Looking forward to tomorrow...
Im calling the hospital first thing to find out about that CT scan. I have had three more attacks of pain,,2 last night at our church Christmas Banquet and ever since I have been swollen and so weak all I did was sleep all afternoon today. I went to church this morning, but was so bloated hardly anything fit and I was miserable. If they tell me its all in my head or that nothing is wrong, Im gonna throw a fit. I feel awful. I finally got up enough energy to straighten the kitchen, but then it was back to the recliner. Since I slept all day Im awake now at 1 AM. I have been reading some horror stories on the RNY forum about people that have this same set of symtoms and the doctors either dont recognise it as a problem or treat it as something minor. Im so tired of feeling bad,,,theres got to be something going on.
Anyway,,,keep your fingers crossed,,,Ill post as soon as I know.