday the weather might turn bad and our trip to Michigan mom in hospital me sick and dentist tomorrow OMG will it stop?????

I am drinking fluids taking my vitamins and eating ok...I am just BLAH!!!!!!!! Pray this cold is gone soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Connie get some rest...Vic glad that Butch is feeling better now!!! Still report that place where you went!!! GRRRRRRRR Eileen hope you have a better dinner tonight than what you had before!!! And that if Richard comes back to your place he isn't a slug!!! Glad you are feeling better!!!!

If I missed anyone I am sorry I am sick...also have CRS ya know!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 12/18/14 4:34 am - Evansville, IN

Judy, sometimes just knowing you're not at work is rest. I didn't lie in bed when I was sick but I did snooze in my recliner often. 

No, Richard isn't too much of a slug when he was with me ... I'd come home and the house would be cleaned ... like little elves had worked their magic. I just know he's unhappy down there. 

Just relax and drink some tea and water and don't think about work. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/18/14 6:56 am - Galion, OH

Well maybe he will be back soon enough then to take care of you and get himself back together again...

I am resting between calls...washers breaking down or getting coins stuck.......sighs......I just give up!!!!!!!!

Drinking lots of hot tea that seems to help the most with my cough. Other than NYQUIL...

Dentist tomorrow I forgot about...they called to remind me...9am...mentioned my cold...she said if I can take it so can they...told her see how I am in the morning and she said ok.


on 12/18/14 4:41 am - Cibolo, TX

Judy, I hope you feel better soon!  Vic


Judy G.
on 12/18/14 6:57 am - Galion, OH

Thanks Vic...trying hard to get better!!!


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