Good morning is your Saturday??

Connie D.
on 12/13/14 4:12 am

I am going to try this one more time. If i lose it this time, remember I love and care about each of you. I will check in later this evening or in the AM.

Nothing but a restful day for me, I am so tired out. I think I over did it some with the kids here yesterday.I am not complaining as it is a god kind of tired! 

Amanda and Tyler got some of my Christmas decorations out of my storage here. Amanda did the decorating. She always does so much for me. She made sure all the dishes were done and all the totes and such were put away. They rearranged the whole storage unit. Now I have a better idea of what is where!!!  Lucas gave me a gentle massage. He has the best hands for massaging. He also did some work on the computer for me. I am so blessed!!! We really had a fun time together.

I checked in on Facebook and now here....AGAIN!! I want to go lay on the couch and watch movies the rest of the day!

I hope all is well with everyone. You know how much I care and love you all!!!

Have a great rest of the day!!

Prayers for our awesome OFF Family and their families.

Much love and many hugs to all....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 12/13/14 6:04 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family to come:

I tried several times to get on to no avail. It kept kicking me off with internal server error. Finally got on and responded to MusicMama on her post yesterday but couldn't look at your post or do anything else. Then dinner chimed and I went to get that out of the oven so it didn't matter. 

I'm glad you got your decorations out. I'm pulling back on mine. I'm not putting out my village. With all of Richard's stuff here, it would be a pain to put it out. So I just decided against it. I have my two trees and nativity up, and I'm going to put up some of the little knick-knacks and candle out. That will be it. With this cold taking so much out of me, I just don't have the energy to do it.

Juliette decided the Christmas throw was just what she needed to lie on, now that it's out. It shows a cat lying by a fireplace. So she sat down on it. It was so cute. 

As I told Connie, I stayed home from work. I think I have a sinus infection. Thursday, I was blowing green gunk out of my nose; today, it's yellow, so it's better. Now, I'm coughing up some of it too. 

Glad I have some vacation days to take so I can sit at home and not worry about finances. I know it's hard on my coworkers, but it would be hard if I came in and spread my germs, too. 

Connie, I hope you get some rest too. 

Oh, meant to say I Skyped with my brother today. He said he talked to mom and mentioned that we were going to put her into a home. She said that she would die first. "I'll go to bed, said a prayer to our father and won't wake up," is what she told him. So it's no longer a secret. He went to look at a couple of places and said all were nice, found out some stuff and was interested in all he discovered.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 12/13/14 7:36 am

Eileen:  I'm glad you have the time off from work so you can rest and get well -- watch movies, sports, or read -- whatever you'd like.

I'm sorry that you and your brother have to make the decision to put your mom in a care facility.  We had to do that with both our moms and we got similar reactions from them.  We even sought out a therapist to talk to (for ourselves).  She gently reminded us that no one -- no matter who they are -- likes the time in their life when they have to give up control which is what going in a care facility is.  She told us that no matter what we did, our moms wouldn't like it and that they would probably strongly voice their displeasure.  I feel for you both (and your mom as well).  Sometimes doing the right thing or what needs to be done really sucks the big one.  I'm with you and your brother in spirit.  Your mom has to be kept safe and you are doing the hard things for her as you make decisions such as the ones you are making now. 

Take care.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 12/13/14 7:51 am

Hi was nice chatting with you a little today!!

So Juliette found her new spot to rest for the Christmas holiday time. It is funny that there is a cat on it. She is funny!!!!

It does make it feel a bit more like Christmas with the decorations up. Even if I don't have a lot of things out. I am glad you got a few things out as well.

I have been laying on the couch since I chatted with you. I wanted to sleep but knew better. I am just going to bed earlier tonight!!

It sounds like things aren't very good with your mom. She probably should be in assisted living. I hope it works out for her...and you and your brother too!! I will continue to say more prayers for her.

Have a great night....please rest as much as possible. Take your meds and sleep!! 

Love to you and hugs too.....connie d

Cindy P.
on 12/13/14 7:38 am

Connie, you sound happy.  I'm glad you got to spend some time with Amanda and Tyler. 

Rest and relax and enjoy those movies.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 12/13/14 7:59 am grandchildren always make me so happy!!!

Amanda and Tyler made me an awesome chicken pot pie. Tyler did the crust....they are so light and wonderful. Amanda finished the rest. My grandson Lucas, Amanda's brother was here too. They are all just such loving and caring young people. I am so proud to be their grandma!!!

I definitely have been resting and watching movies. It is so nice and cozy in here. There are good Christmas movies on Hallmark and Lifetime. I have seen them before but I still enjoy them. I wish they would play some of the really old ones!!

Have a wonderful evening!!

Lots of love and hugs...connie d

on 12/13/14 11:06 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas!

I tried to get on this morning and like we all experienced, the website was acting screwy.  It's now 9 p.m. and this is my first chance to try again.  Whew!  I've had a big day.  I made candy the first part of the day.  Lots of fun, but it was rather humid today so I had to run the AC at 60 degrees to make sure the candy would set up!  Butch was running around in here in a jacket.  Sorry, honey!  LOL!

Then Carrie and Leo arrived this afternoon and we've been having a lovely visit with them.  I made crab legs, and boiled up corn and new potatoes to go with them.  Just got the kitchen all cleaned up and now I'm POOPED!!!  I'm going to bed soon.

I'm afraid I sampled too many goodies today again.  I'm going to pay for it tomorrow for sure.  

Wish I had the energy to respond to each of you, but I'm just about dead here tonight.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 12/13/14 11:42 am

Hi Vickie....I too am going to bed in just a few minutes. I tried it earlier and it didn't work.

I can't make candy without eating I don't make any!! Not that I don't love it because I do!! 

I am glad you had a good afternoon with Carrie and Leo. I pray you will have a good nights sleep!!

I love you much....HUGS....connie d

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