Saturday Morning

on 12/6/14 2:06 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sweet sistas!

I would say "good morning", but there's only 5 more minutes left in THIS morning.  LOL!  I'm moving pretty slowly today.

I am worried about Butch.  He's been having increasing pain the last week and this morning he says his left shoulder (where the tumors are) is throbbing.  And his right hip is hurting (another tumor is there).  He said he wants to go back to MDA for his next chemo, rather than going to the new doctor in San Antonio.  There's nobody on our team at MDA on the weekends, but I'm calling first thing Monday morning.  I'm thinking he may need to go see Dr. Tu next week instead of waiting for his next chemo on the 16th.  Something has certainly changed for him.  Damn-it.

Well, Chris asked me if I could babysit for awhile tomorrow and I said yes before Butch woke up feeling so badly this morning.  Both she and Mike have to work tomorrow morning.  Normally Hobby Lobby employees have Sundays off, but not during Christmas season.  I know they need the extra money, and paying the babysitter would pretty much wipe out any monetary gain they make tomorrow.  If Butch was feeling okay, I wouldn't mind at all.  Well, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I got my tree up yesterday.  I'm still using my "toddler proof" tree this year.  Maybe I can use my pretty blown glass ornaments again one day!  LOL!  This tree is nothing but little stuffed dolls and plastic icicles.  The boys can't hurt it no matter how much they try!  Ha!  

Oh, well, Christmas is for kids, right?  Martha Stewart has no place in a home with grand-chilluns!

Guess I need to make a start on wrapping some presents soon.  I always leave that for the last minute each year.  I hate to wrap presents.  As soon as the girls got old enough, I switched to gift bags.  But little ones need paper and bows to rip and tear through.

I have lost Christie's stocking!  Grrrr!  This is the special one I made when she was a baby.  I make each person in the family a special stocking.  I seem to recall finding it last year after I had already boxed up all the Christmas decorations, but I don't remember where I put it for safe-keeping until this year.  It's got to be in this house somewhere.  

Oh, Butch is calling for me.  Guess I'd better go see to my patient.  Love you all!


Cindy P.
on 12/6/14 2:11 am

Vickie, I'm so sorry Butch is in pain.  Perhaps sticking with the MDA team instead of going to San Antonio is better.  I hope he can get in to see the doc right away. 

Prayers continue for Butch and you. 


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 12/6/14 5:29 am

Vickie....I am so sorry Butch isn't feeling well today. That darn pain just likes hanging on!! Sending more prayers for both of you. I love you much!!! 

Maybe Christie accidentally took her stocking home. I hope it is found soon!!

I am sure your child proof tree looks awesome anyway!! I wish I was there to help you wrap. That is my favorite Christmas thing to do!! 

I will be watching for updates on Butch's condition!

Much Love and Loads of Hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 5:34 am - Galion, OH

Vic...maybe you should put a call in NOW and see what they say?? Maybe he needs a pain pill or two? Did he over do it last couple days?? Being away and all...Prayers for him and you!!! Hope you can watch the boys ok tomorrow!!!!! Gosh!!!!!!!

I still need to wrap ALOT of gifts and I also have bags too...and I also have shopping for the tenants yet...sighs..........and the wrapping of theirs.....and putting up the tree......


Eileen Briesch
on 12/6/14 2:52 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and my OFF family:

Well, we had our Christmas party last night and what a disappointment. They cut way back on that. I didn't bring anything for dinner last night and so what did they have? Cheese and crackers, a veggie tray, a fruit tray and a tray of mini desserts. All very nice, but not quite what they've had the past two years. Everyone was disappointed. The copy deskers were talking (and some were having a beer) and I said we should order pizza ... I meant we should chip in and order pizza and have our own party. Well, the guy who was designing has a company card and decided it was a good idea, so he ordered on his card. That was nice ... everyone who was working last night got to eat ... the sports guys, etc. It was appreciated. And this came after the publisher was telling us the newspaper did well last year. So why are they cutting back?

Anyway, it was sad to see the five retirees go ... one woman didn't come back at all because she broke her leg in October. Our photo editor plays Santa for the Christmas party and so he was there ho-ho-hoing for the kids. He was in a good mood. Will miss some of these people. 

So back to work tonight. 

Vickie, sorry to hear Butch is having pain again. I hope you have some pain management options with you. I sure would go back to MDA. I hope you can get his pain under control. 

Cindy, sorry about your hubby's migraine. Wish he could find some relief. I know you've tried just about everything. 

Have a good day everyone. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 12/6/14 4:46 am

Eileen:  What a disappointment the party spread must have been.  Like you said, if the paper is doing so well, why cut back on the once-a-year Christmas party.  I'm glad your co-worker ordered pizza for everyone.  That was a nice thing to do.

When does your weekend start this week? 

Oh, BTW, have you heard from Richard lately?  I wonder how he's doing.


Cindy P.

Eileen Briesch
on 12/6/14 4:56 am - Evansville, IN

My weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday. It will be welcome especially because last week I only had Tuesday off, and I was running all day. I've got to get my Christmas stuff out, or at least my ceramic tree. I don't do a big tree.

Richard is down in Georgia at his mom's. She's driving him crazy. We text every day. I want to make sure he's OK and taking his meds and eating, etc. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Cindy P.
on 12/6/14 6:37 am

Eileen:  It's good that you have two days in a row off next week.  That will give you a chance to do a few things that you've been wanting to do -- like your Christmas tree. 

I had forgotten what family Richard was visiting.  I hope he continues to take care of himself and that he doesn't get depressed putting up with his mom.  He's lucky to have you for a friend.


Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 5:36 am - Galion, OH

Eileen that is NOT fair at all to you workers!!! How CHEAP of them!!!!!!!! Hope they felt bad when they saw you ordered PIZZA!!!!!!!!! Shame on them!!!!!!!!!! Maybe next year do a pot luck!!! They can supply the meat and the rest bring a dish to pass!!! GEZZZZZZZZZ


Eileen Briesch
on 12/6/14 5:57 am - Evansville, IN

Judy, we usually do a newsroom potluck like that. This was a companywide thing. It was really nice the past two years. Maybe with the newspaper side selling and merging into one newspaper company, they decided to trim it down. I don't know. But it would have been nice to tell us, because all the night workers didn't bring anything to eat, thinking that would be dinner.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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