Humid sticky Sunday
Good morning my sistas!
Ugh, we are having our typical December weather here. Too cool to run the AC to get the humidity out of the house and too warm to run the heater. Everything has a slightly damp feel to it. I feel like my floors are slick with the humidity and I think my house STINKS! I have the doors open for the dogs to run in and out and that just makes the humidity inside worse, but I think the house needs to air out.
Anyway, we are up and moving rather slowly around here. Leo is still in bed. Carrie and her daddy are up making some elaborate breakfast involving fry jacks, refried beans, scrambled eggs and sausage. Ugh. I don't feel like I can eat a bite of it. Give me a cookie and a bottle of Pro Joe and I'm good. LOL!
Not sure what all will be happening today. Chris and Mike each owe me about 4 hours work today. At Christie's request, I gave them an "advance" on the money I would have paid them today so that she could pay the babysitter yesterday and buy groceries. Carrie wants us to drive over to see the new house, which would be fine, except we won't really be able to do anything but just drive by the outside of it. So I don't know if we'll really do that or not.
I didn't sleep very well last night and I started to just get up and start the thread around 4 a.m. But I just made myself stay in bed and I read a bit and I finally fell back asleep.
We are enjoying our visit with Carrie and Leo. Leo is really a fine young man and we like him. Carrie is so happy with him. I really hope it all works out for her. This is her fourth real serious relationship, but this is the first one we've felt good about for her. It's time. She's 32 and she's ready to marry and have a family. So say a little prayer for her and Leo. I hope they are a "forever" couple.
I'm a little concerned about Carrie and her WLS. You remember she had the gastric sleeve done a year and a half ago. The child throws up all the time. I'm not sure I've heard of the GS having that effect on others, have y'all? I mean, when I had the gastric band, I threw up all the time. But I haven't thrown up once since I had the RNY done. I didn't think you were supposed to throw up with the gastric sleeve, but she sure does. She threw up twice yesterday.
I hope everyone is feeling well today and has a blessed Sunday. I love you all!
Good Morning Vickie and OFF,
I'll pray for Carrie and Leo, plus her vomiting. She should see a Gastro doc. Could be an ulcer. I had one about six months after my RNY.
My puter is still sick. Long story. I can't share more.
Prayers for all.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi sorry about your computer. I hope someone can come over and fix it for you. I couldn't do it on the phone....I am a computer idiot!!! You should ask at church....I am sure someone could figure it out. You do a lot for the church. I am sure they would love to give some time back to you!!!
I hope to chat again soon!! Try to have a nice day!!
Love you...HUGS....connie d
Good morning Vickie and everyone..... sounds lovely down there to me....awwwww!!! I am sure your house doesn't smell....silly girl!!
That was nice of Butch and Carrie to cook breakfast for you. Now when Leo gets up he can be the kitchen clean up committee...LOL!!! That meal sounds so good!!!!
I pray Carrie and Leo are a "forever couple" too. No Carrie should not be throwing up like that. She needs to go in and find out what is causing that. NOT GOOD!!! Prayers for Carrie feeling better. By chance she isn't pregnant is she?? That would be normal to throw up a lot!! None of my business really...sorry!
I am really pokey today. Well I didn't get to sleep until 5 AM even though I tried 3 times! Then I was wide awake at 9:45 AM. This is a very sleepy day for me!! I haven't even showered yet and it is 12:40 PM!! As soon as I finish here I will take that shower!!!!
I got my recipes down. I am thinking I want to make some candy and bars. I am going to Carrie's Christmas Eve day. We will all be going to her best friend Heather's that evening. Christmas will be at Carrie's. I am so excited that all my grandchildren will be there for both!! Greg said he will come and get me and make sure I get home on Friday. Kyleigh and Amanda said they could get me home too. Please pray I can do this for my family. I so want to be with them. They want me to come so bad.
Have a beautiful day everyone!! God Bless you all!!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families.
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Connie we must have been posting about the same
You WILL be with your family I am sure GOD will see to it!!! You are so good to everyone you will be able to make it!!!!
I am in no mood to make/bake anything at all...even the premade variety...if someone makes it for me I will eat
Hope you feel better soon!!!
Afternoon OFF Family!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BACK!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Well today I am officially DONE with ALL the shopping!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT have to set foot in another store til after the holiday except to get beer that goes without saying for Rick!! Now all I have left to do is wrap family gifts and have the tenant party the 22nd and then get packed to go home for Christmas!!!!!!!!
Yesterday we were out bumming around and stopped in at a little and I do mean little restaurant near us that Rick hasn't been in yet for lunch. OMG we had a blast in there with the help and the customers!!! We were welcomed like they have known us forever!!! We will go back again soon!!!!! I am sure you all have heard the commercial for Nationwide .... Rick loves that annoying tune...he had them all humming it by the time we left there!!!! They had the tune going to saying hope to see you both again soon and Merry Christmas if we don't see you again before then!!!! OMG it was funny as heck!!!! LMAOOOOOOOO We were all about in tears from laughing so much!!!
Got a nice beef roast in the oven right now...potatoes and carrots also...yummmmmm need to turn it down some in a few...want to cook it nice and slow not fast...don't want it tough!!!
Woke up this morning with a sore throat...omg hope I am not getting sick now!!!! Got some Sucrets and hope that helps...taking tripe Vitamin C also.
Vic I do not know anything about the gastric sleeve...sorry. Might want to look it up on here on the boards and see what you can come up with?? Hope her and her new guy work it out!!! Happy for her!!! AND all that baking and candy making you are posting on FB...OMG woman!!!!! You are making me DROOL!!!!!!!!! Will you adopt me????? LOL
OK time to go check out my games on FB and get them caught up and see what is happening there...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi crazy nut!!!!
I am glad you finished your shopping!! That is always a relief to have over with.
I love those little restaurants where everyone knows each other. It can be so much fun. It sounds like you had a blast!! Now I have that damn Nationwide music in my head!!!!!
YUM roast and potatoes and carrots!! I don't eat beef but that sure does sound yummy!!!! I love the smell of that cooking slowly!
I already sent a prayer that your sore throat goes away. That is something you don't want around the holidays!! We have strep throat going around here. I pray I don't get it!
Vickie has me so hungry for sweets...oh my!!! Everything she has made looks wonderful!!!
Have a great day!!!
Much love and oodles of hugs....connie d
Thanks Connie!!! Everytime that darn commercial comes on Rick can be sound asleep and he wakes up and looks at me with that **** faced grin....grrrrrrrrrrr then that humming its stuck in my head and he gets clobbered!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOO Rick said even the announcers on the football game are doing now!!! OMG!!!!!!!
OMG those sweets Vicki is making are making me drool so bad!!! Yes they DO look GOOD!!!!!! And those cherries she said have to wait 2 WEEKS?????? Yeah right!!!!!!!! Not in my house!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I think tomorrow after I do the move out and Bandit to the groomer I am wrapping gifts IF I am up to it...then going to bed if I feel like crap!!!!!!! Maybe Rick can do the move out...I can't stand these idiots that are moving out....well nobody can stand them but he can do it if I don't feel
Talk now is winter storm for Christmas here...I hope NOT!!!!!!!!!!! That would really put a stall in us leaving here to go home for Christmas!!!!
Hi need to stay in bed all you can to get better. So many people are sick or carrying virus'. I You don't want strep or pneumonia!! You couldn't be around your mom if you are sick. So listen to Nurse Rachet take care of yourself. Lots of orange juice and rest as much as you can. Delegate things to Rick to do. You can wait a few days to wrap packages if necessary. You know how much I care!!!
Praying the weather doesn't get bad so you can't go home!!
Love you...HUGS....connie d